Sapphire - Sacred Stones - Part Two

Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones: The A-Z Guide to Working with Gems to Enhance Your Life and Health - Shelley Kaehr 2015

Sacred Stones
Part Two

Found in: Australia, Burma, Cambodia, China, East Africa, India, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Thailand

Named for: The Greek word sappheiros means “blue stone” and “corundum” is derived from the Sanskrit word kuruvinda. Like the ruby, sapphire is also a gemstone variety of the mineral corundum.

Birthstone: September

Vedic astrology: Saturn = blue sapphire, Jupiter = yellow sapphire

Chinese astrology: Goat and rabbit = sapphire

✵ Bible ✵

And they saw the God of Israel: and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness. Exodus 24:10

And the second row shall be . . . a sapphire . . . Exodus 28:18

And the second row . . . a sapphire . . . Exodus 39:11

The stones of it are the place of sapphires: and it hath dust of gold. Job 28:6

It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir . . . or the sapphire. Job 28:16

. . . his belly is . . . overlaid with sapphires. Song of Solomon 5:14

O thou afflicted, tossed with tempest, and not comforted, behold, I will lay thy stones with fair colours, and lay thy foundations with sapphires. Isaiah 54:11

Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were whiter than milk, they were more ruddy in body than rubies, their polishing was of sapphire. Lamentations 4:7

And above the firmament that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stone: and upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it. Ezekiel 1:26

Then I looked, and, behold, in the firmament that was above the head of the cherubims there appeared over them as it were a sapphire stone, as the appearance of the likeness of a throne. Ezekiel 10:1

Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering . . . the sapphire . . . Ezekiel 28:13

. . . the second, sapphire . . . Revelation 21:19

✵ Cayce Readings ✵

Sapphire is mentioned four times in four documents.

Have always been interested in precious stones—am wearing a sapphire that means a great deal to me . . .

2533-1 (remarks after the reading by Mr. 2533)

. . . Henry tried the rod on the . . . sapphire, but got . . .

3812-7, Report #26

Cayce received a letter from a Countess regarding a lost watch:

I lost the watch 4 or 5 days ago in the vicinity, it is platinum . . . sapphires . . .

Cayce replied, telling her he would not be able to tell her about the lost watch:

Why? Because the forces or influences that would be contacted, interested in just such material things, would not be in keeping with the highest that may be reached in seeking things pertaining to the more spiritual side of life.

4341-2, Reports #11 and 12

More on Sapphire

Sapphire refers to any variety or corundum that is not red. Blue is the most beloved version of the stone, but it can also occur in what gemologists call fancy colors such as black, purple, violet, green, dark gray, yellow, orange, and white. The stones were not officially termed corundum until the 1800s, after a geological analysis.

I reviewed the New International Version of the Bible to determine the geological likelihood of whether or not sapphires occurred in significant abundance in the places where biblical history unfolded. Although the Bible mentions the term sapphire throughout, I agree with the other scholars who have studied these stones. Lapis lazuli was more likely to be the true identity of the stone called sapphire in the earlier King James Version of the Bible. The Latin word sapphirus means “blue gem.” Throughout history, the region known as modern Afghanistan has been a major source of much of the lapis in the world today. Geologically speaking, it makes sense that the lapis material would be the sparkly blue stone mentioned in the Bible rather than actual sapphires, which are much rarer.

During his journey to Mount Sinai, God gave Moses two sapphire tablets containing the Ten Commandments. These tablets, made from the Schethiyâ—a sacred stone formed from the dew of Heaven—held the breath of God. The inscriptions that were drawn by fire on the reverse side appeared through the translucent stone.

Moses decided that the people were unworthy of the sapphire tablets and destroyed them, substituting them with tablets of plain stone.

Sapphires have been prominent throughout history. The Taj Mahal contained Himalayan sapphires. Greeks mined sapphire on the island of Naxos. The Persians considered sapphire to be sacred, believing that sapphires painted the sky blue.

In the Middle Ages, sapphire was used as a talisman to ward off illness, offer protection while traveling, and spare people from the evil eye or negative thoughts that were directed their way.

Buddhists believe that sapphires impart more peace than any other gem. They believe that sapphire stones inspire prayer and thus should only be worn by those who lead a pure life. The energy of sapphires can also be used to enhance circulation.

The blue hues come from iron and titanium. You may have seen beautiful multicolored crystals that have been painted with titanium metal. Sapphires have the titanium element within them, which makes the color so brilliant.

Have you ever wondered what creates the rough texture of emery boards? I hadn’t considered that question until I learned that the coarse particles called emery, which is an abrasive mix of corundum, magnetite, and hematite, work perfectly for nail files.

Leuco Sapphire

Leuco sapphire varieties are optically transparent. All sapphires are among the hardest of minerals, and these are grown industrially and used in modern technology for such purposes as LED lighting, laser optics, and microchips.

Black Sapphire

Inexpensive black sapphires are protective in nature, sending a shield up around your energy field to protect you from any unwanted influences.


