Energy Manipulation IV and Practical Shielding Techniques

Hands-On Chaos Magic: Reality Manipulation through the Ovayki Current - Andrieh Vitimus 2009

Energy Manipulation IV and Practical Shielding Techniques

Energy Manipulation and Shielding

Creating a barrier around you is a prerequisite to evocational work and some forms of shamanic magic, but it can be used for far more than merely a protective bubble. As you are reading, jot down other ideas you have for these shielding techniques.

Large Ball to Shield Game

Make a ball as you have in the past, but continue to feed the ball till it is big enough for you to walk inside. This takes a bit of time, so be patient. Once the ball is large enough to actually cover your whole body, verify the size and strength of the field with a partner, if possible. Step inside the ball. See how it feels, first to cross the boundary into the huge ball, and second to be inside the energy ball. Change the consistency of the ball to be hard and impenetrable. Feel it coalescing to a solid shell around you.

Once you have completed this, destroy the ball and re-create it, but instead of making a ball large enough to step in, just make a bubble around you, again visualizing it as a hard shell. With a partner, continue to check on the bubble. As with other exercises, try not to think about the bubble for increasing lengths of time, and verify with a partner how long the bubble can last before it is no longer present. Keep doing this exercise until the bubble seems to remain intact without losing strength for an extended period of time (over fifteen minutes). Strengthening the barrier is the same as asserting a psychic shield.

If you don't have a partner to test this with, practice this alone for a while. Before you start practicing this exercise, go to a place that is packed with people. After you are confident with your barrier, go back to that crowded place. Do people in that crowded place react differently to you than they did before? Do they bump into you less? Do they move out of your way more often?

Color, Shape, and Texture Bubble Game

Once you are reasonably sure that you can create a barrier for yourself, give the barrier different aspects in the same way you gave your ball different textures. If you can, practice this with a partner. You can make the "sphere" rubbery, mirrorlike, or golden. Use any combination of texture, color, and density. Practice with different combinations by visualizing your bubble changing from what it normally is to an entirely different impression. You will need to be relaxed and stay focused on the task. Try to spend thirty minutes or more locking the bubble into the new impression.

Practice with the combinations and see if you can get confirmation that people can pick up a subtle difference in your "aura" What is the reaction out in public to different combinations? If you have a partner, have him or her confirm the presence of the bubble and keep checking on the construct at more and more distant intervals. If you don't have a partner, use the reaction of random people in an area you don't know to judge the impact. Does the bubble fade over time? As you practice more often, does the bubble fade less?

Often in simple psychic shielding, simple visualizations are used to empower the "bubble" This is not enough. Try to incorporate all senses and push energy into the bubble to empower it as you are giving the bubble more informational content as well. Feel and visualize the bubble becoming as you will it to. As we shall cover later, a strong shield is a good foundation for multiple paradigms of magic. However, in practice, a shield can be drained of its energy, and it is only as strong as the practitioner's willpower. If you are faced with a situation in which you must defend yourself (in astral wandering or other shamanic techniques), use your shield to deflect attacks, but evoke constructs or spirits to defend you. Evocation will be covered slightly later, in chapter 28.

Elemental Auric Manipulation Game

As with the shield ball game, create a bubble around you. Create the bubble using an elemental component from the Persian system (air, fire, water, and earth). You researched individual components of this system earlier. Try to have a partner describe which element you are trying to emit via your large shield ball. Attempt to do each of the elements. The partner should check to see that the entire ball around you is of that elemental type. At this point, you should reverse roles with your partner. Again, it takes a little time to master the sensitivity parts of this exercise. Remember, this is about having fun. Try to continue forcing energy into the bubble around you by increasing its size and strength. As with the shield ball game, see how long your bubble can remain at full strength before noticeably diminishing in strength. Continue practicing this exercise until the bubble does not seem to diminish for a reasonable length of time (fifteen minutes or more).

Emotional Auric Manipulation Game

Once again, partner up if possible, or test your auric manipulation by walking around in random places. Now take on an extreme emotion via reliving a memory, like we discussed earlier. Fill yourself completely with the emotional energy, using the methods we have before. At home, try to do this with as many emotions as you can. In a workshop, choose one of the emotions we have been working with-lust, love, hate, fear, or rage-or laughter. Create a shield ball around you with the emotional energy, using whichever way is easiest. Verify the strength of the bubble as well as the type of emotion with a partner. Switch roles and repeat. Once each partner can do this exercise, record in your journal how the bubble of emotion makes your partner either want to talk to you or avoid you. As with the shield bubble game, and the elemental auric manipulation game, try to extend the auric change for long periods of time. Once you are pretty sure that you can hold this auric manipulation for an extended period of time, change your internal emotion while leaving the outer auric manipulation intact. Attempt to verify this with a partner, and see if that person can tell what the inner emotion is. Keep going with this exercise, and strengthen the bubble with a partner till you can get a six-foot-or-more concentrated sphere of that type of emotion around you. Once you can do that (verified by a partner), go out to a public place with the auric shifts, and record how people treat you (obviously, one example is to go to a nightclub while excluding lust into your aura). There will be one more auric section of techniques to try out later in our adventure.

The "No" Effect in Shielding and Bubble Creation

As a culture in America, we are conditioned to say yes. Say yes to buying stuff. Say yes to internal complaining. Say yes to just about everything. One of the strongest and most effective techniques in magic when summoning or otherwise doing work is to say no from your core and mean it. Usually this is said to yourself or a part of you that is afraid of reacting. In fact, "no" can be a powerful reconditioning agent if the strength of will is behind it. So why is this diatribe the last section in the first part of auric manipulation?

Simply put, no one can affect your energy, either by inputting something in your energy pattern or by taking your energy without permission from you. This includes external and internal agents. You are in control of your energy at all times.

At first this might seem ridiculous. But if you have access to a partner, have that person try the vortex exercise on you. Simply cross your arms in a closed position and scream NO inside your head as loud as you can. Can they easily take your energy or does the stream stop? If an internal voice is telling you that you will fail, silently tell that voice NO in the strongest possible way. Does it quiet down? Practice saying no in any situation you are not comfortable with. This cannot be a weak no, but a practiced willful and forceful NO. Try shouting NO out loud a few times. How does it make you feel?

At first, you might feel uncomfortable saying no. Try to envision yourself saying no and being proud of it. Think about the times you could have saved yourself trouble if you had said no.

Later on, when we get to invocation and evocation, there are times that entities will test your strength of will or magical ability by causing you to be afraid or have doubts. NO is your friend, even if you are telling it to yourself. Just keep getting used to saying no and meaning it.

Remember, no one can affect your energy unless they have implicit or direct permission to do so. If you don't like the effect an entity or person is having on you, build a rising crescendo of resistance by repeating NO and meaning it.

As with the other energy and visualization exercises, how does posture, breathing, your state of mind, gestures, and any other combination affect these exercises? Do some combinations make a stronger and more cohesive bubble faster? Do different combinations affect the impact of the exercise? Keep playing and experimenting. From here we move to practical spellcraft in the form of sigils. Time to start enchanting!
