More Energy Games and Visualization Exercises

Hands-On Chaos Magic: Reality Manipulation through the Ovayki Current - Andrieh Vitimus 2009

More Energy Games and Visualization Exercises

Planetary Ball Game

This is one of my favorite visualization/energy practices. This exercise builds off the moon ball game. Just as you did for the moon ball game, make a sphere that revolves around you like a moon. Give the sphere whatever characteristics you desire. After the first moon is built, add a second sphere (a planet). Once this is achieved, build a third orbital ball, and then a fourth, and so on. While concentrating on five revolving spheres with all five of my senses, I will slip into a trance state. An interesting variant of this exercise that adds practicality is to consciously control the planets instead of setting them up in an automatic orbit. You can have each of the balls draw out part of a sigil together with one ball following the next ball in a sequence. Keep doing this until the globes automatically are tracing out the sigil At first, try to have them all draw out the same sigil in your imagination, until the sigil seems to be carved into the air in front of you.

For a more difficult variation, have each sphere draw the sigil separately. There is no way for me to do this and not slip into a deep trance. If you can do this and remain perfectly lucid, you are a superhuman. In that case, try it with ten to fifteen planets until you reach a point where the conscious mind has reached its threshold of control. As with the other energy exercises, try to use all the senses in building this. See if you can make the exercise more potent by combining the exercise with certain breathing, gestures, even particular incense.

This exercise can be very useful for improving your focus when multiple things are going on around you, and it can help you maintain that level of focus as you concentrate on your purpose. In evocation, having good focus on the task at hand will be extremely helpful, despite the motions an entity is making.

Auric Intent Manipulation, or Glamorie

This is a very nice and useful technique that creates a subtle, directed pattern in your energy field, which changes the way you appear to the subconscious minds of those around you. Glamories can be used to increase your attractiveness, to make others perceive you as someone they should like and trust, to make a show of dominance or impressiveness, and to create just about any other effect or perception that you wish. For this to work, it is helpful to combine mundane efforts with your desired intent. To appear more successful, put on nicer clothes. To appear more attractive, you'll have to wear sexier clothes. You can create short-acting glamories for specific situations, as well as long-standing glamories, which become semi-permanent parts of your energy field. You can have several of these nice little manipulations running at once and, with practice, you can control which ones are active at any given time.

First, decide what type of glamorie you are going to create, and make a statement of purpose. Keep it short and simple, and make sure that you can believe it. It is critically important that before you try to broadcast an intent, you believe it. So if you are going to work on broadcasting a confidence intent, you should be able to generate a "state of mind" that is intensely internally confident. Likewise, if you want to broadcast a sexy auric presence, you have to be able to take on a state of mind where that feeling of sexiness is the single point of consciousness. Associate some simple imagery with your statement, including an appropriate color or very simple shape or sigil and a feeling or texture. Try to embed as much sensory data as possible. As with the other exercises, experiment with different types of trance generation while doing the exercise. Cleanse yourself by visualizing yourself under a rushing waterfall (which we covered earlier), and allow the powerful rushing water to drive out any issues. This prepares your field to accept the manipulation. Next, hold your hands about a foot apart, and start a loop current of energy running between them. Make sure that this stays in motion throughout the exercise, and also make sure it is mostly your energy. Begin chanting or vibrating your statement of purpose while taking on that singular state of consciousness, visualizing your imagery, and charging the energy between your hands with it. Make the swirling loop of energy divide itself into little particles with each shout, murmur, or whisper of the intended message. Make your tone of voice match your intent. Keep it circulating, and continue chanting and visualizing until the energy has been completely transformed into a swirling mass of subtle, message-sending particles. When it is complete, allow the glamorie between your hands to swirl throughout your energy field, combining with the rest of your energy. Let it become a part of your energy field. It should have a very subtle feel, and most of the time it should be unnoticeable except for its effects. Learn to recognize the feel of glamories in your energy field, and practice activating and deactivating them at will by visualizing their sigils and speaking a command. The field and activation will become stronger and more pronounced the more you practice, and as you are shifting your own auric presence, it becomes more natural and automatic.

As with the emotional auric manipulation game, getting your aura and the field around you to expand with intensity will help you produce the desired results with the glamorie (a weak field will not cut it). This example can be combined with straight sigil magic and intent, but as suggested earlier, you could combine this with a divinatory current and later on add "bits" of the vibration pattern of other entities.

Animator Game

This is the final variant of the taffy game. As with the taffy game, make a ball of energy. Give the ball a shape as per the other methods. The shape has to be something that would normally be able to move around. This can be an animal, a car, or anything capable of moving and interacting with the environment. Try making a statue, for instance. Once you have a beautiful statue, animate it. Try to get it to walk around. Remember, use all five of your senses if possible. Have the animated statue walk up to someone else and have that person verify its presence.

Here are some hints:

1. If you can think it, your creation can do it.

2. If the creation uses too much energy, you might have to give it a bit more. Take it slow, this exercise is great practice for building servitors, for sensing and imagining moving forms, and for focus.

3. Teach it things you know and can do well that are kinetic in nature.

4. This is hard to verify, but it will get easier to interact with entities and increase visualization skills.

5. Remember that the creation is not in any way bound by Newtonian physics or any other physical science.

6. Remember to concentrate hard on this and go into an altered state of consciousness as you concentrate on the statue more and more.

7. Have fun.

Congratulations! This is your first prototype servitor, or golem. Try to see what effect your state of consciousness (i.e., your breathing, gesture, mindset, emotions) has on the golem. Experiment with all the different states you have detailed in your journal as well as the divinatory currents we discussed in the previous chapter.

