Biblical Rocks - Stones of the Bible - Part Three

Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones: The A-Z Guide to Working with Gems to Enhance Your Life and Health - Shelley Kaehr 2015

Biblical Rocks
Stones of the Bible
Part Three

Rocks, dens and caves, But I in none of these Find place or refuge . . . Paradise Lost, IX. 6 118-119

Rock of Ages

The Bible mentions rocks as metaphors for the power of the Creator. “Rock of Ages” is a legendary hymn about a limestone hill in an area called Burrington Combe near North Somerset, England. The hymn’s author, Augustus Montague Toplady, wrote the following about the miraculous protection he received from a sudden and terrible storm while taking shelter in an outcropping of rock:

Rock of Ages, cleft for me,

Let me hide myself in Thee;

Let the water and the blood,

From Thy wounded side which flowed,

Be of sin the double cure,

Safe from wrath and make me pure

Not the labor of my hands

Can fulfill Thy law’s demands;

Could my zeal no respite know,

Could my tears forever flow,

All for sin could not atone;

Thou must save, and Thou alone.

Nothing in my hand I bring,

Simply to Thy cross I cling;

Naked, come to Thee for dress;

Helpless, look to Thee for grace;

Foul, I to the fountain fly;

Wash me, Savior, or I die.

While I draw this fleeting breath,

When mine eyes shall close in death,

When I rise to worlds unknown,

See Thee on Thy judgment throne,

Rock of Ages, cleft for me,

Let me hide myself in Thee.

(Lyrics from: