The East Wind

A Circle of Stones: Journeys and Meditations for Modern Celts - Erynn Rowan Laurie 1995

The East Wind


The east wind is the sharp, cold wind that cuts and brings the snows. It brings dawn and the morning light. This wind is the origin of inspiration and enlightenment in the material realm.

Gaoth an iar iasg is aran;

Gaoth a tuath fuachd is feannadh;

Gaoth an ear sneachd air beannaibh;

Gaoth a deas meas air crannaibh.

Wind from the west, fish and bread;

Wind from the north, cold and flaying;

Wind from the east, snow on the hills;

Wind from the south, fruit on trees.

goo an ear ee-usk is A-ran;

goo a TOO-ath FOO-ahk is FAN-na

goo an err shnawk air BAN-iv

goo a jahss mass air CRAN-iv

Moving Meditations on the East Wind

Walk in an east wind

Look at snowflakes and meditate on their form

Watch a sunrise from a hilltop

Discover a source of inspiration in your life

Meditate on the quality of “sharpness” and its meanings and metaphors

Examine the places in your life where you act in a sharp or cold manner and learn to appreciate their strengths and weaknesses

Affirmation for the East Wind

Today I embrace the cold and the sharp; I move with their bracing vigor.