Cycles of Moving

Hands-On Chaos Magic: Reality Manipulation through the Ovayki Current - Andrieh Vitimus 2009

Cycles of Moving

In the beginning of the book, I said that this adventure was the result of a rather extreme initiation into techniques and procedures of magic. This is the book that would have made my life a lot easier during the initial stages of that process.

But now that you have gone so far in the adventure, there is one thing that I should mention: magical initiations never end, and my initiation into magic continues every day.

For me, magic is a process that does not end. I know other people who try to put it away on a shelf, but eventually it gets pulled down and demands attention. It is a journey and not an end state.

Grounding in Results, Taking a Shot of Humble Pie

Many people will claim fantastic mystical powers, but changing your own life to have more of what you want (which in turn will change others' lives around you), changing yourself to alter your own patterns and limitations, and directly altering the world around you in tangible ways are all litmus tests against unfounded fantasies. Ultimately, the individual mostly decides what success is. A. 0. Spare retreated from the world to concentrate on art. He was poor, but he did produce some stunningly evocative paintings. Was this success? Only A. O. Spare would know the answer for himself. Everyone else offering opinions is expressing value judgments based on their own internal criteria.

The realities that I might want to manifest should and can be different from any reality that any other adventurer might want, and that is perfectly acceptable. "Reality" as a whole doesn't seem to care. We come back to the first chapters on deconditioning external influences and banishing. There are many techniques in this adventure, but really there is only one reader reading this right now. Know yourself and do what works for you by experimenting with different ideas.

In some cases, success is far worse than failure. Equally problematic to mere fantasy is the overwhelming desire to "control, manipulate, and destroy," which is associated with the state called magititus. This is the state when magicians enter hubris, disregard their own practice, and slip into a sort of fantasy world. In other cases, magicians might indeed practice like they should, but they disregard any "consequences" In this adventure, I have said very little about ethics, leaving you, the reader, to decide for yourself. However, actions do produce reactions. If you are going around cursing people all the time, someone might get upset and do something about it (or a group of people might do something about it). That is just common sense. Likewise, if you always go around helping people with magic, it won't be in the best interest of some individual, thing, or group, and that person, thing, or group might do something about it. Given the contents of your personal story, however, that event can be a tremendous part of the story. It's all too easy to slip down the rabbit hole till you believe yourself immortal, all-powerful, etc. Of course, there are those people who slip so far into the magical processes that they are unable to function in "consensual reality." This is a real risk of successful magical operations, since the process helps to destroy that notion of limited reality, which is a lot like the safety on a gun. If we remove the safety, we can hurt ourselves (but in my opinion, the other option is far worse).

Real-world results help ground you in the here and now. If you get too arrogant, just take a knife, give yourself a very small prick or very small cut (of course don't seriously hurt yourself), and will yourself to not bleed. If you don't bleed, congratulations: you really are that powerful, and by all means please contact me, since I will have a lot to ask you at your convenience. However, it probably will hurt a fair amount when you make the small cut (again be safe), and you probably will bleed, meaning that you are at least in a human body just like everyone else. Arrogance is just another limiting story. Choosing to stay stuck in that arrogant, ego-protecting story is a limiting belief that actually restricts your flexibility and ability to learn. But any story that we get stuck in can be limiting, and it can stop the process of magic. It's at these times that, for me, something weird seems to push the issue, break the stasis, and then start things moving forward again. The process of magic itself seems to do that when you practice enough. Rewrite the story often till you acquire the flexibility to be anything.

Another Goal of the Book

Outside of the personal alchemy involved in writing the book, my hope is that this book will help each and every person out there do magic. I now offer you a challenge. Pick up any other book of magic or spells and get them to work. Have a friend pick the spellbook and then get results. Sit in a totally alien paradigm and be able to contribute on demand by understanding how the "components" map out your own senses. Then push out energy that matches your fellow magicians, who know a lot more about their systems. Go to a Catholic church and help make the mass really have oomph, and then go to a Wiccan ceremony and really call down the Goddess. If you can conceive of it, you can do it.

It doesn't matter if you are a Buddhist, Christian, Wiccan, Vodoui- sant, Goetia magician, or energy worker-the core idea of this book is that you can choose the methods you deem most appropriate (even a psalm), but the words are not enough. There is no poof, shazam solution that works. There is no easy path toward successful magic, despite what people will sell out there. However, if you can achieve the correct state of mind in a deep trance state, the words with the empowered visualization just might work, and with practice you can get them to work. The book represents my personal experience and opinions on some basic fundamentals of magical work that have been useful for me to document. Applying different ritual trappings and elements is often a matter of style and taste. Of course, some spirits and some people might have some opinions on the taste and style used, but the underlying principles contained in this adventure will help people better connect and make those rituals work. In some ways, this adventure is merely my story on this process, but it is a story I have at least tested. Of course, everyone may eventually develop their own story, which I hope they will do.

Fellow adventurer, I salute you! May your magic be as wondrous and fun as you can possibly imagine.

Thus ends my first act of personal written alchemy; may it virally spawn many fruitful changes in you and everyone you encounter.

The Introduction of Your Story

Please post your experiments on The space that follows is for your story-may it produce what you truly desire.