The Beauty of Angelic Protection

Angelic Protection Magick: Banish Curses, Negative Energy, Evil, Violence, Bad Luck, and Psychic Attack (The Power of Magick) - Ben Woodcroft 2018

The Beauty of Angelic Protection

Angelic protection is gentle, calm and kind, yet powerful, subtle and cunning. The power of this bright, white magick can make your enemies tremble with awe while keeping you safe with the power of light.

The angels can be called on to protect you from violence, bad luck, curses, and attack. They can even protect you from unintentional attack, when somebody else’s negative energy is infecting your life, or when the dark thoughts of those nearby bring you harm.

With the rituals in this book, you are not commanding the angels or demanding that they provide help. Instead, you use a gentle ritual method that invites the angels to help. When you do this with authentic need, how could an angel ignore you?

Although gentle, simple and easy to learn, the magick presented here is as powerful as any that I have encountered. It can be used to solve an immediate problem or to provide ongoing protection. It is highly adaptable magick.

You won’t light a single candle, and there is nothing else to buy. All you need is this book. You perform most of the magick with nothing other than an angelic name and a heartfelt method for invoking your chosen angel. All the magick is easy to learn if you are willing to put in the commitment to read the instructions and perform them with a clear, open and genuine heart.

The opening ritual is called The Body of Protection, and it is used to invoke the archangels directly so that their protection is immediately available to you. This is the ritual that you can use daily for ongoing protection, or to provide an immediate boost to any other protection workings.

Following this, The Circle Banishing is a ritual that can rid you of negative energies, strange entities and supernatural attacks. Not intended for daily use, use this ritual when you suspect attack, disturbance or interference and wish to banish the influence of such negative forces.

The third ritual is called The Illumination. Use this when you want to increase your magickal presence on the astral plane so that angels will hear you. The ritual works without the usual risks associated with such approaches. In many rituals, you are made so bright and attractive to spirits that you also attract unwanted attention from the realms of darkness. What I present here is a modern interpretation of an ancient preparatory ritual that makes you open to entities that are safe and gentle, while providing a shield against anything or anybody that may try to take advantage of your open magickal state. When practicing other kinds of magick, including the remaining rituals in the book, use The Illumination to prepare yourself.

Those first three rituals are known as The Master Rituals of Protection. They are the fundamental powers of the book, and the first two alone will solve most of your problems without complication. In some cases, you may need more specific energies and angelic powers to cleanse your current condition. The Lesser Rituals of Protection (that complete the book) are used for such situations, and I will describe their powers now.

When ordinary protection doesn’t work completely, and you suspect that a curse has been set against you, there is an angelic ritual for Freezing a Curse. There are many protection rituals aimed at stopping curses, and they sometimes fail because people who craft the more sophisticated curses build them in ways that prevent them from being reflected, deflected, disempowered, reversed or canceled. A potent angelic solution comes in the form of a freezing ritual, which slows the reality of the curse, effectively freezing it in a moment of time where it remains powerless to harm you.

One benefit of this freezing approach is that the person who has cursed you will not be made aware of your defense, which means a repeat attack is much less likely. The problem with many reversal techniques is that they work perfectly, but only for a short time because the protection itself alerts your enemy. The one who cast the curse knows that you have put defenses in place, and so attacks you again. I prefer this approach because by freezing the curse, your enemy remains unaware that the curse has been locked out of time, and will not expend any more effort attacking you. You can leave even the most cunning curses in your past, where they can have no effect on you.

The next ritual provides A Shield Against Magick. Use this when you suspect that somebody may be attempting to influence you or your personal affairs with magick. The subtle magician does not attack, choosing instead to sway your mind and heart with waves of influence that gradually undermine your efforts and weaken your will. This ritual will shield you from such influence and ensure you remain connected to your sense of desire and personal freedom.

The next ritual is designed to Remove Entities and Attachments, and if you are fortunate, you will have no concept of what this means. Some unfortunate individuals have found, through bizarre occult experiments or through direct attack, that hostile entities have become attached to them. These entities can drain energy, bring bad luck and illness, and leave the victims restless, anxious and unable to thrive.

