
The Apophenion: A Chaos Magick Paradigm - Peter J. Carroll 2008


The example Chaos Magic Paradigm presented in the preceding chapters represents a distillation of ideas and evidence available at the time of writing and summates the last decade of my researches.

The evidence suggests to me that we inhabit a quantum-panpsychic universe consisting of a vorticitating hypersphere, that has finite and unbounded extent in both space and time, and that has equal spatial and temporal dimensionality.

The hyperspherical vorticitation of the universe leads to three dimensional time and this provides an explanation for both the strange behaviour of the underlying quantum realm and the occasional appearance of seemingly magical effects in the macroscopic world.

The statistical effects of random quantum behaviour create a semblance of causality in the macroscopic realm which disguises the underlying chaos but 'Magic' basically structures the universe and keeps it functioning, we participate inadvertently and panpsychically in this process.

Yet we can participate directly by deliberate acts of magic, and it works often enough to justify the effort.

The geometry of the vorticitating hypersphere permits magic and invites us to become apprentice gods.

We have worlds within us. Beneath the veneer of the everyday self we have multiple minds. Thus the Neopantheist style of Mythos belief better reflect our psyche than the Logos style of belief.

The retroactive effects of panpsychism may well explain the general features of this participatory universe.

However I have apophenia, and others may see things differently, we seem to have a lot of alternative realities kicking around these days.

Lastly, some Chaoists may feel uneasy with the idea of a six-dimensional universe. I should perhaps point out that the hidden curvature dimensions of space and time, do in a way constitute another 2 dimensions, each having one pi-th the size of the observable ones.

So that makes a reassuring eight.
