Basic Sympathetic Magic

Hands-On Chaos Magic: Reality Manipulation through the Ovayki Current - Andrieh Vitimus 2009

Basic Sympathetic Magic


If you read various books about Vodou or even hoodoo, in some cases there are many references to voodoo dolls and doll magic. This is a relatively small part of Vodou that "Hollywood" has inflated to epic proportions. However, the magic theory behind the voodoo dolls is a very old process known as sympathetic magic (Hall 1992). There can be multiple interpretations for how this process works, and after you read my practical opinions, it is a useful exercise to try to explain it yourself.

Doll magic, for example, is on the surface very simple. You name the doll after the person you wish to affect. Do things to the doll while in a trance state or while saying prayers over the doll, and those things happen to said person. It's as simple as that, at least according to some books. Most books use combinations of herbs to augment the strength of what the general intent of the doll magic is. However, there is a lot going on under the surface.

First, you are supposed to get something personal from the person and embed that into the doll. This can be clothing, blood, body hair, anything directly from him or her. Second, the herbs and colors used in the doll's creation have an impact on how the doll affects the person. This second point should not be surprising, given the resonance magic chapter. We didn't cover colors in the resonance chapter, but in previous exercises we most certainly explored the use of color to create certain states of mind. The personal artifact you obtain, whether it is hair, nails, blood, or something else, is referred to as the magical link.

The Magical Link

A magical link is a link between the base you are manipulating and the real-world target. Essentially, the stronger the link you have, the easier it is to manipulate the target. One way to look at the magical link is to think about the strength of the link compared to how directly connected it is to the source you are trying to affect. For instance, blood would be very directly connected to your source target, since it has the subject's unique DNA as well as cells and body chemistry. It was at one time part of your subject's body. Hair might also be a strong direct link, since it was directly tied to the subject's body, but not as intimately as blood was. Likewise, sexual fluids are a powerful link. A social security number can be a link as well, but this is an artificial symbol applied to a person. Similarly, a name is an artificial symbol applied to a person, and there can be more than one person with the same given name. Even an image of a person can be a link, but how direct is the image of a person compared to having the blood of a person?

Anything that identifies a target can be a link. But the strength of the link depends on how unique it is to that individual and how well the magician can relate to the link. Certainly, I could give you a coded string of letters such as AGAGTIA, which could be part of the DNA codex of the individual. This would involve pages and pages of information and is ultimately a very unique link (except for twins), but the information itself is not that easy to relate to. Likewise, depending on how you personally work with numbers, a social security number or unique identification badge number (in countries other than the United States), might be difficult to work with. In each of these cases, as with a person's name, the link is expressed in a symbolic logic (DNA codex, numbers, or an alphabet) instead of something that was part of the person. Even your memory of a person is a link that you can bring up to the surface and use. Additionally, something that a person owned for a while, or something he or she treasures can most certainly be a link.

In general, as stated, the closer the link is to the actual person, the stronger the link is. Fresh blood is generally considered to be the strongest. Obtaining people's actual blood, or even breaking into their homes to steal something of value seems, in modern times, a bit difficult, not to mention a wee bit illegal.

Different unique aspects of the person or target can be combined to strengthen the link you have. For example, if you know the name of the person and have a firsthand experience with that person, you can use the memory of that experience to augment and strengthen the link you have to him or her.

Let's try some linking to ourselves to see how it feels.

Picture Magic Games

Take a photograph of yourself, or use one from a recent point in time. Take a few minutes to breathe and relax. Perform a banishing. Proclaim the name of the person in the picture (your name), and treat the picture as if it is you. State out loud that the picture is you, and then repeat to yourself that the picture is you while staring intently at the picture. Now, for the first game, create an energy ball of elemental energy just like you did in the first set of energy exercises. While staring at the picture and repeating the phrase, condense the ball of elemental energy into the picture. What happens? Does this make you feel anything? How does this seem to affect you? Repeat the exercise with the different elemental forces.

Now try to repeat the exercise using spheres of emotional energy. What effect does this seem to have? Does it affect your mood? Try the exercise with several different emotional energies and record what the impact is.

Finally, redo the games and, instead of a ball, try to create a straight, continuous stream of emotional or elemental energy while staring at the picture and repeating to yourself that the picture is you. For each type of energy you use, what effect does the process have on you?

After you are finished with the experimentation, banish by laughter and clear your head. Put the picture away and relax for a while.