Although rare, such situations are real and to those who suffer from them, magick is rarely helpful. Unless you know the nature and origin of the entity, it can be almost impossible to remove. Some rituals will even feed the entity, without you knowing. What I provide here is an angelic working that originates from ancient times, that will remove any unwanted attachments and entities safely.

There is then a ritual to Diminish Violent Energy. Use this when you live in a violent area or household. I am hesitant to include such a ritual because I know it can have a counter-intuitive effect. It may lead people to remain in domestic situations that are unsustainable, repeatedly dampening the anger and violence that comes from a partner or relative, rather than moving to a safer place. Sustaining a state of victimization is absolutely counter to the intention of this magick. I intend to improve your personal situation and safety. This ritual is included, however, because for those in immediate danger, lessening the violent energy in an area can be enormously useful.

The ritual to Protect Your Home is a basic ritual that repels thieves, vandals and even reduces the number of accidents that cause damage. It won’t stop floods or natural disasters of that nature because these are large-scale occurrences that cannot be stopped by a single ritual, but in such situations, it will protect your home from the worst impact of the event. Miraculous stories tell of homes avoiding the worst and remaining safe, despite the surrounding danger.

The ritual to Silence the Cruel is used to stop the spread of unhealthy gossip and rumor, or to close the mouth of one who speaks about you unfairly. This works whether the offender is talking about you directly, openly, anonymously, or even when writing online. The angel will seek out the source of torment and rumor, and bring silence to the one who speaks ill of you. The ritual is a harmless way to bind an individual from causing you further harm.

This is followed by a ritual to Charm Your Enemy which is a surprisingly effective way to take power away from an unruly and unkind individual.

Emergency Protection is for times when you are lost, afraid or in any situation where danger feels imminent. You can bring angelic protection upon yourself instantly. To do this, you use a ritual to prepare the protection in advance. Then, at any later time, it takes only seconds to call on the angel, and in moments, accidents and attacks can be deflected.

The book closes with a chapter on Protecting Others, which shows how the rituals can be adjusted and adapted to bring protection to your loved ones.

Protection magick does not shield you from life. I will not promise to make your life free of all harm and hazard, but I will say that every ritual works as described, and this level of protection not only makes you feel safe and confident; it genuinely improves your chance of getting through life unscathed. One of the pleasant side effects is that you may find yourself feeling more peace, more appreciation for life and more pleasure in your relationships. These side-effects should not be sought but should be appreciated if noticed.

Where you may wonder, do these angels come from, and can they be trusted? Is the magick safe? If you search for the angel names in this book, many of them will be found quite easily, while many are not listed online or even in reputable angel dictionaries, or the encyclopedias sold by major occult publishers. It is the nature of occultism to be secretive, and it is only in more recent years that these hidden angelic names have become more widely known.

You will find these angels named in ancient books such as Shorshei ha-Shemot, Brit Menucha and many texts of Hekalot and Merkabah literature. I doubt that this is of any interest to you, except to say that this magick was created and crafted based on ancient angelic knowledge, and the workings and experience of those who have explored the angelic magick to ensure it is safe and workable. My contribution has been to clarify and simplify some of the magick that I have discovered.

It is important to add that magick itself is safe, because it is nothing more than an invitation for the angels to help, and the angels will not refuse your sincere request.

The language used to call angels is Hebrew, because the ancient texts from which occultists derive knowledge of angels were mostly written in Hebrew. Although in some cases, these were based on older works written in Phoenician and other languages, it is widely accepted that using the Hebrew names gets the best results. This does not mean the magick or the angels belong to any single culture or religion, but that the most effective way to contact the angels is to use the Hebrew versions of their names. You do not need to know any Hebrew, and all the names are made clear by using English sounds. For more detail, every single word is pronounced clearly on my website

If you have never worked with magick before, you may feel some unusual sensations when you engage in a ritual because magick is not an ordinary experience, but no harm can come from this calling. The most likely outcome is that the magick works without you ever sensing an angelic presence. Sometimes, for a few fortunate people, there is a brief trace of angelic contact, and this may come in the form of a flash of light, a brush on your arm, a deep feeling of love or a kind whispered word.

Angels will come when called, so if you sense their presence, be grateful. If you feel nothing, that is normal and know that this magick will still work for you exactly as described.