
A Circle of Stones: Journeys and Meditations for Modern Celts - Erynn Rowan Laurie 1995



Danu, source of the Land, stands at the beginning of the manifest. Through Her we experience our birth, and She is mother to the Gods as well as to we who seek Her. Her mysteries are those of beginnings. She is unmanifest, yet the source of all that is. She is herself the solidity of the Otherworld realms.

Co i bhain-tighearna bhinn,

am bun an tuim

am beul an tuim?

Bain-tigearna bhinn

Bhaindidh mhin.

(Scottish Gaelic source: Carmichael, Alexander, Carmina Gadelica, vol II, Scottish Academic Press, Edinburgh 1972)

Who is she the melodious Lady,

at the base of the knoll,

at the mouth of the wave?

Melodious lady

As a Goddess in loveliness.

Koh ee vahn-CHEERna vin

am bun an tim

am bail an tim?

Bahn-CHEER-na vin

Vahn-JEE vin

Moving meditations on Danu

Study the Celtic Earth-Goddesses and Mother-Goddesses in all their manifestations

Do a daily devotion to Danu or your personal Goddess

Do a weekly devotion to a different Celtic Goddess

Find or create a Goddess image for your home or altar

Spend time outside listening to the voice of your Goddess

Give comfort to yourself and those around you

Allow someone to nurture you

Meditate on dusk as the beginning of the day

Affirmation for Danu

Today I will look for the Goddess in all that I do and all that I see: Her face in every face, Her presence in all places, Her love surrounding me, embracing and upholding me.