Energy Manipulation I

Hands-On Chaos Magic: Reality Manipulation through the Ovayki Current - Andrieh Vitimus 2009

Energy Manipulation I

Now that we have had some practice focusing and relaxing, let's move on to something more interesting: energy manipulation. Energy manipulation combines visualization, breathing, and in some cases gestures to create effects in healing, influence, or even strength. Let's go over some basics.

Flow Game

Relax. Rub your hands together until you feel them start to tingle (or some other sensation-the important thing to note is that they feel different). It is very important for you to record as much as you can about what the sensation is. Your hands should be red or pink. Separate your hands until you can no longer feel the sensation. It does not matter if they are not separated much, just as long as they are separated. Record the distance between your hands (just estimate it; again, don't worry if it is small or large) in your journal. Write down any impressions you feel. (What is the sensation like? Does there seem to be a direction to the sensation?) Remember, have fun.

After practicing this, begin to track the distance you are measuring between your hands. You may start to feel that there is a consistent direction of flow. You may be able to see a flow, you may "feel it," or you may even hear a current. Note which hand the energy seems to come out of and which one it goes into. Record what your perceptions are of your giving hand and your receiving hand. Repeat this exercise till you can separate your hands as far as your arms can spread and still feel the tingle.

Switch Palm Game

In the previous exercise, there was probably a direction of flow between your hands. If you look back in your journal for the last exercise, after practice you could perceive a difference between your hands. You imagined that one hand was projecting energy and the other hand was receiving energy. You already know what receiving energy and projecting energy means to you. Imagine switching the roles of your hands. Take what was your receiving hand and imagine what it would be like to project from that hand. You may notice that if you have a lapse of concentration, the direction of flow will reverse; this is natural. Be patient, relax, and regain focus. Remember to have fun with it.

Energy Ball Game

In the last two exercises, you were concentrating on getting the energy out of you and flowing back into you. In this exercise we want to combine both flow games. In this game, place your hands about four inches apart. Instead of having the flow go from one hand to the other hand, imagine that you have a flow pushing out from both hands into the space between them. A good metaphor is if you have two water hoses turned on and spraying water out into a central point. When you stop energy from flowing into the space, you should still be able to feel the edges of the space, perhaps via a little tingle, temperature shift, or other sensation. You may be able to see something in between your hands (if you close your eyes), or you might even feel that the energy in between your hands has weight. Record any sensations you have. Attempt to keep putting more energy in between your hands till you have a "perception" that this "ball" of energy looks bigger or feels bigger, or you know it is larger.

Now that you have a lump of energy in between your hands, we are going to give the energy form. Close your eyes. Feel the unstructured energy lying in your hands. Imagine the energy as very lumpy PlayDoh. Form the protoplasm into a sphere. Visualize and feel the sphere growing harder and more solid. When I do this, I will physically compress my hands around the sphere to compact the energy. Try to add as many different senses as you can until the sphere feels more real to you. Continue to do this until the ball holds its own shape without you actively holding it together. It may take several tries. Record each attempt in your journal; in particular, pay attention to how solid the ball feels or looks. Record the texture of the ball you made, its color, etc. Write down any other information that comes to you. Repeat this exercise with a partner after you have practiced a bit, and see if you can verify that he or she can "sense" the ball in your hands.

Let's take this a little further. Imagine a playground rubber ball or handball. What does a rubber ball feel like? What does it look like? What does it sound like when it bounces? What texture does it have? What color does it have? Try to write down as many details using as many senses as you can. Create the sphere again and then imagine that the new ball has the details you wrote down. Imagine throwing it in the air and catching it. Try this with a partner or two. If the ball loses its form, just remake it and have fun.

Simple Grounding

This is a very common exercise in energy healing and New Age classes, and it does work. Visualize any pain, anxiety, or negative emotion as some energy within your body. Give this negative emotion a color and a shape.

Visualize yourself forcing that color down through your feet and into the floor (or earth) while you become a white light. See the energy flow out from you into the core of the planet, and then feel the energy return to you without any context of negativity.

At this point, I personally like to combine this visualization with the notion of a waterfall of light. I will imagine what a shower feels like, looks like, and smells like at the perfect temperature and pressure. I will imagine the shower becoming a full waterfall and then a column of light (with all the properties of that waterfall). As this column of light cascades over my body, I see any colors or shapes that I associated with the negativity washing away until I have a body of pure, radiant light.

Before starting or after finishing an energy exercise, this cleansing is a useful habit. I find myself augmenting this technique with the NLP tools and using this idea whenever I am stressed or upset. When you are practicing the energy exercises, try to be as relaxed as you can, and use techniques like this (and, later, banishings) to clear your head as much as possible.

For Each of These Games, Go Forth and PLAY!

Does breathing differently affect the flow or the strength you feel? Does maintaining a certain posture seem to help? When you are sending energy between your hands, try visualizing the flow of energy as a specific color. Does this change the effect? Is there a certain color that, with the energy flow, seems to have a specific effect? Does visualizing this with a color affect your mood? Try experimenting with this exercise using both breathing techniques and different colors to visualize the flow.

After you have experimented with the color, use some of your phrases that have an effect and do this exercise. Does chanting a mantra or phrase you have found cause the flow to have a different effect? Does holding a certain position change how you perceive the energy?

You are only limited by your imagination with the types of combinations and experiments you can try with this. Make sure to write down any combinations that seem to produce an effect, even if it is not a completely positive effect. Be bold and play.
