Moonstone - Sacred Stones - Part Two

Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones: The A-Z Guide to Working with Gems to Enhance Your Life and Health - Shelley Kaehr 2015

Sacred Stones
Part Two

Found in: Australia, Brazil, Burma, Europe, India, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, USA

Named for: Moonstone is composed of feldspar, which is derived from the German words feld for “field,” fels for “rock,” and spat for “chip.”

Birthstone: June

Chinese astrology: Pig = moonstone

✵ Bible ✵

The Bible does not mention moonstone or feldspar.

✵ Cayce Readings ✵

Moonstone is mentioned thirteen times in eleven documents.

. . . moonstone should be stones about the body or entity oft . . .


The moonstone . . . should be as an amulet, either about the neck or as a ring, or worn upon the person. . . .

From the astrological aspects, we find there was a sojourn upon the moon.

Hence, the moon is an active influence of the entity, and do not ever sleep with the moon shining upon the face.

. . . for the moon and the sun are the ruling of the emotions . . .


Wear the others . . . with moonstone or the like as rings or amulets or anklets; but never those upon the neck or in the ears—rather upon the extremities; for they will make for the bringing out—in the experiences of those the entity meets—or those very colors and vibrations that have been indicated to which the entity is so sensitive.


. . . might the entity bring a great deal of joy, of harmony into the experience of those with whom he might work . . . moonstone . . .

. . . the moonstone might find that it would bring peace . . .


Cayce described a dream he had:

. . . moonstone box . . . It seemed that the material manifestation of my physical and mental self was in the box . . .

257-130, Report #1

. . . beneficial effect of . . . moonstone; colors mingled in shades of gray, modes, blue and the like, or decided colors; psychic development from within rather than being directed from anyone from outside.

276-2, Report #5

Q: What stones have a beneficial effect on body?

A: . . . moonstone.


Q: What is the entity’s stone . . . ?

A: . . . the stone would be . . . moonstone.


. . . influences that may bring the greater force about the body, the moonstone . . .


. . . the moonstone . . . well to have about the body.


The moonstone . . . should be as an amulet, either about the neck or as a ring, or worn upon the person.


In the material things—wear as an ornament, preferably a ring, the moonstone . . . vibrations are in accord with that to keep thy animation in accord with the best thou mayest accomplish.


. . . wear the moonstone close to your body, or on your body. It will give strength, and it will keep that which is nearest to you closer to you; not as an omen but as a part of your mental and spiritual consciousness . . .


. . . The same individual wearing or having in the apparel the moonstone might find that it would bring peace, harmony and those tendencies toward spiritual things . . .


More on Moonstone

Even though the Bible does not include moonstone, it was mentioned numerous times by the Source, who attributed the stone with bringing feelings of peace, security, and beauty to the wearers.

Recently I completed another book on stones called Multidimensional Minerals that prominently features moonstone and labradorite, both minerals of the feldspar group.

There is something magical about these stones. They provide interesting windows to other worlds. By windows, I mean physical mirrors that can be used to peer at spirit guides who appear with messages for us.

Moonstone varieties differ. Some pieces have a fleshy appearance that looks like skin, while other rainbow varieties have translucent layers of blue and green undertones that can be used for gazing.

If you need protection in travel, moonstone is helpful. The belief of protection derived from ancient times especially for people who traveled at night or when the moon was shining upon the water. As the name implies, moonstones connect you to the physical moon and the emotional side of life.

When I first started working in the metaphysical field, I attended numerous psychic fairs at stores. I began teaching people about the uses of stones at that time.

Since you are reading this book, perhaps you have shopped in metaphysical or New Age stores. If so, you might have noticed certain stones that sell regularly, often fashioned into jewelry. Moonstone is among the most popular of those choices.

Moonstone, as its name suggests, connects you with the energy of the moon, the lunar, or the feminine side of your nature. We have within ourselves both masculine and feminine energies.

You will feel your best when you learn to balance these masculine and feminine—or Yin and Yang—energies within you. The sun is considered to be a masculine energy—aggressive and dominating. The moon is feminine—receptive, allowing, and attracting. Lunar energy will help you to draw things to yourself rather than having to attain them.

When you go into a metaphysical shop, the psychic readers will attempt to tap into that lunar, receptive part of themselves in order to give you answers to your questions about love, health, money, or more. The stones they wear or work with actually facilitate their ability to receive information. They open their energy fields and receive information to pass on to you. Moonstone is a wonderful tool for enhancing this process.

As the Source described in the readings, moonstone is also excellent for helping to develop psychic abilities. The moonstone allows you to actively open your fields in order to receive more intuitive information. You can allow the energy of moonstone to help you to open your third eye center. You may also use it as a gazing stone to see images.

Moonstone also helps you to commune with lost loved ones, receive guidance from guides and helpers, or gain inspiration.

You may also want to try placing a moonstone on the center of your forehead. If you place the stone there and then take a chakra power nap for about twenty minutes, you may feel the stone start to vibrate. Moonstone helps to open the third eye center so that you can receive greater intuitive guidance.

We all have intuitive abilities, but often our world is so hectic that we have a difficult time tuning into various issues or ourselves. Moonstone will help you to receive inner guidance by quieting down the outer world.