How does changing your state of mind change the process involved and the final effects? Try to do this with an extremely deep trance state and see how the creation feels different.

Puppet Game

Now that you have a walking statue, redo the animator game. In this case, however, keep going with the exercise. After you can get your creation to walk around, see if you can train it to do simple tricks such as hopping on one leg or dancing a jig. Using your five senses, imagine your creation doing interesting tricks. Do the same action over and over. There are some tricks that seem to make this easier. First, this is about intense focus and having this "energy" thoughtform repeat what you want it to do in your visualization (or, if you are trying to physically shape and move the servitor, a tactile exercise). Once it has one particular trick ingrained, see if you can verify that trick. Then try to get the creation to do something new and interesting, and tell it to repeat that. Continue until you are satisfied with the results. Remember, you should focus in on the puppet, to the exclusion of everything else around you. This level of focus is critically important and should be combined with increasing levels of trance state. Remember to include all five senses in the creation process if you can, and get into a trance while working with the puppet. We have spent much time on different states of mind, and you should have some good trance generation rituals or procedures in your notes. Feel free to experiment and have fun with them.

Using Other Energy and Information for the Puppet Game

Repeat the last exercise by making the original statue out of emotional energy. On your own, feel free to use any range of emotions. Banish afterward. Verify with a partner. With this, be sure to use all the training we have practiced to really go into a particular state of mind. Try to use the alphabet of desire for the emotion you are trying to build, and use breathing, gesture, etc., to really produce the state of mind and project it into the energy pool you are building for this puppet.

Emotion is often contagious. Frequently, you can see the emotion of one person spreading and reflecting in another person. This almost seems to start a chain reaction. This exercise requires a group of two or more people. Create a ball of emotional gnosis/energy. Increase the size and weight of the ball, and form it into a movable, walking shape. Solidify the shape of the emotional energy by using as many of your five senses in your imagination as you can, and descend into a trance state. The group should decide on the form that they want the energy to take. Send the form to each participant. The puppet should send some of its energy into each person to produce a feeling of that type of energy in the participant. Instruct the puppet to gather up the emotional energy that is produced by this act. The puppet should go to each participant at least twice. Record all the details about the form of the puppet and the feelings you have while you are working with it. After the puppet has gone around to all of the participants twice, the participants should dissolve and absorb the energy of the puppet. Follow the absorption with a banishing. How much stronger did the puppet feel after going around the group twice versus merely after the initial visualization? This exercise creates another pseudo-servitor/ thoughtform.

In one workshop, we made our puppet out of laughter, and it had the form of a three-foot-tall gingerbread man. We actually had the gingerbread man walk around the store and try to get people to laugh. It was successful in two out of three cases. The third case was a friend who recently had a friend die, and we instructed our puppet to give all its energy to our friend (which did improve her mood).

Of course, you could try doing this with a specific sigilized intent, divinatory construct, elemental energies, or any other state of mind you can imagine and see what happens.

Shape-Changing Game

This exercise continues where we left off when broadcasting an emotion, intent, or a form. Instead of concentrating on an intent or emotion, we are concentrating on a specific form while broadcasting a state of mind. Instead of making a small puppet that moves around, we are going to shape and hold the bubble around us with the intent to create a form-fitting body suit.

We have been playing many games with the auric shell or the shield bubble, and in many of our exercises we are able to elicit different reactions from the public. We worked from the elemental system in the bubble games, to emotional content, to a full-blown intent. This exercise is probably the final example in this type of manipulation, and I leave it to your imagination to see its full potential. Be creative. As it is, it's a wonderful way to confuse and have fun with clairvoyant people. In this chapter, we have created puppets, and the exercise leads to the creation of some basic servitors. What if we combine what we know?

Start this exercise by banishing.

Pick an inhuman form or at least a person that looks very different, whom you wish to masquerade as. This person could be benign like an angelic being of light, dark like a demon, heroic like an elf from The Lord of the Rings, funny like an anime character, or any other combination that you enjoy. Feel free to steal the form from anywhere. Write down everything about that form. If you have artistic talent, draw a picture of the form. Write down in detail the emotional response the form creates in other people. As with invocation, the more clearly you understand the form, the more detail you can put into this exercise.

Once you are finished, create a shield ball around you. This is your clay to work with, just as in all the energy ball manipulation games. Think of the kind of energy the form you are trying to become would give off. Feed that energy into the bubble of the corresponding emotional type. For example, angels are usually associated with love, demons with fear. Try to map the form you are shaping to the emotional vibration that you take on with your memories. Shape the taffy into that form and feed it more energy, giving the bubble around you details of the form you are shaping. This will seem almost like an alien overlay on top of who you are, almost like a superimposed image. Have fun with this. When you are pretty sure that you have a solidified form, verify with a partner. Do not tell your partner what it is you are trying to represent, and see what he or she picks up on.

Once you have the form created and can manipulate it, try to keep the form intact for extended periods of time without concentration, and try to strengthen the bubble. Once you have the form as complete as you would like it, go out into the public and see how people react to your new auric presence. Again, try to create the bubble with different aspects, and then shape it to a form that seems to meet your intent. Repeat the glamories exercise while taking on a form that is conducive to the expression of that glamorie, or repeat the exercise with elemental energies, or any other energy that you believe you can generate from a state of mind.

When we start invoking to possession, and other forms of deep invocation, this technique will be extremely useful.