Try the energy experiment again, this time using only a mental picture-visualize it appearing on the table in front of you, or wherever you are working. How does this change the feeling?

Blood, Spittle, and Sexual Fluid Games

Now, for this exercise, get some sterile lancets from a store. Get a rock or piece of clean wood. Use rubbing alcohol to sterilize the rock or the wood. Carefully lance your finger and place a few drops of your blood onto the stone or the wood. Now repeat the games you did with the picture, only this time use the bloodstained piece of wood or stone. Remember to name the stone or piece of wood, and state that it is you. Repeat that the stone or piece of wood is you while doing the same exercise you did with the slightly bloodied picture.

Via your preferred method of excitation (but do the work alone for this), excite yourself to produce sexual fluids. Anoint the stone or piece of wood with the fluids and try the preceding exercises. Write down all the effects. Then try the same series of experiments with only spittle. How does this affect you? Which body fluid seems to have the strongest effect when you use this exercise? Do they all feel the same, or do some fluids seem to have a different effect? Try this again with fingernail or toenail clippings, or some of your hair. How does this make the link feel as you are pushing energy through?

Names, Candles, Dolls, and Symbols Games

Often, in hoodoo and folk magic styles of sorcery, a person uses only the name of the other person to produce an effect. So, let's try some more experimental games. Write your name on a piece of paper seven times, and repeat the first set of picture experiments. Remember to name the piece of paper as you and keep repeating that the piece of paper is you. Try the different energy exercises. Make sure, as with the other experiments, to not let your hands directly touch each other. How does this make you feel? What impact does it have? Does changing the number of times you write your name on the paper change how it feels? Try the same thing with a nickname, title, or even a social security number. Which things seem to have the greatest effect when doing the energy stuff? Can you suggest some reasons why? Now try the same series of events with a candle. If you choose, you can look up different candle color correspondences and try them out, but for practice, a simple white candle will be sufficient. has the correspondences you need. Simply carve the candle with your name, and announce that the candle is you (and repeat that in your head) while doing the energy games with the candle.

If you feel up to it, make a doll of yourself, give it your name, imagine that it is you, and try the same series of experiments. How does this feel as you use it?

Many books will simply tell you to this and that, but they do not really instill an underlying understanding. Doing the games and exercises provides a practical and low-level experiential knowledge that will have a direct impact on how you think regarding magic. The point of these first exercises is to allow you to experiment and figure out what works best for you.

Partner Exercises

For the next series of games, you will need a victi ... I mean partner. There are a couple reasonable safety guidelines that are good to employ. First, know the person you are doing this with somewhat well. These exercises are supposed to be learning opportunities, but they can be abused. Second, confine any emotional energy work to positive emotions at first. This is just to keep everyone feeling good about the process. Third, set a specific time and day to practice, and decide which person will be transmitting and which person will be receiving. Do opening and closing banishings.

The roles of receiver and transmitter should switch every other session. The receiver simply sits and deeply relaxes, and then lets any sensations that come to him or her just flow in. The transmitter performs the link games, and then you both compare notes after the session. Typically, a steady-stream approach will usually work best.

For example, here is how a sample session could go. The two people could be in different rooms. They will start at the agreed-upon time, and proceed for an agreed-upon amount of time. Both people will banish. One person will take a picture of the other person, and declare and name the picture as the person, while the other person simply deeply relaxes. The transmitter will pick an elemental or emotional energy to push into the picture while repeating to himself or herself or out loud that the picture is the person. Whatever elemental or emotional energy was used should not be shared until the after stage. The receiver will simply relax deeply and see what happens to his or her mood and state of mind. If you are the transmitter, you should try to see if you feel connected to the other person. How does this feel? What is the sensation like? Is there a visual component to the picture that seems to develop, or perhaps just a strong intuition? If you are the receiver, do any images or other sensations pop into your mind? Does it feel like something is connected to you? What is that sensation? How does it seem to affect your state of mind? Do images pop into your head?

After the allotted time, each person should stand up and banish. They should then meet up for coffee or food (I personally like coffee; as an aside, if you ever want to talk to me at a festival, just offer me something tasty to drink). While they are using the coffee/food time to ground, both participants should share their perceptions of the experiment.

From here, both participants should repeat the experiments with the body fluids, candles, dolls, and even different symbol links (such as a name). After you have tried the experiment with those different physical foci, try to just do the experiment visualizing the image of the other person while focusing the energy into the visualization. How does this affect the process?

