Bibliography and Further Reading

A Circle of Stones: Journeys and Meditations for Modern Celts - Erynn Rowan Laurie 1995

Bibliography and Further Reading

Breatnach, Liam, “The Cauldron of Poesy,” Eriu #32, pp 45-93, 1981

Carmichael, Alexander, Carmina Gadelica, Lindisfarne Press 1990

Chadwick, Nora, The Celts, Penguin, Middlesex 1985

Cross, Tom Peete and Clark Harris Slover, Ancient Irish Tales, Barnes & Noble, Totowa NJ 1988

Cunliffe, Barry, The Celtic World: An Illustrated History of the Celtic Race, Their Culture, Customs and Legends, Greenwich House, NY 1986

Dames, Michael, Mythic Ireland, Thames & Hudson, New York 1992

Davidson, HR Ellis, Myths and Symbols in Pagan Europe: Early Scandinavian and Celtic Religions, Syracuse University Press, Syracuse 1988

Dillon, Myles, Early Irish Literature, University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1948

Ellis, Peter Berresford, A Dictionary of Irish Mythology, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1987

Evans-Wentz, WY, The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries, Citadel Press, NY 1990

Gantz, Jeffrey, Early Irish Myths and Sagas, Penguin, London 1988

Gray, Elizabeth A, ed. Cath Maige Tuired: The Second Battle of Mag Tuired, Irish Texts Society, vol LIV, Leinster 1982

Green, Miranda, Symbol & Image in Celtic Religious Art, Routledge, New York 1992

Henry, PL, “The Cauldron of Poesy,” Studia Celtica #14/15, pp 114-128 1979/1980

Jackson, Kenneth Hurlstone, The Oldest Irish Tradition: A Window on the Iron Age, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1964

Jackson, Kenneth Hurlstone ed. A Celtic Miscellany, Penguin, NY 1971

Kinsella, Thomas, The Tain, University of Philadelphia Press, Philadelphia 1985

Littleton, C. Scott, The New Comparative Mythology: An Anthropological Assessment of the Theories of Georges Dumezil, 3ed, University of California Press, Berkeley 1982

MacAlister, R.A. Stewart, Lebor Gabala Erenn: The Book of the Taking of Ireland, part IV, Irish Texts Society volume XLI, Dublin 1941

MacCana, Proinsias, Celtic Mythology, Hamlyn, London 1970

Mallory, J. P., In Search of the Indo-Europeans, Thames & Hudson, NY 1989

Murphy, Gerard, Early Irish Lyrics, Eighth to Twelfth Century, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1956

Nagy, Joseph Falaky, The Wisdom of the Outlaw: The Boyhood Deeds of Finn in Gaelic Narrative Tradition, University of California Press, Berkeley 1985

O'Driscoll, Robert ed. The Celtic Consciousness, George Braziller, NY 1987

Ó hOgain, Daithi, Myth, Legend & Romance: An Encyclopedia of the Irish Folk Tradition, Prentice Hall, New York 1991

Rees, Alwyn & Brinley, Celtic Heritage, Ancient Tradition in Ireland and Wales, Thames & Hudson, New York 1990

Rolleston, TW, Celtic Myths and Legends, Avenel Books, NY 1986

Ross, Anne, Pagan Celtic Britain: Studies in Iconography and Tradition, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London 1967

Skelton, Robin and Margaret Blackwood, Earth, Air, Fire, Water: Pre-Christian and Pagan Elements in British Songs, Rhymes and Ballads, Arkana, London 1990