One of the world’s most expensive gems, this is a pinkish-orange-colored sapphire, which is colored from chromium, iron, and vanadium. Padparadscha is Sinhalese (the language of Sri Lanka) and is derived from the Sanskrit words padma for “lotus” and ranga for “color.” This variety of sapphire will connect you to a form of divine feminine energy that will allow you to draw exactly what you want into your life without having to struggle. Receptive in nature, the stone will help you to be seen in a powerful light as a person of higher ideals.

Yellow Sapphire

Vedic astrology has played a significant role in my understanding of gemstones. Several years ago during my journey with Transcendental Meditation (TM), my TM instructor introduced me to some experts on Vedic knowledge. Shortly thereafter, I started having readings and learning more about the way gems are prescribed to people to aid with afflictions in the astrological chart. In Vedic wisdom, it is believed that the vibrations of individual stones work in alignment with the planets. Therefore, different gems can be used to strengthen planets that are weaker in a person’s chart and help them to live a more balanced life.

I have had an interest in the yellow sapphires ever since a Vedic astrologer told me that the yellow variety would strengthen the planet Jupiter in my chart. I purchased a tiny yellow sapphire and have loved the energy, but to be truly effective, I needed to buy a large one of at least two carats.

I was told that citrine is a low-cost substitute for the yellow sapphire, and more often than not, I have used citrine with significant results. It is one of my favorite varieties of quartz that can impart abundance and high energy to its users.

Blue Sapphire

Ever since I saw Princess Diana wearing her blue sapphire engagement ring, the sapphire has captured my imagination. Apparently, many other people have felt the same way! Thanks to Princess Diana, sapphires have gained in popularity to be used as wedding rings for those who choose to be different.

Years ago after my Vedic reading, I discovered that the best stone for me was the yellow sapphire. As a second choice, my astrologer also recommended the blue variety because it strengthens Saturn. During my trip to India, I went to a stone cutting facility and purchased a blue sapphire. I love wearing it to this day. Do I believe this stone has helped me in specific ways? That is hard to say because I love to work with all of the stones mentioned in this book. Regardless of Vedic wisdom, I recognize that we often need different things at different times in our lives. I will use any stone or mineral that I am guided to use at the moment, regardless of what any astrologer or anyone else has told me to do. I believe our vibratory bodies need to be tuned up with any number of tools that have been left for us here by our creator. Stones, essential oils, certain foods, and vitamin supplements that, of course, contain various combinations of chemical elements, might all help us in various ways at different times. Our lives and bodies are in a constant state of change and flux. It is consequently important to become increasingly proficient in listening to your inner wisdom about what you need at any given moment. No amount of intuitive guidance from outside of yourself can ever supersede what you know to be your soul’s truth.

Blue sapphires attune us with the blue ray that is aligned with the throat chakra. As such, blue sapphires will help you to tap into your hidden, inner wisdom. Sapphire allows you to communicate that knowledge through knowing what is best for yourself or for others. By enabling the throat center to open and your truth to come forth in a powerful way, you gain self-confidence and inner power. Speaking your truth, hearing your truth, and removing blockages to prevent that spiritual wisdom from shining through to you are all powerful benefits from working with this stone.

Blue sapphire will strengthen you. The more you are able to align with your highest self and your inner guru, the happier, healthier, and more balanced you will be. Your work will allow longevity and stamina to follow you throughout your life.

Sapphires are among my favorite stones of all time! I think they are some of the most powerful and healing stones on the planet because of the blue ray.

Blue Ray and Communication

The blue ray not only describes a high-definition video player in our modern homes, but for this discussion, it also refers to an important ray in the color spectrum that relates to the throat chakra center, which is all about communication.

If you are attracted to blue sapphire, ask yourself some questions. Are you speaking your truth? Are you saying what is on your mind? And most important—are you comfortable with your truth even if it is politically incorrect or unpopular? Are you holding back your words to protect someone’s feelings or because of your own fear?

Throat center issues are at the core of some of the biggest problems that are facing humanity today. Many New Age pundits say that our hearts need to be more open. I agree that is true, but the other often-overlooked area is the realm of the throat.

More and more we find that people are unable to speak their minds for one reason or another. When people pretend everything is okay, real improvement is not possible. Sometimes in order to make things better, people need a way to air their differences before they can achieve a higher understanding. In my opinion, we’ve lost evolutionary ground from our lack of honest communication. How are we going to have a dialogue about the bigger issues facing humanity if we have to walk on eggshells around each other? Keeping quiet to avoid conflict ultimately causes resentments and tensions to build that might eventually reach a breaking point. Breaking points are not good for anybody!

We need to be able to stand up and say what is on our minds. If you require assistance in this area, the blue sapphire will help you.

There are other sapphires that are not mentioned here that come in multiple colors. If and when you stumble upon one, the color of the stone you choose will affect how it works for your healing. Many will resonate with the same energies as the colors of the chakra centers. Because the sapphire in general is a superb transmitter and a tough stone, the colored sapphires will amplify energy and encourage things to move in the right direction.

I hope you will experiment with one of my favorite stones on earth. Enjoy!