The Master Rituals of Protection

Angelic Protection Magick: Banish Curses, Negative Energy, Evil, Violence, Bad Luck, and Psychic Attack (The Power of Magick) - Ben Woodcroft 2018

The Master Rituals of Protection

The following three rituals are the core of this book, and you would be well advised to learn them all thoroughly. Protection magick is easy to achieve when you work with the power of angels, but it does require your commitment to learn the simple procedures and carry them out as instructed.

In this section, you will find The Body of Protection, for daily, ongoing protection, The Circle Banishing, for removing danger in an emergency, and The Illumination, used before any other magick, including The Lesser Rituals of Protection, presented later in this book.

The Body of Protection

The Body of Protection is a ritual that brings a gathering of archangels to create protection from ill will, direct attacks, and misfortune. You can use this as a daily ritual, to ensure that a barrier of protection is always in place, or you may prefer to use it only when things feel like they are going astray in your life. You may choose to use it once a week, and that may be enough. I perform it twice every day, once on rising and once before bed. At each of these times, it reminds me of my connection to magick and assures me of protection. It takes only moments to complete.

Traditionally, the process was to perform the ritual immediately before sunrise and then shortly after sundown, but that is rarely practical, so any compromise you can work with will be sufficient. Mostly, I am happy to compromise with once in the morning and once in the evening, without too much focus on dawn and dusk. Performing it once a week is better than nothing if that is all you can manage. If, however, you want no compromise at all, (if, for example, there is a sustained and skillful attack directed against you), once before dawn and once after sunset is the no-compromise version and will create extremely potent protection.

There are many archangels, from numerous traditions, and innumerable ways to call them, but in this ritual, you will call on seven archangels from manuscripts such as The Bible, The Book of Enoch and a range of scripts from the traditions of Kabbalah.

If you are familiar with Kabbalah, you will know that there are usually ten or more primary archangels named. Only seven are used here because this is the requirement for protection. There is no need to overload on requests or to fill out the magick with irrelevant powers. The aspects of reality that each archangel can influence means that by combining these seven powers, you obtain the essential protection required. You require no more and no less.

It is common practice to associate archangels with colors of light, planetary powers and other correspondences. For each imagined angel or spoken name, you are usually required to picture specific colors of light, images (including letters) and channels of color connecting through the body. I will not declare that such methods are ineffective, but they are undoubtedly difficult to learn, and I am relieved to say that in this ritual no such complexity is required.

The Body of Protection ritual is a means for you to call the archangels without sigils, without imagined colors or many of the tools and trimmings of convention. All you need is each archangel’s name and an admitting Word of Power that gives you direct access to that archangel.

You then call the archangel to move within your body. You accept the power of the archangel to protect you. Each archangel will protect you in its own way, and there is no need for you to focus on how each archangel contributes to the protection. You call it within and let it work through you to provide protection.

The admitting Words of Power are sourced from documents like Shoreshei ha-Shemot and have been shown to cause the archangel to become aware of you before you even speak its name. They are derived from vowel sounds associated with names of God that are in turn associated with the archangel.

By saying the Word of Power, you admit the angel into your presence and then call it directly. It is a fast and efficient way to draw the archangel within. (If you are familiar with my book, Angelic Sigils, Seals and Calls, you may be tempted to use the archangel sigils from that book. I can assure you that simplicity is the better approach for this particular ritual. You only need to learn the order of the names and the Words of Power that go with them.)

In the following list, I indicate the angels you will call (with the pronunciation in parenthesis), and the associated Word of Power.

The Words of Power are given phonetically only, because they are not familiar words but combinations of vowels taken from Divine Names, and it is the sound of the vowels that counts, not what they look like in Hebrew.

The Archangel Sandalphon


Sandalphon’s Word of Power:


The Archangel Gabriel


Gabriel ’s Word of Power:


The Archangel Michael


Michael’s Word of Power:


The Archangel Raphael


Raphael’s Word of Power:


The Archangel Tzadkiel


Tzadkiel’s Word of Power:


The Archangel Raziel


Raziel’s Word of Power:


The Archangel Metatron


Metatron’s Word of Power:


All these sounds are available on the website,, if you need to hear them. What is written here will be effective, however, and making the sounds is as easy as reading them. If you know what the word OH sounds like, you can make the sound OH.

When speaking angelic names and Words of Power, it helps if you say them with a strength and power in your voice. Speak the words and names knowing that they are magickal. You are not reciting a list of ordinary names, but speaking to the holy powers.

You will see that the Words of Power are broken up with commas, into several sounds. For Sandalphon, for example, the Word of Power is presented as three distinct sounds, like this: AH-OH, AH-EE, AH-EH. This is to make it easier for you to read, and easier to say. If you find it easy to read it as one word, AH-OH-AH-EE-AH-EH, that is perfectly acceptable, but even I find that this gentle breaking of the words to be easier to perform, learn and execute, and it introduces a subtle rhythm that I find helpful.

You will also note that in most cases there are two syllables for each part of the word, as with AH-OH, AH-EE, AH-EH. This structure makes it easy to achieve a natural rhythm when saying the words. Some words, however, end with a single syllable. When calling to Michael, for example, the Word of Power is EH-OH, EE-AH, OH. When the word ends with a single syllable, such as OH, you should make this final syllable stretch out so that it is as long as two-syllables. This is easier than it sounds. First, you say EH-OH, then you say EE-AH and then when you come to OH it’s more like OHHH. In the case of Tzadkiel, there is only the sound ELL, and this works best if it is an elongated ELLLLLLL. Metatron’s Word of Power is three syllables, being, EH-EE-EH, but you will find this easily becomes one sound.

