Energy Manipulation III

Hands-On Chaos Magic: Reality Manipulation through the Ovayki Current - Andrieh Vitimus 2009

Energy Manipulation III

Emotion Ball Game

If you have really been trying out the mudras, breathing, postures, and gestures, you may have some combinations that seem to produce a specific emotion or state of mind. Combining the gesture with re-accessing a memory can produce a very strong emotional state. Now, to refine the exercise a bit, let's throw some NLP kinds of visualizations into the mixture. When visualizing the memory you are trying to use as a base emotion, you can in most cases make that memory more realistic by adding sensory details of as many senses as possible. Keep revisiting the memory with the added sensory details until the emotion completely overcomes you. Allow yourself to become enraged or pine in lust, wallow completely in sadness, or be so happy that it overwhelms you. Keep repeating the memory in your head until there isn't anything in your conscious mind except for the memory.

When you feel like you are overflowing with the emotion, visualize the emotional energy flowing and coalescing into a ball in your hands. Try to do this exercise with a partner, just to get verification. After you have an emotional energy ball, try to get your partner to sense what type of emotion the ball represents. This takes a little practice.

Try to do this with as many emotions as possible. As with the other exercises, try to play with posture, breathing, and gesture. If you have some combinations that seem to enhance or lead into one emotion, by all means try it with that emotion. Is the sphere produced stronger with breathing combinations or posture than if you just did the memory exercise? Try as many combinations as you want to, and keep track of which combination has what mental effect.

Banishing is a very good idea after this exercise. Retry some of the energy ball games previously covered in the adventure, such as the inner taffy ball game, using the emotionally tinged information. What happens?

Mood Alteration

As an astute reader, you will immediately recognize that this exercise marks a transition from mere practice to the manifestation of some practical effects in the material world. The point of the exercise is to use the emotional energy that was generated by the last exercise and directly channel that into other people, thus changing their mood. I strongly recommend that when you are starting with this exercise you should definitely stick to positive emotions. After you start to get the feeling for the exercise, try this with all emotions, but be prepared to banish, and do get permission from your partner.

Have your partner sit down in front of you with his or her back to you, or if you don't have a partner, use a mirror to practice on yourself, and imagine that your image in the mirror is your partner. Using negative emotions on random people is not recommended-some unknowing participants might get slightly annoyed if they find out what you are doing-but that is a decision left to your discretion, or lack thereof.

Place your hands above your partner's shoulders or, if you have some comfort with the person, feel free to place your hands on the shoulders. Just like for the last two exercises, use a memory of an emotion to generate that emotion. You might have a particularly good combination of breathing and posture that augments it. Let the emotion overwhelm you and build till you are ready to explode with that emotion. At that point, you are completely in the thralls of it. Take a deep breath in and then, with a strong exhalation, visualize all that emotion extending out of your hands and into the other person. The feeling should be like a waterfall gushing out of your hands. Keep visualizing and pushing the energy flowing out of your body until there is no more emotion left and you feel "calm" or emotionally spent.

If you choose random partners, try to observe their body language and posture as the energy goes into their system. Is there a noticeable shift? Was the shift consistent with the body language that would be expressed for that particular emotion? If you have partners that you can talk to, ask them for their impression of the experience and what they thought the emotion was. Of course, switch places afterward, and have them pump you full of an emotion and see how this affects you.

Keep trying this exercise with more subtle amounts of the energy. How much energy does it take to create a reaction? How does altering breathing and posture, or even adding gestures, change the patterns, strength, or ability to alter moods?

Sampling and Giving Energy From and To Different Sources

This is a simple technique to sample the energy from different sources. Relax and breathe. I highly recommend that if you take energy from people or even things, you ask them for permission. Clear out your head and totally relax when you are first starting with this series of techniques. Hold your hand out in front of you. Visualize a vortex starting to slowly spin out from your hand. Combine the visualization with imagining the sound of a tornado as well as a feeling of force being drawn into your hand. Some people prefer to visualize a tentacle growing from their hand that sucks energy, but I prefer the less Cthulhu-like route. Feel the vortex slowly pulling the energy into you like a drain. I have found that the stronger and faster you visualize the vortex, the more energy you can take in. With practice, you can get better at this exercise. Likewise, if you find that spinning the vortex one way takes energy in, spinning the vortex the opposite way and visualizing the energy pushing out from your hand will give energy to a source.

