The Circle Banishing

Angelic Protection Magick: Banish Curses, Negative Energy, Evil, Violence, Bad Luck, and Psychic Attack (The Power of Magick) - Ben Woodcroft 2018

The Circle Banishing

This banishing is used to remove negative energies, strange entities and to help bring an end to supernatural attacks. Use it when you suspect attack, disturbance, interference; when you experience strange feelings, hear noises that you don’t like or when you have experimented with dangerous magick that may have let something unwanted into your reality. As mentioned, such situations are rare, but if you experiment with wilder magick than the magick that I offer, you will want to have a good banishing ready. It is also useful for those random circumstances when you stumble upon an evil, haunted or disturbed place. This is why I say you should learn this banishing now, and learn it well so that when you need it, you can perform it within moments. All being well, you will rarely need it in an emergency. If you do need this ritual, the banishing will eliminate the unwanted attention, energy or presence that concerns you.

There may be times when one execution of this ritual is all you will need to rid a room or location of unwanted energy. At other times, if there is a persistent malevolence in a location, it may be required twice a day for a short period of time.

Some occultists suggest that when you move into a new house, you befriend the local spirits and give them offerings. I have never found this to be effective, and it feels like pandering to the whims of entities that are in your space. You are not a visitor; you are now the owner of this space, the rightful ruler of your empire.

I suggest that when moving into a new house or apartment, you should use this banishing. It will rid the home of lingering memories, poltergeist-like activity and anything unwanted that may be housed in the locality. It is powerful, yet gentle, so if there are kind and gentle spirits, they will not be destroyed or thrown out. The ritual is infused with great intelligence. It is not a nuclear blast, designed to devastate the environment, but a rejection of all that is unwanted. The angels access your inner needs and use their wisdom to remove what can cause you pain, and leave any energy that is beneficial to you.

The banishing can be performed safely, without drawing attention to you. After performing this, you will not be subject to the unwanted attention of nearby spirits. It has a dampening effect on the supernatural without dampening your magick. It settles and removes influences, local entities and repels direct and specific attacks that have been aimed at you.

You do not need to be certain of malevolence, attack or other disruption to use this. Use it at any time that you suspect things are not entirely right. I would advise against using it too often, though, as that makes you feel like a victim or somebody who is continually having to fight off attacks. Unless you are certain that is the case, reserve this for use only when you actually feel the need, rather than as a precaution.

I knew a young woman who would consume a considerable amount of headache medication when she thought she might get a headache later in the day. I never thought this was wise because the medication had some negative effects when used so regularly. I thought it was much more prudent to wait until a headache started to show. Then, of course, it was wise to take the medication at once, rather than to wait until it was so agonizing that medication would be ineffective. It is like this with The Circle Banishing. There is no need to use it as a precaution, but it should be deployed immediately when you sense that something is amiss.

The Circle Banishing is similar to The Body of Protection, in that it calls on some of the same angels, but is quite different in other respects. The archangels called in this ritual are the same as those found in The Lesser Banishing Ritual of The Pentagram — Raphael, Gabriel, Michael, and Uriel. In addition, you call to the angels Yohach, Kalach, Shamriel, and Nuriel

In Hebrew, these names look like this:


Spend a few minutes, now or when you are about to perform the ritual, letting your eyes move over these letters. There is no need to read them, or to inspect them minutely. Pass your eyes over them, from right to left, or just in a wandering gaze as though looking at a painting.

By reading the English transliteration, such as the name Raphael, and then seeing the Hebrew letters for that name, you form a subconscious connection. Your inner mind knows how the name Raphael appears when written in Hebrew.

A few moments spent doing this, even if only once in your life, can forge a magickal connection so that when you say the angelic names, the angels will hear you. Some people choose to do this every time they perform the ritual, but I do not believe it to be necessary. You may, however, wish to glance back at the above image every few months or years, to ensure the subconscious connection remains strong.

It is important to remember that these angels will respond when spoken to in many languages, and many other letters or celestial alphabets could be used, but in practice, the Hebrew letters are the most effective way to create this initial connection.

In many rituals, you turn your body to face a specific direction and call the angel to appear in that location, thus associating it with a planetary power, an elemental force, or some other aspect of reality and magick that the archangel is connected to on a supernatural and archetypal level. In this ritual, each archangel is called to appear in quarters that may not appear to match those from other traditions. This is a ritual that has been formed to access aspects of the archangel that are most magnified by being called to a different quarter. By calling Michael to be present in the East, for example, you access more of Michael’s defensive powers.

Although four archangels can form a circle around you, what I like about this circle banishing is that lesser angels are called to stand between the archangels, drawing on their power and wisdom, to protect the lesser directions. Imagine you are standing in a square room. The archangels are usually called to the North, South, East, and West, and there are many effective combinations that work. Sometimes you face East, and call Raphael before you. Other times you face North and call Raphael to manifest behind you. All these variations have been found to work. What I have used here is one of the more popular arrangements and one that also includes angels that are called to four diagonal directions. There is one angel standing before each wall, and also there is an angel assigned to each of the four corners of the room. Corners are symbolic weak spots; violent and cunning attacks can be set to slip through in these corner locations. By calling angels to these corners, you bring full protection, performing a banishing that dismisses all unwanted spirits from your location.

