Talismans Of The Sage Of The Pyramids - The Rituals of Black Magic - The Literature of Ceremonial Magic

The Book of Ceremonial Magic The Secret Tradition in Goëtia, Including the Rites and Mysteries of Goëtic Theurgy, Sorcery and Infernal Necromancy - Arthur Edward Waite 1913

Talismans Of The Sage Of The Pyramids
The Rituals of Black Magic
The Literature of Ceremonial Magic

I. Serves for the conjuration of celestial and infernal powers. It should be embroidered in silver upon sky-blue satin. The evoking words are SIRAS, ETAR, BESANAR, at which multitudes of spirits will appear.



The characters should be graven on the inner side of the Ring



The characters should be graven on the inner side of the Ring

II. Gives the love and complaisance of the entire female sex. It should be embroidered in silver on black satin. The evoking words are NADES, SURADIS, MANINER, pronounced with the ring-which should be on the middle finger of the left hand-pressed against the lips. This conjuration ensures the manifestation of a genius with rose-coloured wings, who, if addressed with the words SADER, PROSTAS, SOLASTER, Will traverse all space to transport you the lady of your heart, though she were the queen of the Caliph's seraglio. At the words MAMMES, LAHER, she will be removed by four slaves. It will be observed that this is occult ribaldry.



The characters should be graven on the inner side of the Ring

III. Discovers all treasures and ensures their possession. The figure of the talisman should be embroidered in gold upon green satin. The words ONAÏM, PERANTÈS, RASONASTOS, will cause the appearance of seven genii au teint bazané, each of whom will pour out golden ducats from great bags of bide at the feet of the sorcerer, the operations of this Grimoire being performed upon a huge scale. Item, a black hooded bird will be perched upon the shoulder of each spirit.

IV. Discovers the most hidden secrets and enables its Possessor to penetrate everywhere unseen. The talisman should be of violet satin, with the figures embroidered in silver. It must be held in the left hand, on which also the ring should be worn, and should be placed close to the ear, pronouncing the words NITRÆ, RADOU, SUNANDAM, when a distinct voice will utter the desired mystery.



The characters should be graven on the outer side of the Ring



The characters should be graven on the outer side of the Ring

V. Will make the most taciturn man unbosom himself to its possessor, whose enemies will also be forced to confess all their machinations. The talisman should be of gold-coloured satin with the figures embroidered in gold. By placing the ring on the little finger of the left hand, the talisman against the right ear, and by pronouncing the words NOCTAR, RAIBAN, the most discreet man--as I have indicated--will be compelled to unveil his utterly secret thoughts. The addition of the word BRANTHER will force the enemies of the possessor to declare their projects aloud.

VI. Sets to work enough genii for the immediate achievement of any work which the possessor may desire to undertake, and for the stoppage of any which may oppose him. The talisman should be of lilac satin with the figures embroidered in shaded silk. The magical words are ZORAMI, ZAITUX, ELASTOT.



The characters should be engraved on the outer side of the Ring



The characters should be engraved on the inner side of the Ring

VII. Has the power to destroy everything; to cause the fall of hail, thunderbolts and stars from heaven; to occasion earthquakes, storms and so forth. At the same time it preserves the friends of the possessor from accidents. The figure of the talisman should be embroidered in silver upon poppy-red satin. The magical words are: (1) DITAU, HURANDOS, for works of destruction; (2) RIDAS, TALIMOL, to command the elements; (3) ATROSIS, NARPIDA, for the fall of hail, etc.; (4) UUSUR, ITAR, for earthquakes; (5) HISPEN, TROMADOR, for hurricanes and storms; (6) PARANTHES, HISTANOS, for the preservation of friends.



The characters should be graven on the outer side of the Ring

VIII. Gives invisibility, even to the eyes of genii, so that God alone shall witness the actions of the possessor. It is accompanied by the power of penetrating everywhere and passing through brick walls. The magical words are BENATIR, CARARKAU, DEDOS, ETINARMI. For each operation the ring must be placed upon a different finger of the right hand. The talisman is of yellow satin embroidered with black silk.

IX. Transports the possessor to any part of the world, and that without danger. The potent words are RADITUS, POLASTRIEN, TERPANDU, OSTRATA, PERICATUR, ERMAS. The talisman is of puce-coloured satin embroidered with gold.

X. Opens all locks at a touch, whatever precautions have been taken to secure them. The magical words are SARITAP, PERNISOX, OTTARIM. The talisman is of deep blue satin embroidered with silver.



The characters should be graven on the inner side of the Ring



The characters should be graven on the outer side of the Ring

XI. Sets the possessor in any desired house without the preliminary of entering and reads the thoughts of all persons, so that they can be helped or harmed at pleasure. The talisman is of light grey satin embroidered with gold. To know thoughts, place it on your head, breathe upon the ring, and say: O TAROT, NIZAEL, ESTARNAS, TANTAREZ. To serve those who are worthy: NISTA, SAPER, VISNOS, and they will forthwith enjoy every kind of prosperity. To punish your enemies or evil persons: XATROS, NIFER, ROXAS, TORTOS, and they will be immediately delivered to frightful torments.

