Healing Herbs - Herbs

Candlelight Spells: The Modern Witch's Book of Spellcasting, Feasting, and Healing - Gerina Dunwich 2000

Healing Herbs

For almost every malady that ails the human body, there is a natural herbal remedy, and witches have possessed knowledge of these remedies for many centuries.

The relationship between witchcraft and herbalism goes back a long way.

In the old days before medicine or science existed, the simple country witches were the first to bravely experiment with wild-growing plants, and it was not long before they learned of the wonderful, magickal healing qualities found in many flowers, roots, and leaves.

The power to heal wounds and to cure the ill with herbal “magick” potions soon became the witch’s trademark, and many wise old women were hanged and burned because of their “forbidden knowledge”.

In today’s modern world, witches, as well as others, still use herbs for healing.

Herbal remedies are nature’s cures. They are natural, safe, and will not produce dangerous side effects like artificially prepared medicines.

Herbs are plants that grow wild in all parts of the country and are usually free for the picking, if you know what you’re looking for.

Most people who do not understand wild plants tend to think of them as ugly, troublesome weeds and are happy to be rid of them. They even pay to have them “weeded” from their lawns and gardens.

If you are unable to gather your own wild-growing herbs, you should be able to buy them in most health food stores, pharmacies, herb farms and occult shops.

A fun and money-saving alternative to purchasing herbs from a store is to plant and grow your own magickal herb garden!