A Circle of Stones: Journeys and Meditations for Modern Celts - Erynn Rowan Laurie 1995
The Inner Flame
As we return through the realm of death to the source and to the Otherworld, we pass once again the watchfires that we invoked at the beginning of our journey. These flames light our way, defining the boundaries of our exploration, showing us our links to land and deities, and enlightening us through meditation and the spark of poetic inspiration.
Go gcosnaí na tinte fhaire Theamhair muid trínár n-oibre
Go ndó na tinte rabhaidh Theamhair agus go dtreoraí iad muid tríd na scáileanna
Go lasa na tinte ceannasach Theamhair ionainn, agus go gceanglaí iad muid leis na déithe.
Let the watch-flames of Tara guard us in our work
Let the signal-fires of Tara burn to guide us through the shadows
Let the crowning flames of Tara spark within and link us to the Gods.
go GOSS-nee na CHIN-cha AHR-a HEH-wer mwidj TREE-nar NIGH-breh
go no na CHIN-cha RAW-a HEH-wer AH-gus go DROR-ee EE-ud mwidge treedj na SCALL-a-na
go LAH-sa na CHIN-cha CYAHN-a-sak HEH-wer IN-an, AH-gus go GYAN-glee EE-ud mwidj lesh na JAY-ha
Moving Meditations on the Inner Flame
Read and ponder on the seasonal fires of Beltain, Samhain and Lughnassadh
Meditate on the connections between humans, the land and the deities
Study the three harp strains of joy, sorrow and sleep, and how they may relate to the internal cauldrons
Examine Celtic poetic metres, how they are constructed, and how they are used
Affirmation for the Inner Flame
Today I stand between the sacred flames, purified, prepared to meet the deities in their own lands