Perceptual Augmentation of the Link

Of course, we can combine link components to form a stronger physical focus. Any combination is possible, from items that belonged to the person, symbols, unique names for the person, or just unique quirks about the person. In my own experimentation and practice, though, I noticed something that you might have too. First, there is a certain feeling, intuition, and vision that seems to pop into our minds as we are being connected to someone in this way. This will be entirely different for each person, but we know something is going on. Equally, there is a certain sensation when reaching out via a physical talisman or visualization that seems to occur when we are transmitting the information/energy. The trick is to recognize what the feeling/image/sound key is that seems to indicate a successful link. For me, connecting feels like a process of breaking through space until there is a certain "eureka" moment when I just know the link is working. This sensation of connecting and being connected are both states of mind.

In our experimentation so far, we have been playing a lot with states of mind. This is no different. We can augment (increase or diminish) our side of the link by tweaking our perception of the sensation we are feeling. It is fully possible that different links for different purposes will feel completely unlike each other, but after practicing all of the various emotions and elemental information energies, it does become easier to feel where there is a link and have a general idea of what that link feels like. If each link does feel different, just pick one that feels pleasant to work with for these ideas.

From here, pay closer and closer attention to the sensation while you are practicing. As with some of the memory exercises we did earlier, try to turn up the intensity of the sensation by adding sensory details. If the connection to feeling is one of breaking through space, as it is for me, add the imagined feeling of air flowing past you. The eureka moment is a very guttural feeling, so I just add sensations of the loud internal YES. For me, the connection feels like something in the back of my neck trying to burrow in. If I don't want it to, I just make the feeling go away. If I do want to let it go in, I simply increase the feeling of the burrowing in and add a sensation and visual component, such as feeling like mud, or not feeling solid (so that it is easier for the energy or information to meld into me personally). Remember, in each case, add strong, information-rich sensations to make the perceptual component of the link more powerful and rich, or take away information from the sensation to make the link less perceptually powerful. Each person's perception of a magical link is going to be radically different.

Experiment with the process. See if a partner feels that there is more energy or information coming through as you tweak your end of the transmission. Often, I visualize and feel the energy barreling through a vortex. Likewise, as you tweak your end of the receiving, see if your partner believes that there is more energy that can be pushed through. How does changing your perception of the link change the impression your partner gets (if it does)? How does altering both perceptual aspects of the link affect the link? Remember to banish to start and formally banish to end the sessions.

Repeating attempts to enhance the link to one person may create an underlying link to that person outside of merely sympathetic magic. Make sure to use the reconditioning techniques to weaken that connection if you want it to weaken. This underlying link is why magic for or against other family members is stronger or why linking to a former or current lover (or friend) is easier.

Reversing a Link

So far, we have been treating the magical link as a one-way process. This metaphor is not completely right. Magical links are usually twoway processes for the majority of operations, including aggressive operations. Describing a psychic connection as a cord is a very popular New Age concept and one that makes the metaphor simple. A conduit is a better way to explain this. Even though the primary stream of information or energy is going one way, the receiver can in fact use the connection as a starting point to send information/energy.

Let's try an exercise. Find a partner again. This time, each partner should try this as both the receiver and the sender. The sender should use the combination of images, words, and physical materials that caused the strongest magical link. The receiver should at first be passive. He or she should then imagine what it would be like to transmit the energy and information across the link with as many of the five senses as possible. I usually will use all of my senses, imagine the connection, and imagine the energy coming into my system. I imagine the physical connection, and then I imagine the energy in my system slowing down until it stops. Then, I just imagine the energy starting to reverse. Use your memory of the way a sending link feels to augment the metaphor.

Try this again while trying to imagine that the connection, as you perceive it, has the qualities of both the sending part and the receiving part. How does this affect your experience and your partner's experience of the exercise? Repeat it with different energies for each person. How does the co-broadcasting seem to affect things? First try this in one way, where the co-broadcasting is cooperative, and then try it in another way, where you are trying to force the link to have a single direction by blocking the receiving feelings or sensations.

