A Circle of Stones: Journeys and Meditations for Modern Celts - Erynn Rowan Laurie 1995
Lia Fail
Lia Fail is the symbol of the Land and of its fulfillment. At the Stone of Fal the Kings of Ireland were crowned, and its scream confirmed the identity of the one who was fated to join in the sacred marriage of Sovereignty of the Land and the Ardh Righ, the high king.
An cloch forsttád mo di sáil,
uaithe raiter Inis Fáil:
Etir da triagh tuile tinn
Magh fáil uile for Eirinn.
(Irish source: Macalister, R.A.S. and John MacNeill, Do Ghabhalaibh Erend, Hodges, Figgis, Dublin 1916)
The stone on which my heels stand,
From it is named Inis Fal
Between two strands of a mighty flood
All Ireland is called the Plain of Fal.
ahn clok FOR-stath mo di hall
OO-a-tha RAH-der IN-ish fall
AYD-er da HREE-ag TILL-eh tin
MAHG fahl WILL-eh for AIR-in
Moving Meditations for Lia Fail
Learn about the symbolism and magical use of gems, crystals, and stones
Study the alignment of standing stones and stone monuments
Investigate the geology of your area
Learn to identify the many different kinds of stones
Find and consecrate your own “Lia Fail”
Read about Sacred Marriages and sacred Kingship
Affirmation for the Lia Fail
Today I know and accept that I rule my life and choose my fate; no other may hold my sovereign sacred place, no other may reign over my spirit or the land that is my life.