A Circle of Stones: Journeys and Meditations for Modern Celts - Erynn Rowan Laurie 1995
The Spear of Lugh
Lugh's spear is unassailable assurance of victory, for none can stand against its might. With this Treasure wielded on our behalf, we progress on our journey unhindered by dangers from the spiritual realm.
Agus Lugh caomh-gheal, cro-gheal, cra-gheal,
Ga do dhiona, ga do chaomhna, ga do charamh
Le treuin a laimhe, le nimh a ghaise,
Fo sgaile drilleanach a sgeith.
(Scottish Gaelic source: Carmichael, Alexander, Carmina Gadelica, vol I, Scottish Academic Press, Edinburgh 1972. Original reference was to the Archangel Michael.)
And may Lugh kind-white, strong-white, red-white
Preserve thee, protect thee, provide for thee,
With the might of his hand, with the point of his spear,
Under the shade of his shimmering shield.
AH-gus Loo KOOV-yal, KROH-yal, KRAW-yal,
ga do YEE-ana, ga do KOOV-na, ga do KAR-uv
le train a LAW-va, le niv a GAH-sha,
foh SGOL-la DRILL-a-nawk a sgay.
Moving Meditation for the Spear of Lugh
Learn a new art or skill
Study defensive magical techniques
Do a devotional to Lugh
Read the tale of the Second Battle of Magh Tuiredh
Research the occurrences of the names Lugh, Lug, Llew and other variants in Celtic mythologies
Protect someone if they are in danger
Affirmation for the Spear of Lugh
Today I see and appreciate my many talents.