Using this Book

Angelic Protection Magick: Banish Curses, Negative Energy, Evil, Violence, Bad Luck, and Psychic Attack (The Power of Magick) - Ben Woodcroft 2018

Using this Book

To get the most out of this book you may use only one or two rituals, or you may need to work with several at once. In this chapter, I will explore the various approaches that you may want to use, whether you are facing an immediate crisis or seeking ongoing protection.

I open the practical section of the book with a ritual that is not a banishing as such. The Body of Protection is a practice that can be employed daily, weekly or whenever you feel under attack. It calls seven archangels, invoked within your body. If you find that you like this ritual you may choose to work with it twice each day, once in the morning, and again at night. I find this to be the most satisfying way to begin and end the day, and an extraordinarily comforting and centering way to experience magick while remaining grounded and safe in the ordinary world.

The Body of Protection is a core ritual. It can be used twice daily for continuous protection, but if you choose not to use it twice daily, you may want to use it when you sense trouble or unrest and need an increase in overall protection. The ritual also helps to empower you and paves the way for other rituals in this book.

The second ritual in the book, The Circle Banishing, is a true banishing and is another essential, core ritual. It is not something you need to use every day. Use it when you are afraid, when you hear bumps in the night, and when bothered by presences that are supernatural. It is used for protection, to call archangels to surround you and make you safe. It is fast and easy to perform and can be used as a one-off ritual, to clear away negative energies and entities, or you can employ it as part of your ongoing protection. If you feel under attack, you would be wise to use this in conjunction with The Body of Protection.

If you work with the magick that I offer, I do not believe anything unpleasant will ever happen because of the magick, and nothing unwanted will slip through or cause trouble because I have gone to great lengths to ensure that is the case. If you choose to work with other forms of magick, this banishing can bring protection if anything goes wrong. Should you ever feel uneasy, or that you have attracted unwanted supernatural attention from magick, The Circle Banishing can be used to reject that attention. It works to deter negative energies and harm that originate from supernatural entities of all kinds.

The third ritual is called The Illumination and is used to prepare a magickal space safely. If you work other forms of magick, such as that found in my book, Angelic Sigils, Keys and Calls, you may wish to become more visible to spirits, but as has been discussed, becoming brighter on the astral plane can make you vulnerable. The solution is The Illumination, a ritual designed purely to make you visible to safe, invited spiritual entities. It does not make you visible to all manner of paranormal creatures, only those of your choosing, and is the very best way to prepare for magickal work. Use it before any magick, and know that it will protect you. It is used in all the rituals in the second part of this book.

The combination of The Body of Protection and The Circle Banishing is almost all you will need. Use The Illumination when you perform other magick. These three rituals are known as The Master Rituals of Protection.

To proceed, I suggest learning and practicing each form of protection. Learn The Body of Protection and choose whether you will use it daily or only when required. Learn to use The Circle Banishing, so that if anything untoward happens in your life, you can defend yourself against the negative energies and attacks of others. Finally, learn The Illumination, so that you can perform the other rituals from this book in complete safety should they ever be needed.

If you have purchased this book because of a pressing problem, and have a burning desire to use one of The Lesser Rituals of Protection for a specific purpose, you can do so, but note that all these lesser rituals include the three Master Rituals of Protection. Fortunately, the Master Rituals are not complicated, and they do not need to be perfected to be effective. You can hold the book in one hand and read the instructions as you work. If you feel a pressing emergency and need to use a Lesser Ritual, work straight from the book. If you have more time, even if it is just a few hours, I suggest taking the time to learn the core Master Rituals, so that you feel more at ease when working your Lesser Ritual.

The Lesser Rituals of Protection only need to be performed for three days in a row, and no repetition is required at a later date, unless there is a further development that brings fresh trouble, or if it is a stubborn or cyclical problem. If, for example, you choose to use the ritual to Diminish Violent Energy today, you will perform the three core rituals, as well as the instructions for the Diminish Violent Energy ritual. Even if this is the first time you have worked with magick, you will find some relief, and after three days of repeating this process, you can consider that the magick has worked effectively. You would be wise to continue with The Body of Protection on a daily basis, and this should keep you safe.

Although you can start working with the magick today if you need to, and although such an approach can bring fast results, you will find that your abilities improve as you practice and as you become familiar with the magick.

It is important that you never perform the magick mechanically or without emotion, especially if it is a ritual you repeat daily. If you maintain a genuine connection to the angels, your connection will improve, and your ability to control magick will become much stronger in a short time. As you work the rituals repeatedly, they become more effective.

If you have bought this book for general protection, and have no pressing problems, you can learn at your own pace, but when you feel confident you may want to use the ritual to Protect Your Home, as a precautionary measure to set things right and ensure you are moving forward from a safe place.

The Emergency Magick section of the book is a special case. In that chapter, you learn a ritual that, over time, gives you access to instant protection. It would be prudent to begin practicing this as soon as you have the time.

Too much magick at once can lead to frustration, a sense of obligation and a weary mind. Do not put in too much effort at first, and allow the magick to blend with your life slowly and gently. Do not be too casual, however, if you want the strongest results.