Consecration and Spirit Food - Urban Magick

City Magick: Urban Rituals, Spells and Shamanism - Christopher Penczak 2001

Consecration and Spirit Food
Urban Magick

All magical tools should be consecrated, or charged. By charging them, you place a portion of your ever-renewable personal energy into the item. You program the energy and tool for the task at hand, like programming a VCR. You put specific information and a set of instructions into the device that it will carry out. You can charge your wand to direct energy. Even when you are not in your most magical state, a programmed wand will easily direct your personal energy in the manner you wish. Anything can be charged in this way.

Some substances hold a charge better than others. Metals, minerals, and woods work nicely. Clothing or cording can take on an intent. Paper talismans can be used, but I find that their charge is not as permanent, just because paper seems so fragile and transitory to me. Pencils, in particular, fade fast. If you take good care of paper charms, they can last a very long time. Herbs hold a charge, but not as long, so charge them before you use them for best results. Some find plastics difficult to charge. I suspect that is, at least in part, because of the complex molecular chain that makes up plastic. It may also derive from fear or a personal bias toward “unnatural” materials. Nothing is really unnatural. Some things are more processed than others, but anything existing exists in nature, created from basic atomic components found, not only on this planet, but on many others. Most plastics are made out of petroleum products, which come directly from the earth. Most substances are ruled by a planet, meaning that they have many traits or energies in common with it. Neptune, the planet of illusions, rules petroleum and plastic. Sometimes, illusionary powers make spell casters uncomfortable. Use plastic in magick only if you are drawn to it. I am not particularly drawn to it, so I do not use it much, but I do not fear it. We, as a society, have created it. Now it is time to deal with it.

All items used on an altar or in a spell should be consecrated. When you first use your altar, hold a dedication ceremony, charging all your major tools. First, purify them, visualizing and requesting that all impurities and unwanted energies be removed. Specific items for individual spells can be charged right before you use them. Permanent tools can be fixed, so the charge always remains, unless you say otherwise. Fill the item with your intentions. Here is an example of charging a piece of concrete.

I ask all unwanted and harmful energies be removed from this concrete. [Blow on it to blow away these energies.] I charge this concrete to represent and hold the energy of earth on my altar. I charge it to bring me grounding, balance, and physical health when I touch it. I fix these intentions so that none may change them except me, unless it is for the highest good. So mote it be.

“So mote it be” is a saying from my witchcraft training. It simply means “so be it,” putting your intention into a positive, “present” statement. Items that are not permanently on your altar do not have to be fixed. Dried plants, candles, and incense all get used up, and their energy moves on to other realms. They should not be fixed, so they can complete their function and move on.

During this altar dedication, you can leave an offering of food or incense for the powers who aid you. This offering should be charged with your personal energy. You are not really offering physical food to these powers and expecting it to be consumed. You are offering energy. You are offering time and intent. You are offering respect. By charging these gifts and placing them on your altar, you are offering a portion of your energy. This gift is only fitting, since these powers always give you energy and intent for your magick. Certain totems, spirits, and gods like particular items. Some favor exotic perfume oils, incense, or food prepared in a special way. Research it and use your common sense. Seed is a great offering for a bird totem. Ask what would be the most appropriate offering.

Now you are ready or re-create your magical base of operations.