The Almadel - Composite Rituals - The Literature of Ceremonial Magic

The Book of Ceremonial Magic The Secret Tradition in Goëtia, Including the Rites and Mysteries of Goëtic Theurgy, Sorcery and Infernal Necromancy - Arthur Edward Waite 1913

The Almadel
Composite Rituals
The Literature of Ceremonial Magic

I shall explain in the first place that this scheme of invocation derives its title from the conventional talisman on which the process depends. It is made of white wax, and is inscribed as hereinafter appears.


This figure is used for the four chief angels whose government extends over the four altitudes of the world, namely, East, West, North and South. It serves also for their ministers and inferiors. As, however, a different colour is attributed to the choir of each quarter, and as this colour must dye the white wax, it follows that those who would traffic with the entire hierarchy must compose four Almadels. Their labour, moreover, will not end here, for each talisman must have four candles made from the same wax and set apart thereto. Finally, there must be provided a seal of gold or silver, on which must be engraved the names HELION, HELLUJON, ADONAI. It serves for all the choirs. The candles are provided with waxen feet, and the Almadel rests thereon, being a four-square figure measuring six inches every way. The colour for the Eastern choir is lily white; the others are red, green, and apparently a darkling green which approaches black, but only the first choir is allocated to its distinct quarter of the heaven. The names of the Intelligences are as follows:--

FIRST ALTITUDE: Alimiel, Gabriel, Borachiel, Lebes, Hellison. They make all things fruitful in creation.

SECOND ALTITUDE: Alphariza, Genon, Geron, Armon, Gereinon. They have power over goods and riches, and can make any man rich or poor. They also cause decrease and barrenness.

THIRD ALTITUDE: Eliphamasai, Gelomiros, Gedobonai, Saranana, Elomnia. Their offices are not stated.

FOURTH ALTITUDE: Barchiel, Gediel, Gebiel, Deliel, Captiel. In this case also the offices are not stated.

When an Angel of the First Altitude responds to invocation, he carries a banner emblazoned with a white cross, his body is clothed about with a luminous cloud, and he is crowned with roses. He is fair of face, and at his departure leaves a sweet perfume. An Angel of the Second Altitude has the form of a young child in rose-coloured satin, with a crown of red gillyflowers on his head. His face looks towards heaven, and shines with the light of the sun. The perfume which he leaves endures for a long time. An Angel of the Third Altitude appears in the form of a child or little woman in green and silver colours, wearing a crown of bay leaves beset with white flowers. This apparition also leaves sweet perfume. An Angel of the Fourth Altitude appears in the form of a boy or little man, in black or olive garments, crowned with ivy berries. His perfume differs from the rest, but is not less sweet: all the manifestations are beautiful, and, as it is said that they must not be called for anything against God and His laws, it is only the too certain company in which the Almadel appears that renders its operations doubtful--I mean, in respect of their intention.

Invocation takes place on a Sunday in the day and hour of the sun. The candles are placed in the candlesticks; the Almadel rests--as we have seen--on the projecting feet of the candles, but so that there is a clear space beneath it. There is a hole in each corner, and when the intelligence is about to manifest, an earthen vessel is placed under the talisman containing hot ashes and three grains of mastic in powder. The smoke generated passes through the holes, and when it is smelt by the Angel it is said that he begins to speak.

I should explain, however, that the furniture of the oratory and the vestments worn by the operator must be of the same colour as the Almadel. The candles are lighted at the inception, the golden seal is placed in the middle of the talisman, and the Invocant kneels down, holding the Prayer at Calling, which must be written on virgin parchment. The apparition manifests over the Almadel, at first in the form of a mist. This Clears gradually, and when the incense rises the face of the Angel is turned towards the operator, who is asked in a low voice why the Princes of the particular Choir or Altitude have been thus called. The answer is: "I desire that all my requests may be granted and that which I pray for accomplished, for it appears and is declared by your office that the same is possible to you, if it please God." The particulars are enumerated without fear and without disrespect.

It would seem on the surface of the text as if no preliminary invocation were needed for this work, but that is the confusion of the Ritual which relegates it to the end and to a distinct part of the process.


Thou great, mighty and blessed angel of God N., who rulest as the chief and first governing Angel in the first choir or altitude in the East, under the great Prince of the East whom you obey, who also is set over you as King by the Divine Power of God, ADONAI, HELOMI, PINE, Who is the disposer of all things in heaven, earth and hell: I, the servant of that God, ADONAI, HELOMI, PINE, Whom you obey, do invoke, conjure and entreat thee, N., that thou wilt appear forthwith. By the virtue and power of the same God I do command thee from thine order or place of abode to come unto me and skew thyself plainly here before me in thine own proper shape and glory, speaking in a voice intelligible to mine understanding. O thou mighty and blessed Angel N., I, the servant of the same thy God, do entreat and humbly beseech thee to come and shew unto me all things that I shall desire of thee, subject to the power of thine office and the good Pleasure of the Lord our God. By the three names of the true God, ADONAI, HELOMI, PINE, and by the name ANA BONA, I beseech and constrain thee forthwith to appear visibly in thy proper shape, speaking in my ears audibly, that I may have thy blessed, angelical and glorious assistance, familiar friendship, constant society, communication and instruction, now and at all times, herein and in all truths which the Almighty God, King of Kings, Giver of all good gifts, shall be graciously pleased to bestow on me. Therefore, O thou blessed Angel N., be friendly unto me, do for me as God hath empowered thee, whereunto I now adjure thee to appear it; power and presence, that I may sing with His Holy Angels O MAPPA LAMAN, HALLELUJAH. AMEN.

When he appears, says the Ritual, give him a kind entertainment; ask what is lawful, possible and becoming to his office; and you shall obtain it. If, however, he should fail to appear, the four candles must be marked with the gold or silver seal, which apparently will ensure obedience.

There are, however, certain planetary considerations connected with this process, on which its success depends. The two first Angels of the First Altitude can only be called on the first and second Sunday in March; the third and fourth on the Sundays in April; the fifth after the sun has entered Gemini in May. And so of the rest in succession.


The Book Of Ceremonial Magic By Arthur Edward Waite