What You Do to the Object, You Do to the Person

With all of this very detailed information about the magical link, there hasn't been much talk about actually performing sympathetic magic. Understanding the link, however, gives a magician a lot of leeway to send information and resonances through the link. Often, traditional sympathetic magic might use a doll stuffed with herbs, a candle dressed with herbs, or a picture and incense. In each case, traditional folk magic will use the herbs to create the proper resonance around the person and then cause some other intent to happen to him or her (that intent is whatever you do to the doll). From some traditional points of view, spirits get attracted to the target and carry out the effect (either good or bad) after the material base is used in this way. We played around with a little resonance stuff in the previous chapter. You can combine the things you learned from that chapter to make a material base to form a magical link to someone else. As with the resonance magic, choose the herbs, minerals, colors, etc., that seem to fit with your intent. If you did some of the experimentation in the previous chapter, you should be able to create some mixtures that correspond to what you are trying to bring about and, by focusing on the link, cause that resonance to flow over to the other person.

For candle spells, that resonance and intent is often enough. Try it: carve someone's name into a candle, dress it with the appropriate oils as determined by using the resonance ideas from the previous chapter, concentrate on establishing the link, and keep repeating the intent. At this point, I strongly recommend sigilizing the intent into a mantra. This probably will work with the picture and any of the links between people. Of course, with dolls and puppets you have the extra step in which you can do something to the doll and thus the person. This is gestural information.

Given what we talked about previously, if you make a doll with the herbs you've determined to be appropriate and embed some sort of link, which we have been discussing, the process is the same. In each case, naming the doll or picture as the person and then understanding how to make the link allows the magic to flow. In puppet magic, you can repeat the steps with a candle and focus on the same type of intent, except that when you finally hit a deeper trance state, you carry out on the doll the physical actions that you would want to carry out on the person. The stronger you perceive your established link to be, the easier it is for you to do the magic involving the link.

When you are beaming that information directly into the other people's subconscious minds and then they manifest the outcome, call ing information, spirits, or energy around them to carry out the intent is helpful. In a way, you are changing their information pattern to incorporate the new programming. Any other creative explanation to detail what is going on is a matter I allow you to endlessly debate on your own, but I will debate it for coffee or a nice drink. It really is just as simple as sending the intent over the link.

Place-Based Sympathetic Techniques

Of course, person-to-person links are by far not the only links that are possible. It is fully possible to create a magical link to a place. Although the place can't call you up and compare notes, it is very possible to create a link between yourself and a place. Usually, a link might be a stone from the place or some other unique item. Really, your intuition can help you determine what to take from the original site (out of respect, do ask). Now, this process is very much similar to creating a link to a person, although the object is the link. Clearly, the strength of the link will depend on your ability to increase it. This is similar to the process with a person. In this case, memories of the location are a good sensory addition to the link. Now, a link like this to a place can be two-way, but it is up to you as the magician to make the link work two ways. A place is rarely going to be sentient enough to push information toward you (although there are exceptions), but you can certainly use the link to pull energy and information from a place as well as push energy and information into a place.

The methodology is very similar to what we did with people, except that the link is now a stone or artifact from the place. Getting confirmation for this type of experimentation will be a little more difficult, because you need to have someone at the other location. Relax, receive impressions or sensations from the artifact while in a trance state, and try to augment the strength of the link by augmenting the feeling of being linked, just like we did in the earlier exercises. In this case, imagine the artifact connected to a place via a conduit and use all of the senses you can to increase the amount of energy and information flow coming from that place through the conduit. I like to imagine a silver hose connecting the artifact with the original place. With as many of the senses as you can, imagine the other place on the other end of the conduit. How does imagining that place on the other end of the conduit make you feel? Try to increase the flow through the conduit as much as possible.

After you have acted as a receiver (more like a vacuum), try to get a magically inclined person to be a friend in the area you are connecting with at the time you are trying to connect with it. Have your friend simply sit in the area you are working with while meditating and relaxing. On your end, use the artifact to transmit energy and information to the area you are trying to connect with. Again, try to use your memory of what a strong connection feels like to augment the flow of information and energy to the other area. Visualize the conduit pushing energy and information to that area, and then increase the conduit to the greatest extent you can by applying the memory of the strong connection. Try to push as much energy and information as you can through the conduit. Adding vortex imagery never hurts this process (and in fact this is how I do this particular trick). Do this for a half an hour at a stretch. Confirm with your friend any difference they pick up in the feeling of the area or things that pop into their head. This exercise is a little tricky to get down, since sometimes your friend might not get a change in feeling or intuition. Keep practicing the personto-person exercises, and eventually they will feel something (provided they themselves are magically inclined).

