Topaz - Sacred Stones - Part Two

Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones: The A-Z Guide to Working with Gems to Enhance Your Life and Health - Shelley Kaehr 2015

Sacred Stones
Part Two

Found in: Afghanistan, Australia, Burma (Myanmar), China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Norway, Pakistan, Russia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Texas, USA

Named for: Topaz is derived from the Greek word Topázios, referring to St. John’s Island in the Red Sea, and may be related to the Sanskrit word tapas meaning “fire” or “heat.”

Birthstone: November = yellow, December = blue

Chinese astrology: Rooster, horse = topaz

✵ Bible ✵

Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering . . . topaz . . . Ezekiel 28:13

. . . the ninth, a topaz . . . Revelation 21:20

✵ Cayce Readings ✵

Topaz is mentioned five times in five documents.

In this temple, we find these of large or semi-circular columns of . . . topaz . . .


Q: Give exact location and depth beneath the surface.

A: . . . in North and Easterly direction—topaz in quartz . . .


. . . those colors that tend toward . . . the topaz, and in these—these; for the entity made same those of the scarabs that later became sacred to those peoples.


Pliny called topaz the stone of strength, and in this reading, Source recognizes that same energy:

. . . keep the topaz as a stone about thee always. Its beauty, its purity, its clarity, may bring to thee strength. For this ye have found, and will find oft needed in thy dealings with thy problems, and with thy fellow man.


More on Topaz

In the section on peridot, I mentioned my surprise to discover that the Latin word chrysolithus means “chrysolite” or “Topázios,” and that chrysolite is also called peridot. Further exploration uncovered the fact that in ancient times, the chrysolite was referred to as topaz. Through education about geology and chemical elements over the centuries, that stone has come to be regarded as peridot.

Superstitious people who lived during the Middle Ages believed that wearing a topaz set in gold on the left arm or around the neck would help to dispel negativity. They even powdered the stone, believing that it helped their insomnia.

Blue Topaz

One of my all-time favorite rings contains a stunning piece of bright blue emerald-cut (rectangular) topaz. Known as one of the stones of Texas—where I live—I call it my “Texas topaz.” The stone is huge, and because I have very long fingers, I like the way it looks on my hand. I wear the stone when I need to communicate effectively. Any blue stone will help with communication, but blue topaz is especially beneficial because the blue resonates with the throat center. The size of this stone, combined with the healing, beautiful blue color, makes my communication more powerful and precise when I wear that ring.

I’ve also used topaz as a rubbing stone to calm the nerves during stressful situations. Do you remember when people used to carry “worry” stones? Usually, these were pieces of rock with indentations carved into them. You would put the stone in the pocket and rub it throughout the day to gain energy or release tensions. I use my Texas topaz that same way by rubbing it throughout the day, particularly if I am busy giving readings at a show. It helps to focus my intentions and enables me to listen to my inner voice in order to deliver the message the person needs to hear at that moment.

Topaz occurs in a number of colors. It imparts the energy of playfulness or joy and resonates with the spring season of renewal and hope. If you need to reinvent yourself, topaz will transform you into a phoenix, rising from the ashes into your new form.

Smoky Topaz

Another ring that I’ve loved for many years is a gorgeous, oval, faceted piece of smoky topaz, which is brown. As are all of the earth-colored stones, smoky topaz is a deeply grounding stone.

In the same way that the blue topaz instills a sense of confidence, the smoky topaz inspires self-reliance in a stronger, more protective manner. It helps to increase physical stamina when facing physically demanding challenges or situations where others may try to seize control over you. It is indeed a stone of strength.

Selecting Your Topaz

Your stage of life or particular circumstances at any given time will determine the color and variety of topaz that you will use. All the topaz stones, regardless of color, will bring confidence and strength to you in your endeavors. Whatever you choose will be for your highest and best good.