If you have any trouble with this sounds at all, consult the website to hear the sounds for yourself, but I can assure you that these written instructions will be a sufficient guide that enables you to perform the magick to the point of effect.

In my first book, I referred to Tzadkiel as Zadkiel. These names are very close and refer to the same archangel. It has been found, however, that slight changes in the choice of name can affect the powers called. In this book, Tzadkiel is the best way to reach the protective power of the archangel, rather than Zadkiel. It is a minor difference, and one you do not need to worry about, but I deemed it worth explaining the reason for the apparent name change. Each archangel has many names, some numbering well above seventy, and they are interchangeable, but the subtle power released by using a different name is a worthy secret.

When first performing the rituals you can read directly from the book, and you will get the protection you seek. In time, you will learn the ritual effortlessly, and you will no longer need to refer to the book. Put no strain or effort into this learning, but embrace it as it happens and trust your memory.

I have placed The Body of Protection first in the book, because this is the core of power that you can use each day, and most of the time it can be used without any other preparation. Everything you need for success is in the ritual.

In ideal circumstances, you will stand alone in a room, undisturbed and free to concentrate fully for as long as the ritual takes. If no such opportunity arises, you may perform the ritual entirely in your head, while sitting in public, imagining the ritual; nobody will know what you are doing. I prefer to stand and speak when possible, but if that option is not available I will happily call the archangels using my inner voice only, and it brings me the necessary protection. There is no requirement to face a particular direction for this ritual.

For each archangel, you imagine a point of light above you, a star if you will, and from this star emanates a feeling of safety and protection. Feel what you can. We all experience imagination differently, and while you may find it easy to imagine a feeling of safety and protection, you may not be able to imagine this feeling at all. If you cannot, know that safety is present, or say the word safety to yourself, internally or out loud. That can help to generate a feeling of safety and protection.

While experiencing this feeling of safety, you say the archangel’s admitting Word of Power. You then speak the archangel’s name, and as you do so, you imagine that the star drops from above, from a near infinite distance, reaching you in moments, and as it touches the crown of your head, its light descends through the body until it rests in your heart. Some people imagine the light clearly in the heart area, but others find it easier to picture the light closer to the solar plexus. Whatever works for you is correct. When you perform the ritual, you will probably find a preferred place to locate this light. It will happen quite naturally and without being forced. Accept whatever happens, so long as the light resides in the chest area.

The light does not expand; it remains a tiny point of light, as small as a star, but as bright as lightning, so bright that it casts a glow around you. It is not a sphere or a shell or light, but a haze, a mist, an illumination. What you imagine is that the tiny star is the vast, powerful energy of the archangel, and that light glows out from within you. The archangel’s power is within you, making you shine.

In many rituals, you are called to imagine spheres, rings, cubes and other forms of protection. This ritual only requires the mist of glowing light that emanates from the archangel’s star within your heart. You do not force the image of light, but know that the archangel within you casts this immense light, leaving no shadows.

Although rituals that set up impenetrable shields can be effective, what I like about The Body of Protection is that it makes you shine with the power of archangels. You are not trying to hide in a shell, but you are easily projecting the immense power of archangels through your body.

You call each archangel, in turn, starting with Sandalphon and working your way through to Metatron. At that point, you bask in the glow of the light for a few seconds and then bring your hands together, palms touching. Then separate your hands, and as you do so, know that the ritual is over. This gesture of touching the palms is a way of closing the ritual. If you close your eyes during the ritual, this is when you should open them.

The ritual is simple and effective, taking only moments or minutes, but I will set out the ritual precisely as a step by step guide. If in doubt, refer to the preceding text as the details are more illuminating than this summary.

Imagine a star of white light above, emanating safety and protection. Say, AH-OH, AH-EE, AH-EH. Call the name SAHN-DAHL-FAWN as the star drops from infinity to your heart. From there it gives off a brilliant, misty, shadowless light.

Imagine a star of white light above, emanating safety and protection. Say, AH-AH, EE-EH, AH-EE. Call the name GAH-BREE-ELL as the star drops from infinity to your heart. From there it gives off a brilliant, misty, shadowless light.

Imagine a star of white light above, emanating safety and protection. Say, EH-OH, EE-AH, OH. Call the name MEEK-AH-ELL as the star drops from infinity to your heart. From there it gives off a brilliant, misty, shadowless light.

Imagine a star of white light above, emanating safety and protection. Say, EE-AH, OH-EH, EH-OH, AH. Call the name RAH-FAH-ELL as the star drops from infinity to your heart. From there it gives off a brilliant, misty, shadowless light.

Imagine a star of white light above, emanating safety and protection. Say, ELL. Call the name TS-AHD-KEY-ELL as the star drops from infinity to your heart. From there it gives off a brilliant, misty, shadowless light.

Imagine a star of white light above, emanating safety and protection. Say, EE-AH, OH-EH. Call the name RAH-ZEE-ELL as the star drops from infinity to your heart. From there it gives off a brilliant, misty, shadowless light.

Imagine a star of white light above, emanating safety and protection. Say, EH-EE-EH. Call the name MET-AH-TRAWN as the star drops from infinity to your heart. From there it gives off a brilliant, misty, shadowless light.

Bask in the glow of the light for a few seconds, perform the gesture with your palms, and the ritual is over.