Visualize the vortex spinning faster and faster and a tunnel going from the source you are sampling. This vortex would be like a very narrow tornado. Feel the energy flowing from them to you. This takes some practice. The point of this is not to drain a target of its energy but to sample the energy. Try to record the feelings, thoughts, and states of mind that come to you after starting this exercise. What impressions, images, sounds, smells, or feelings do you get from the energy sample? What thoughts does it bring to mind? Only take enough to "understand" Taking more than you need or doing this to someone without permission is usually considered extremely rude from most perspectives, and it is a violation of the other person's individual rights.

Imagine that you are drinking the energy through the straw of the vortex. Record everything in your journal. If you were working with a partner as your source, switch roles; write down in your journal how it felt to be on the giving and taking ends of the process. I am not the conscience police, but be warned: this leads to Billy Badass Western-style showdowns. In a Western showdown, there are a lot of people who get hurt. Keep that in mind. Secondly, you never know what you are going to pick up with this. Experimenting with this on people could get you sick if the person you are draining from is sick. The technique, however, is a useful building block to sample and use energy from other sources. When I attempt to take something's essence, I usually ask permission and give the same amount of my energy back to the source. Often with entities and people, in a spirit model, this creates a solid friendship. With trees, it starts a great rapport. With a lake, it forms a connection.

The hand method is very obvious, though. Once you can use the hand method reliably, try visualizing the vortex coming out of your stomach instead and pulling the energy in through there or via your mouth. At this stage in the exercise, you should be able to be discrete. As a final experiment, try to use the vortex visualization from your eyes alone.

Once you are able to use the vortex to pull energy, repeat the process trying to push energy or give energy with the vortex. This visualization should produce more of an energy push than you normally would be able to push out. Spin the vortex the other way, or just will it to be a pushing (not a pulling), and push the energy out.

Replicating Energies

Once you have the energy sampling technique down, there is an interesting series of experiments that you can do as you map out how different energies feel. Our brains (according to What the BLEEP Do We Know?) discern no difference between the memory of a thing and the thing itself. The previous emotional energy games suggest that the memory of an emotion can be enough to replicate that emotion (and produce an energy that is transferable from an energy model).

But emotions are not the only concept that can be replicated. Once you have sampled an energy source, use the memory of the "tasting" of the energy source to produce the energy. Try to remember an energy source you have sampled, or review your journal notes. Relax and breathe. At first, use the progressive relaxation and Ofnung meditation to become completely relaxed. After counting down from 99 to 0 and relaxing, start going over the memory of where you "tasted" an energy source. Bring the memory to the forefront, adding details of all the senses that you can think of that augment and empower the sensory content of the memory itself. Yes, this is an NLP and psychological trick to empower the memory. Just relax and let the details come to you as you need them to. Keep repeating the memory until you are deep in trance.

If you have access to a partner, try to experiment with that person. Recall a source you have sampled and understood and replicate it using the memory trick. Form a ball of that energy. What does your partner pick up?

An interesting side use of this is to replicate the energy of any experience by using the memory trick and adding details to the memory to crystallize and empower it. If you have really enjoyed a conversation you have had, replicate the feeling, states of mind, and thoughts of that exchange. This combination will reproduce the energy of that conversation. With sigil magic and the later visualizations, there will be ample uses for techniques like this. Of course, merely surrounding yourself with the energy and vibrating that energy might be enough to attract it and have more interesting conversations or events. This is a technique alluded to in Taylor Ellwood's Space/Time Magic, but I have independently worked this out. This particular technique will become extremely useful in evocations and invocations, as well as more visualization types of magic.