While this exercise might not seem not useful for results at first, I guarantee that a little further into this chapter we will use the training and ideas we got from this exercise to do results-oriented magic.

Anchor Points; Temporal Points of Anchor

Let's go back to the first picture example that we tried. In that example, you looked at a picture of yourself taken at nearly the current point in time and made a link to yourself in the present. In this exercise, I want you to specifically find a picture of you as a baby or at least at a radically different age than you are now. Now I want you to use the different techniques of linking to the picture, just like we did before. Does the link feel the same? After you have tried it, try to remember the state of mind, body, and emotion that you were experiencing while in that picture. Can you receive information from that state? Does the energy or information stream feel the same?

Try working with pictures of you from different times. These pictures represent people very different from who you are right now.Does giving yourself love energy when you needed it in the past help you right now?

Think Outside the Box of Links

Now that we have experimented with tremendous amounts of physical bases with different substances to create the original link, try to create a link by merely visualizing the person you wish to affect. This is a moment of truth regarding whether or not you really practiced the visualization exercises. If you have trouble with this exercise, just go back and try to work through some of the visualization exercises again. It will get easier. Let's try to create a link to ourselves again. The easiest way to do this is to visualize yourself on a piece of paper, much like seeing your own picture. Once you have a solid visualization of yourself, make sure to name yourself as yourself in the way we did with the physical links. After you have named yourself, attempt to receive and then transmit information to yourself. How does not having a physical medium affect the strength of the link you created?

Next, try to augment the link by using the memory of what you believed was the strongest link. Create the sensation that this visualized link is just as strong. When you do this, try to mimic the sensations of that strongly linked state where it felt like there was a tremendous amount of information or energy flowing back to you from the link. This is the same type of memory game as the ones we were playing with the earlier sympathetic links.

Once you have tried to create the link with merely the visualization, find a partner and try to redo the experiment. As with the other experiments with partners, try to schedule a set time. One person should relax while the other person tries to transmit. Try this for thirty minutes and then, on another day, switch the roles to experience how the link feels using just visualizations. Feel free to attempt to change the visualization of the other person from a visualized picture to a complete 3-D model. Add any unique details about the person to the visualization. How does this affect the strength of the link to the other person? Of course, while in a trance state, you could visualize doing something to the 3-D model of the person, provided that you have made sure the link is strong.

Thinking about someone strongly is a type of link that you can enhance or diminish using techniques similar to those we have covered. A lover might feel like an extremely strong link whereas your boss or an acquaintance might not. These interpersonal connections are easily manipulated, just as we were doing with our experiments. If you think about how your relationships with people feel in relation to how strong the links feel, it is possible to change the dynamic of a link between yourself and another person by changing the perceived strength of the connection with other information (even if that link is a very weak acquaintance link). I have not yet mastered this technique to do this on the fly with people I am first conversing with, but it is possible.

Pick a random person. Stare at that person while trying to create a link, just as we have been practicing. Have the intent to do something that you do not at first care about (such as turning that person's head). Feel and visualize transmitting that information to the person until he or she does what you are asking. Phrase this intent in a strong, imperative, and positive manner, such as "Turn your head." I simply repeat the intent as loud as possible within my head and visualize this as a stream of information spinning out from me to the other person. Of course, you must be in a relaxed and mentally centered mindset to get this to work (meaning that this won't work unless, in your head, you are repeating only this intent toward another person). I first saw this technique in Phil Hine's Condensed Chaos (1995), but I have seen it in many occult books published as early as 1920. Of course, as you practice this, you can do more and more interesting commands, but at first try to have people do simple things you do not really care about. After you have practiced that step a bit and can get a relatively high success rate, think about the sensations you receive from the link. You may receive sensations similar to those of other types of magical links that we have been discussing.

For fun, once you feel you have a link and the other person does what you are requesting, attempt to use your memory of a strong magical link to augment the on-the-spot link you have with the person. Again, I personally will use vortex visualizations (a funnel from me to them), the feeling of a strong link, and whatever else seems relevant to make the links stronger. Other people like to use tentacles, a string of binary bits, or even cords. For this exercise, whatever visualization seems to work for you is right. Techniques such as the Moon Glance from Peter Carroll seem to work in a similar manner (Carroll 1992). How does enhancing the link affect the results you are able to get with transmitting the command? Now, just as a word of advice, staring at people directly makes them nervous (and that actually works against the technique, because when people get nervous, they close up), so you have to learn to be clever if you are going to practice and use these ideas. Of course, doing this sort of thing on strangers might be ethically challenged but your ethics are your own.

