Silence the Cruel

Angelic Protection Magick: Banish Curses, Negative Energy, Evil, Violence, Bad Luck, and Psychic Attack (The Power of Magick) - Ben Woodcroft 2018

Silence the Cruel

This ritual is not used when you casually wish to silence somebody for your convenience, but when blatant cruelty is making your life or the life of others, difficult and painful. It is not a curse or binding, but a way of taking the energy and malice away from somebody who is acting cruelly.

The ritual will not change the person on a fundamental level but will take the energy from their current attacks, and keep them quiet. It is especially useful when the cruelty comes in the form of violent words, gossip, and verbal attacks.

You do not need to know the person well, or even know their full name. You only need to have a personal awareness of who they are. As such, it can even be used on anonymous online trolls, for example, as well as people who are more directly and obviously in your life.

To begin the ritual, you should perform the three core rituals, commencing with The Circle Banishing, then The Body of Protection followed by The Illumination.

In the ritual itself, you do not speak any words. Instead, you focus on your feelings about the cruelty you are aware of. Keep your focus on the cruelty rather than the personality of the person in question. Focus on what they have done, while letting your eyes be drawn to the white ring within the two black rings. Gaze for about two minutes, while contemplating the cruelty. Close your eyes, and know the person you wish to silence has now become quiet and calm. Open your eyes, and the ritual is complete.

Perform the ritual once each day, at any time, for three consecutive days. No further repetition is required unless the person in question launches a renewed attack.

The sigil to silence the cruel appears on the following page.