XII. Destroys all projects formed against the possessor and compels rebellious spirits. The talisman is of rose-coloured satin embroidered with silver. It should be placed upon a table, the left hand imposed upon it; the ring should be on the middle finger of the right hand, and the operator, with bent head, should repeat in a low voice the words: SENAPOS, TERFITA, ESTAMOS, PERFITER, NOTARIN.



The characters should be graven on the outer side of the Ring



The characters should be graven on the inner side of the Ring

XIII. Endows the possessor with every virtue and talent, as-well as with the desire to do good. All substances of evil quality can be rendered excellent by means of it. For the first advantage, it is sufficient to raise up the talisman, having the ring upon the first joint of the third finger of the right hand, and to pronounce the words: TURAN, ESTONOS, FUZA. For the second, say: VAZOTAS, TESTANAR. The talisman should be of saffron coloured satin embroidered with silver.



The characters should be graven on the outer side of the Ring



The characters should be graven on the outer side of the Ring

XIV. Gives the knowledge of all minerals and vegetables, with their virtues and properties; gives also the universal medicine and the faculty of healing all sick persons. The talisman is of orange-coloured satin embroidered with silver. It should be worn upon the breast and the ring in a locket (kerchief) round the neck, secured by means of a ribbon of flame-coloured silk. The operative words are: RETERREM, SALIBAT, CRATARES, HISATER.

XV. Gives immunity from the most ferocious animals; gives the means of overcoming them; gives the knowledge of their language; and drives mad animals away. The talisman should be of deep green satin embroidered with gold. For the first three objects, say: HOCATOS, IMORAD, SURATER, MARKILA. For the last: TRUMANTREM, RICONA, ESTUPIT, OXA.



The characters should be graven on the outer side of the Ring



The characters should be graven on the outer side of the Ring

XVI. Gives discernment for the good or bad intentions of any person. The talisman is of black satin embroidered with gold. It should be placed upon the heart and the ring on the little finger of the right hand. The words are: CROSTES, FURINOT, KATIPA, GARINOS.

XVII. Gives all talents and a profound knowledge of every art, so that the possessor will outshine the toil-worn experts though unqualified by scholarship. Hereof are the advantages of an art which--speaking generally concerning it--is nothing except practical and the quality of its claims is not strained. The talisman, which must be carried on the person, should be of white satin embroidered with black silk. The operative words are: RITAS, ONALUN, TERSORIT, OMBAS, SERPITAS, QUITATHAR, ZAMARATH, specifying the art which it is desired to possess.



The characters should be graven on the inner side of the Ring



The characters should be graven on the inner side of the Ring

XVIII. Gives good fortune in any lottery. The talisman is of cerise-coloured satin embroidered with gold and silver. It should be bound upon the left arm by means of a white ribbon, and the ring must be on the little finger of the right hand. The words are: ROKES for a winning number, PILATUS for an ambes-ace, ZOTOAS for a denary, TULITAS for a quaternary, XATANITOS for a quinary, being careful to pronounce all the words at the quine--an instruction which I do not quite grasp, but if the art or science of the lottery is followed at this day under the old laws, I commend the question to those who are experts therein. This is one of the lesser mysteries of occultism. At cards the same potent formula should be repeated when shuffling for self or partner. Before beginning, touch your left arm with your right hand in the neighbourhood of the talisman, and kiss the ring. These little contrivances can be effected, says the honest Grimoire, without exciting the notice of your opponent.



The characters should be graven on the outer side of the Ring



The characters should be graven on the outer side of the Ring

XIX. Gives the power of directing all the infernal hosts against the enemies of its possessor. The talisman is of greyish-white satin, shaded. It may be worn in any manner, and the words are: OSTHARIMAN, VISANTIPAROS, NOCTATUR.

XX. Gives the knowledge of the counsels of Infernus and the means of rendering its projects abortive, but whether for the ultimate health and weal of the operator's soul there is no guarantee offered. The talisman is of red satin, with the centre embroidered in gold, the border in silver and the figures in black and white silk. It should be worn upon the breast and the ring on the first joint of the little finger of the left hand. The words are: ACTATOS, CATIPTA, BEJOURAN, ITAPAN, MARNUTUS.



The characters should be graven on the Pod with Chinese Ink



The range of human ambition recognised by Ceremonial Magic being always somewhat restricted, it is not surprising that the offices of these talismans frequently overlap one another, or that some of them correspond very closely to the powers ascribed to the Magus by the transcendental science of the Arbatel. The talismans are preceded in the original by the figure of a magical rod, stained, says the letterpress which accompanies it, with the blood of a lamb and having the form of a serpent. The description is somewhat obscure, but the wand must be apparently flexible, so that it can be bent at need, and the mouth and tail joined by means of a golden chain, thus forming a circle. It will be observed that it is the old symbol, the great and mystic symbol, but in what strange company has it fallen! The wand should be six feet long and when bent can be used as a circle of evocation. There is also a figure of the grand magical circle, but it is not described in the text. There are thus twenty-two figures in all, and the inclusion of the word TAROT in the list of evoking terms is not without significance in this connection. A certain correspondence between the talismans and the Tarot Trumps is indeed unmistakable, at least in some instances, and seems to indicate that the work has a more definite occult aspect than would appear at first sight. It is the symbolism of the Trumps Major redirected towards the Powers of the Deep.


The Book Of Ceremonial Magic By Arthur Edward Waite