This is the arrangement of angels that you will need to learn:


Stand facing North, or as close to North as you can approximate. If you are indoors, choose the most Northerly wall, rather than magnetic North. This helps to remind you that there are four primary directions, one for each wall, and four diagonal directions, represented by the corners of the room.

The process is a simple as saying each angel’s name, and then picture the light of the angel. You do this in a set order, which should be learned as soon as possible. Until then, you can perform this while reading from the book. Speak the names out loud if you can. If standing up and speaking is impractical, the ritual can be performed while sitting up (although not while lying down), and with the words imagined rather than spoken. This compromise is for the times when you are unable to obtain privacy, and although it can be effective, it is a compromise. When possible, stand and speak the angelic names. The vibration of your voice, felt within your chest, and touching all that surrounds you is a powerful way to make the angel’s existence attune to your surroundings.

Picturing the angel’s light requires no great skill or any ability to visualize. You need nothing more than the most rudimentary imagination. I believe that anybody can imagine white light, or brightness if you prefer. You do not need to picture this with clarity, and the merest glimmer of imagined white light is all that you need for success. If you doubt your ability to visualize, I will direct you to perform the ritual anyway, attempting to see white light. This will be sufficient. Your visualization should be allowed to occur to you, rather than be forced by you, so as you say each name, your attention should focus on the particular direction for that angel, and then you should allow the white light of that angel to appear.

You face North, you say the name of Raphael, and as you do so you imagine a white light directly in front of you. It may be approximately nine feet away if your room is large enough. You may find that you imagine the light as being much more distant, beyond the confines of your walls, or much closer. Whatever occurs to you is fine. If other images occur to you, such as faces or body shapes, these are never dangerous (even if they appear frightening), because they are not supernatural. Anything you see other than light is merely the workings of your brain, not your soul, and not the magick. The only exception is when an angel chooses to be seen by you, and that may produce awe without fear. In most cases, nothing will intrude upon your visualization, but if it does, assure yourself that this is not a supernatural interference, but your own brain’s coping mechanism when faced with the minor drama of magick. I find this to be true even in cases where you are suffering from a violent magickal attack, or when affected by attachments and curses. The moment you begin this ritual, it is complete, as strange as that may sound. The protection of all the angels is immediately present as soon as you call to the first. How can this be so? It is widely known that magick can affect the past as well as the future. When you reach the end of the ritual, the angels that are present ensure that protection is in place from the moment that you begin the ritual, by reaching back in time to the moment that you called to the first angel. This makes the ritual especially powerful and reassuring. It means that if anything seemingly strange or unpleasant occurs during the ritual, you can continue with your magick, safe in the knowledge that you are protected, and that any such illusions are just that - illusions of the mind. If you find it difficult to get your head around this concept of mixed time, don’t become preoccupied with it, but know that as soon as you begin the ritual, protection is established. (This only applies if you then go on to complete the ritual, of course. If you say one name and stop, it will not work.)

This is the order in which you call the angels, and their associated direction, with the pronunciation in parentheses:

Raphael in the North. (RAH-FAH-ELL)

Gabriel in the South. (GAH-BREE-ELL)

Michael in the East. (MEEK-AH-ELL)

Uriel in the West. (OO-REE-ELL)

Yohach in the NorthEast. (YOH-HACK)

Kalach in the SouthWest. (KAL-ACK)

Nuriel in the SouthEast. (NOO-REE-ELL)

Shamriel in the NorthWest. (SHAM-REE-ELL)

As you speak the name of the angel, you only say the name, not the name and the direction. I sent the instructions for this ritual to a young student of mine, only to find that he was saying the actual words, ’Raphael in the North.’ You only say the angel’s name.

Do not turn your body or face to the named directions. This means that when you call to Gabriel, for example, you imagine the white light forming behind you, without turning to face it.

The visualization of the white light does not need to be a lengthy procedure. The light is conjured by your imagination to complete your welcoming of the angel, and a few seconds are all you need. It does not matter whether you sense or see anything, only that you know in your heart that you have called to the angel and that the angel is present.

To ensure you have understood I will walk through the ritual in a fraction more detail.

Begin by standing in your room, facing the most Northerly wall. Say the name Raphael, pronounced RAH-FAH-ELL. Using your gentle imagination, allow the white light of Raphael to appear before you.

Now say Gabriel, pronounced GAH-BREE-ELL, and imagine a white light behind you; the white light of Gabriel.

Continue in this way until you have spoken the name Shamriel, and imagined white light in the northwest.

Know that there is an unbroken circle of protection around you, with the power of each archangel blending into the others.

To complete the ritual you only need to open your eyes, if they were closed. If they were open, then close your eyes for a second, and then open them. The ritual is complete.

If you have difficulty remembering the directions you may find it helps to have the diagram in front of you. Or you might find it easier to remember something like, ’Yohach, Front Right; Kalach, back Left,’ or something similar. If it helps you remember, there is no harm in using such adaptations.

With minimal practice this ritual will become so easy and familiar it can be performed without you even having to pay attention to it, and my only warning is that when it becomes this easy, do not perform it like a robot. You are not doing it for the sake of it, but to feel and experience the magick, which makes it real. When you perform magick, be fully in the moment of the magick, and it will bring you great protection.