Simple Results-Oriented Techniques

There have been a lot of pages of exercises to try to help you get a very intuitive understanding of the magical link. Usually, the better and more powerfully that you can imagine the sensations from the link, the easier it is to get your magic to work. With a strong enough link, I have found that many of the so-called "psychic" powers, such telepathy, are possible. In my opinion, a link can be to a place, person, situation, entity, time, etc. The concept of linking to entities will become very important in the invocation section beginning with chapter 25.

Previously in our adventure, we did a tremendous amount of exercises with states of mind, taking on emotions, even using our emotions to generate an emotional response in another person. Generally, almost everything that most magicians want has to in some way deal with other people. Combining the idea of the magical link with some of the energy exercises and states of mind discussed earlier opens up some interesting possibilities. First of all, we already used the energy exercises earlier to shift someone's emotional mood, so using this over a magical link is a good starting point for results-oriented magic. As with the energy exercises, relax, banish, and then pull forward a particular emotional state. Let this state overwhelm you, and then use the techniques to create a magical link with a target. How does the other person's mood shift? How does the strength of the link affect your ability to create a certain mood?

In another exercise, we used the memory of an intriguing conversation (with a sigil link) to replicate similar conversations in our immediate environment. This is another great technique to try with a magical link, to influence a conversation to generate energy and information patterns similar to a previous conversation. This exercise seems to work better if you have created an alphabet of desire sigil that links to the general pattern of the conversation you are looking to replicate. (Basically, you want to have a general idea of where you want the conversation to go-for example, a steamy conversation, an intellectually stimulating conversation, etc.) But the technique is remarkably similar to what we were doing with the emotional energy games.

You have a linked sigil that represents "archetypal" conversation energy. Using that sigil or mantra in the back of your head, you bring forward that information/energy stream and direct it toward another person via the magical link, just as we were doing in the previous exercises (except that now we are just sending a particular information stream/energy across the link). If you have a partner in trying some of this stuff out, try to do this with active conversation with that person and also at times when you are not directly chatting. Often when I have done this exercise, people have had daydreams or thought they needed to talk to me about x, and it's often been consistent with the information I was sending out. Again, for this to work, you have to clear your head and really let the linked alphabet of desire sigil (or memory of a productive conversation) come fully to the forefront and occupy a singularity of focus on that information (an applied gnosis).

Sigil Magic and Using the Link (Let's Get Down to Results, Shall We?)

We briefly discussed using the different states of mind and then sending the energy of those states of mind through a link that you have, but there is no reason you couldn't use a sigil or mantra that encapsulates the intent and use the link to vibrate/send the encapsulated desire to the other person. As we have seen, the link can be a blessed candle, a doll, a picture, a name, or even a visualization.

After all those training exercises, let's try some work for real-world results. Encapsulate your desire into a sigil or mantra. Relax, banish, and center just like we did earlier. Speak your statement of intent. Create and enhance the magical link you are working with by using the perception and memory games we have been playing. Visualize/feel/sense that you are holding that link while performing your mantra and/or staring at your sigil. Continue with the mantra and/or sigil while performing and obtaining some sort of altered state of consciousness via the host of methods we have discussed earlier. Adding a visualization of what you want to happen to the other person or carrying out a gesture to a physical link often adds to the working. Finish by banishing in your preferred method, which will break the link that was established during your spell work.

This simple sigil ritual is very similar to the work we were doing with straight sigil magic, except for the addition of paying close attention to the strength of the magical link and trying to maintain the strength of that link. This step alone, for me personally, seems to add much more specific direction to the sigil workings. Now, this method is not just for controlling other people, as many might think. As with any sigil magic, anything is possible. I have used this type of magic with healing work (physical and emotional), protection work, cleansing, and many other sorts of positive outcomes.

Invocation and Evocation Along with the Sympathetic Styles of Magic

Although right now we are limiting our methods with the magical link to sigils and sympathetic magic, it is very possible to take on alien states of mind via invocation (which we will cover) and send those energies through a magical link, or do an evocation (which we will cover) and send a spirit to someone else by using the magical link. This is something to keep in mind when you are doing both invocational and evocational work.
