Looking at Ourselves

Hands-On Chaos Magic: Reality Manipulation through the Ovayki Current - Andrieh Vitimus 2009

Looking at Ourselves

Pattern-Finding Exercise

Before we can know what to banish, let's look at our patterns a little. Over the next week, try to be more conscious of the routine you do on a daily basis to the point of which toothpaste you prefer, which deodorant, etc. Pay attention to any physical patterns or patterns of thought that come up, advertisements or slogans, or anything that was said to you during the week. Write down everything from your routine right after you do the tasks. Verify that you are not skipping the act of writing down any parts of the routine by conferring with your loved ones and colleagues. If you skip something that was part of your routine, make a note of it. After you do this for five days, revisit the items you skipped. Is there any pattern of the things you skipped writing down? Are there habits or patterns of thought in the routine that serve no beneficial purpose to you? Think about how many of the things in the routine are done just because of the routine. Record your thoughts in your journal.

After the five days, attempt to break part of the routine that does not have a physical addition component (for example, cigarettes or coffee). How difficult is this? Write your thoughts in your journal from this experiment. For a really tough routine breaker, try having your cigarettes or coffee or even chocolate at different times or not at all. Again record your thoughts in your journal. If the craving or compulsion is truly difficult to overcome, try to relax and visualize any thoughts that pop into your head (which will probably be "I need x"), imagine pushing those thoughts into a log (or carve the thought onto a log), and then imagine burning the log in a campfire you mentally create in front of you. (How does that campfire look, smell, and feel?) After you throw the log into fire, just allow yourself to relax. Do some of these habits seem to have a life of their own, and how does burning them in the campfire seem to change the power of the habit?

Create another log and fill it with the memories of any disturbing experiences you might have had. Imagine holding this log. What does the log smell like, what does it look like, and what does it feel like? Imagine the images of the scene getting sucked into your log. Remember how the experience made you feel, how your body felt, and let that get sucked into the log. Let the log absorb anything you remember hearing. Now how does the log feel, look, and smell? Throw this log into the fire. If you get rid of the negative experiences using the log, how do you feel after doing this for a week?

Looking at Your Own Internal Voice

We all have internal voices. What do your voices say to you? Are the voices helpful? Or do they demean you and make you feel that you can't do something? We all have this internal self-talk, which can help or hinder us. Sometimes the negative self-talk is so embedded into our psychological makeup that it can be subconscious. Sometimes a pattern or habit may seem automatic but doesn't make sense. First, be honest with yourself about your own voices. Everyone has negative and positive internal voices. However, the self-defeating voices drain your confidence as well as your emotional well-being. Often, many of these voices will have originated outside of the individual and, like a virus, will infect the person with self-doubt as well as tendencies or desires that are self-defeating. For example, how many people struggle with their body image?

The first step is to go back and listen to your internal voice. Really hear the different voices in a situation. If you find that a voice that is saying something that is discouraging or self-defeating, stop, breathe for a couple minutes in the manner we talked about, and then visualize throwing the thought and that voice into the fire or banish it.

This could simply be a thought that expresses "I will never y" or "I am not x enough." Insert your negative adjective for y or x. These voices are learned habits, and to recognize, stop, and get rid of these voices is also a learned habit that gets easier as you practice. It won't happen overnight, but over time you will see progress. Remember, there isn't a time limit, you are not in a race, and you should relax at each point. Getting stressed over a negative thought only strengthens the thought. Even if you have the thought 1,000 times, maybe the 1,001st banishing will break the habit of the thought. Just keep trying, and remember that this is a journey and a process, not a goal.

Breaking the Psychic Censor

Carlos Castaneda went so far as to write that voices from the outer darkness gave us or put part of their minds into all of us, so that we would be easy prey and ignorant of the "real world" (1972). Well, whether or not there are lizard beings encapsulating us in their predatory embrace is debatable. But there definitely does seem to be a barrier to the spirit world, weirdness, synchronicity, etc. Collectively, we are trained to believe that there is no "magic" and that our thoughts cannot change the "real world." Children are taught that make-believe is bad. Sooner or later, we all stop believing we can dream. We have a psychic censor, which is an internal influence that limits our conception of what is possible regarding magic and spirituality. When you believe something is not possible, it is not.

Banishing those phrases and beliefs the moment they pop up in your mind will start to decondition the negative conditioning that has been strongly reinforced and supported by our cultural environments.
