About the Authors

Llewellyn's 2018 Magical Almanac: Practical Magic for Everyday Living - Team of authors 2017

About the Authors

BARBARA ARDINGER, PHD, is the author of Secret Lives, a novel about a circle of crones, mothers, and maidens, plus goddesses, a talking cat, and the Green Man. Her earlier books include the daybook Pagan Every Day, Goddess Meditations, Finding New Goddesses, and Quicksilver Moon. Her day job is freelance editing for people who have good ideas but don’t want to embarrass themselves in print. To date, she has edited more than 300 books, both fiction and nonfiction, on a wide range of topics. Barbara lives in Southern California with her two rescued Maine coon cats, Heisenberg and Schroedinger. Visit her at www.barbaraardinger.com and https://www.facebook.com/barbara.ardinger.

ELIZABETH BARRETTE has been involved with the Pagan community for more than twenty-seven years. She served as managing editor of PanGaia for eight years and dean of studies at the Grey School of Wizardry for four years. Her book Composing Magic: How to Create Magical Spells, Rituals, Blessings, Chants, and Prayers explains how to combine writing and spirituality. She lives in central Illinois, and her other writing fields include speculative fiction, gender studies, social and environmental issues. Visit her blog The Wordsmith’s Forge (http://ysabetwordsmith.livejournal.com/) or website PenUltimate Productions (http://penultimateproductions.weebly.com).

MIREILLE BLACKE, MA, is a registered dietitian, certified dietitian-nutritionist, and addiction specialist residing in Connecticut. She is obsessed with the city of New Orleans, the various works of Joss Whedon, and her Bengal cats. Mireille worked in rock radio for over two decades before shifting her career focus to psychology, nutrition, and addiction counseling. She has been published in Llewellyn’s Moon Sign Book, Today’s Dietitian, and OKRA Magazine. Mireille is an adjunct professor at the University of Saint Joseph, is a clinical dietitian at Bristol Hospital, and is working on several titles, including Life and Times of the RadioWitch. Find Mireille at rockgumbo.blogspot.com, radiowitch.com, and on Twitter at@RockGumboRD.

BLAKE OCTAVIAN BLAIR is an eclectic Pagan, ordained minister, shamanic practitioner, writer, Usui Reiki Master-Teacher, tarot reader, and musical artist. Blake blends various mystical traditions from both the East and West along with a reverence for the natural world into his own brand of modern Paganism and magick. Blake holds a degree in English and religion from the University of Florida. Blake lives in the New England region with his beloved husband. Visit him on the web at www.blakeoctavianblair.com or write to him at blake@blakeoctavianblair.com.

DEBORAH BLAKE is the author of the Baba Yaga paranormal ro-mance series (which includes Wickedly Magical, Wickedly Dangerous, Wickedly Wonderful, and Wickedly Powerful), as well as nine books on modern Witchcraft from Llewellyn. She has an ongoing column in Witches & Pagans Magazine and was featured in The Pagan Anthology of Short Fiction. When not writing, she is the manager and cofounder of the Artisans’ Guild, a not-for-profit artists’ cooperative shop where she also sells her jewelry. She can be found at www.deborahblakeauthor.com.

DEBORAH CASTELLANO (www.deborahmcastellano.com) is a frequent contributor to occult/Pagan sources such as the Llewellyn annual almanacs, PaganSquare, and Witches & Pagans Magazine. She blogs at Charmed, I’m Sure. Deborah’s book, Glamour Magic: The Witchcraft Revolution to Get What You Want, was published with Llewellyn in the summer of 2017. She resides in New Jersey with her husband, Jow, and their cat. She has a terrible reality television habit she can’t shake and likes St. Germain liquor, record players, and typewriters.

DALLAS JENNIFER COBB practices gratitude magic, giving thanks for personal happiness, health, and prosperity; meaningful, flexible and rewarding work; and a deliciously joyful life. She lives in paradise with her daughter, in a waterfront village in rural Ontario, where she regularly swims, runs, and snowshoes. A Reclaiming Witch from way back, Jennifer is part of an eclectic pan-Pagan circle that organizes empowered and beautiful community rituals. Contact her at jennifer.cobb@live.com.

MONICA CROSSON is the author of The Magickal Family: Pagan Living in Harmony with Nature (Llewellyn). She is a Master Gardener who lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, happily digging in the dirt and tending her raspberries with her husband, three kids, three goats, two dogs, two cats, many chickens, and Rosetta the donkey. Her garden was featured on Soulemama.com’s 2016 virtual garden tour. She has been a practicing Witch for twenty-five years and is a member of Blue Moon Coven. Monica is a regular contributor to Llewellyn’s almanacs, calendars and datebooks. She also enjoys writing fiction for young adults and is the author of Summer Sage.

RAVEN DIGITALIS (Missoula, Montana) is the author of Esoteric Empathy, Shadow Magick Compendium, Planetary Spells & Rituals and Goth Craft. He is a Neopagan priest and cofounder of an Eastern Hellenistic nonprofit multicultural temple called Opus Aima Obscuræ (OAO). Also trained in Eastern philosophies and Georgian Witchcraft, Raven has been an earth-based practitioner since 1999, a priest since 2003, a Freemason since 2012, and an empath all his life. Visit www.ravendigitalis.com, www.facebook.com/ravendigitalis, www.opusaimaobscurae.org, and www.facebook.com/opusaimaobscurae.

ELLEN DUGAN is the award-winning author known as the “Garden Witch.” A psychic-clairvoyant, she has been a practicing Witch for over thirty years. She is a Master Gardener and teaches classes on writing, Witchery, psychic development, and magick. Ellen is the author of sixteen books published by Llewellyn Publications. She recently branched out into paranormal fiction with her popular Legacy of Magick series. You can find Ellen on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.

MICHAEL FURIE (Northern California) is the author of Spellcasting for Beginners, Supermarket Magic, Spellcasting: Beyond the Basics and more, all from Llewellyn Publications. A practicing Witch for more than twenty years, he is a priest of the Cailleach. He can be found online at www.michaelfurie.com.

EMBER GRANT has been writing for the Llewellyn annuals since 2003 and is the author of three books and more than fifty articles. Her most recent book is The Second Book of Crystal Spells. She also sells handmade crafts and enjoys nature photography. Visit her online at EmberGrant.com.

JUSTINE HOLUBETS is a Solitary Wiccan practicing ancient Egyptian sacred traditions living in Lviv, Ukraine. She holds a tarot certificate from and is a consultant for the British & Astrological Psychic Society and works as tarot and lunar rhythms/astrology consultant for Zodiaclivetarot.com in the UK. A published author, she currently studies psychology at Roehampton London University online and prepares courses to help women maintain healthy, dignified intercultural relationships. She also explores sacred architecture and symbols, Greco-Roman mythology and psychological archetypes, and chakra and energy healing. Visit her at http://www.zodiaclivetarotreading.com/tarot-reader?id=129.

JAMES KAMBOS writes and paints from his home in Ohio. He frequently writes about Greek folk magic and Appalachian folklore.

SANDRA KYNES is an explorer of history, myth, and magic, and a member of the Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids. