Marble - Sacred Stones - Part Two

Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones: The A-Z Guide to Working with Gems to Enhance Your Life and Health - Shelley Kaehr 2015

Sacred Stones
Part Two

Found in: Austria, Canada, England, Mexico, Spain, USA

Named for: Marble is derived from the Greek words, mármaron or mármaros, meaning “crystalline rock” or “shining stone.” It is a carbonate mineral compound, normally consisting of calcite and dolomite.

✵ Bible ✵

Now I have prepared with all my might for the house of my God the gold for things to be made of gold, and the silver for things of silver, and the brass for things of brass, the iron for things of iron, and wood for things of wood . . . and stones to be set, glistering stones, and of divers colours, and all manner of precious stones, and marble stones in abundance. 1 Chronicles 29:2

Where were white, green, and blue, hangings, fastened with cords of fine linen and purple to silver rings and pillars of marble: the beds were of gold and silver, upon a pavement of red, and blue, and white, and black, marble. Esther 1:6

His legs are as pillars of marble, set upon sockets of fine gold: his countenance is as Lebanon, excellent as the cedars. Song of Solomon 5:15

. . . all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble, Revelation 18:12

✵ Cayce Reading ✵

Marble is mentioned 140 times in ninety-two documents.

Although there are numerous references to marble in the Life Readings, many of these were given to someone who wanted to make imitation marble. I have omitted several other references regarding the Georgia Marble Company.

As always, Source had much to share about this ancient material, describing marble in a past life that took place in Atlantis:

In the one before this we find in the Atlantean rule. The entity then one of high authority, being then the ruler in that land . . . The urge from this is toward those of the arts and specially that of the work in those of stone, marble, granite, or of elemental forces in same . . .


Q: I turned in bed and beheld before me a statue in marble . . . It was a headless statue, such as are represented in marble of the Greek god Zeus . . .

A: . . . two elements are presented to the entity, and the subconscious forces of the entity reason with self that back of the statue there must be that which would form or produce same . . .


. . . various forms of expression of individual ideas or ideals, in cast, in marble, in the elements that were used in same in the period, occupied that of the developing portion of the entity’s experience . . .


Before this we find the entity was in the Grecian land; beautiful of body, of mind, of abilities to aid many in gaining an appreciation of music as was depicted by those in the pastoral scenes, by those who would put into marble and into paintings their appreciation of such beauties in those early periods.


. . . the entity . . . gained the understanding of that attempted to be presented in figures . . . from marble, from iron, from brass, gold and precious stone . . .


In the first, we find in that the love or the inanimate forces as express themselves in their inner being concerning those things that have to do with the beautiful, in those of marble or of cut stone . . .


Cayce gave a reading to someone who was in Alexandria, Egypt during the destruction of the library there:

The entity may, through the present experience, desire with self much of the wisdom which was lost through the destruction of manuscripts in that particular period, and these are the fears which arise in the entity from the marble mobbed rule. Thus ever the lawyer, or justice principle, is a part of the consciousness . . .


More on Marble

When traveling in Mexico these days, there are many “onyx” products for sale—everything from chess boards to figurines and statues. These carbonate rocks look like onyx but are not that material. The locals call it Mexican onyx. Geologically speaking, the two stones are not the same. Real onyx is a banded variety of chalcedony, as is agate. The Mexican carvings are made from marble. Regardless of what you call them, the stones are beautiful and are fashioned into souvenirs such as chess pieces, animal figures, pieces of fruit, and bowls.

If you asked me to describe my personal experience in working with marble stones for healing, I would have told you initially that I haven’t used marble very much. That isn’t actually the case. I’ve had a marble piece in my possession for so long that I forgot all about it because it has been such an ever-present part of my surroundings. Among all the stones that have come and gone from my life, this marble piece remains with me to this day. Years ago a friend gave me a gigantic marble sphere. Although it was a nice gesture, and it is certainly a beautiful piece, I had no idea what to do with it. For that reason, I have tried without any luck over the years to release this piece to others. Because of the large size, the marble sphere has remained with me.

Interestingly, one of the attributes of marble is steadfast loyalty. If you want to build a solid foundation for your life and establish greater stability, marble will ground you with a feeling of lasting pleasure and reliability.

There is no coincidence that the elegant busts of famous people in Italy and Greece have been carved from marble throughout history. For one thing, that material is in abundance there, and for another, the marble allows the image of that person to be deeply ingrained in our minds in the most positive light possible.

Any situation needing some positive spin control will benefit from the use of marble. Additionally, marble countertops and flooring in homes are examples of the fact that marble is a stone of abundance, reminding you to indulge yourself in life’s finer things once in a while.

I’m not surprised to see references to Atlantis and marble in the Cayce readings. At a soul level, I often think about Atlantis. The image that always comes to mind is an open-air home with a gorgeous marble-floored outdoor patio next to pools of water brimming with dolphins that come to eat from my hands. The architecture is similar to Greece, with columns holding up the structure. Several raised walkways allow people to walk out into the middle of the turquoise water as if they are floating. Elegance, beauty, and durability are attributes of this stone. But just as Atlantis didn’t last due to the imbalances of the material desires over spiritual aspects, marble reminds us of past mistakes and the importance of bringing balance into all areas of our lives. It is certainly nice to live like a king every now and then. It is also important to remain ever mindful that being kind to others and living a good, spiritual life should take precedence over worldly concerns. Nevertheless, we inhabit a planet and are here to have a physical and material experience. Sometimes we can go too far off in the other direction. For example, we cannot serve our fellow man by staying in meditation all day long (unless, of course, we’re monks or nuns). Most of us are not in the priesthood in this incarnation, so it is best to strive for some balance somewhere between the spiritual and the mundane world. Marble will help.

The other aspect of marble is its connection to Greece and Italy. If you are drawn to that part of the world, having a marble bust of an historical figure may trigger your memories of those early times. Many innovations and creative inventions that influenced history, particularly in the world of philosophy, began in Greece. Marble will draw out your inner philosopher and allow you to recall your former brilliance. It will help to bring that wisdom into the present for the betterment of humanity.

White marble from Jodhpur was used in the Taj Mahal in India, and the walls of the palace were also made from marble. You may find that the stone draws you into those incarnations as well.

The Hindu religion and Indian culture are fascinating. The people of India believe that we have lived before our current life and that there are consequences for one’s actions. They work to be peaceful in their inner world and accept what is theirs to do in this lifetime. Marble represents a form of purity and perfection, a state of nirvana that we can all strive to attain.