Peridot, a.k.a. Chrysolite or Olivine - Sacred Stones - Part Two

Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones: The A-Z Guide to Working with Gems to Enhance Your Life and Health - Shelley Kaehr 2015

Peridot, a.k.a. Chrysolite or Olivine
Sacred Stones
Part Two

Found in: Antarctica, Argentina, Australia, China, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Namibia, USA

Named for: Péridot is the French word for “olivine,” and chrysolite is derived from the Greek words for “gold” and “stone.”

Birthstone: August

✵ Bible ✵

And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones . . . the seventh, chrysolite . . . Revelation 21:19-20

✵ Cayce Readings ✵

Chrysolite, which is another term for peridot, is mentioned four times in two documents.

The Romans believed that peridot, which is also called chrysolite, would protect a person from melancholy, as substantiated by the Source:

As to stones . . . preferably the chrysolite . . . will bring as an attunement the quieting, and the entity will find that whenever there is a feeling of physical depression, physical reactions that are as dis-ease in the body, the colors in any of these natures or forms will bring quietness to the body; as in having about the body the chrysolite . . .

Q: What is my seal?

A: The shield as the center, raised, though, rather at the points than in the center, see? and upon same, the berry—as a snowberry—as chrysolite in color, and the purple as a portion of the outer part . . .


. . . through its attunements, or through the visions and the associations of the entity; the chrysolite . . . For the color purple should be close to the body . . .


More on Chrysolite

I had a major breakthrough in my understanding of gems in the Bible while researching chrysolite. The Latin word chrysolithus means “chrysolite” or “topaz,” and the Latin word topazion indicates a kind of chrysolite or green jasper.

I considered including chrysolite in the topaz section of this book, but refrained. After further research into the mineralogical term, I discovered the word refers to a high-grade form of olivine, which is a type of peridot.

More on Peridot

Loved by Cleopatra and prized by people around the world since ancient times, peridot is a stone that everyone should experience firsthand.

At one time, I acquired an entire tub of the volcanic material, including many tiny gem-quality crystals of peridot. These were wonderful specimens with which I continue to enjoy working.

I learned about the healing properties of peridot years some ago when a piece of it straightened my spine after a long car ride. Since that time, I have been using it successfully in energy healing with clients. I once placed a piece of peridot in the middle of a client’s back. After the session, the client reported feeling much more aligned. The dull ache in her back had also disappeared.

Later on, I took many pieces of my peridot stones on a trip to the Seattle, WA area. The people in Seattle resonated with them, more so than in other areas that I have visited. I considered that perhaps their connection was due to the watery energy in the Seattle area as well the volcanic and fiery properties of peridot. I believed that the students were attracted to the grounding energy of the stones.

Reviewing the Cayce readings makes me wonder if peridot worked much in the same way as the Source said it would—to stave off depression. The cloudy weather in the Northwest has been known to engender a certain amount of melancholy in susceptible folks.

Several of my students in Seattle experienced past-life regressions, but there was no particular information to connect anyone to those stones. Although there was no concrete conclusion, I can report that everyone experienced feelings of peace and stability while working with peridot.

I call the peridot the “chiropractic stone” because I believe that the volcanic matter is like the spine of the Earth. When you align yourself with the Earth’s spine, it brings you back into perfect balance. Whether you need physical or spiritual realignment, peridot is a powerful stone to use.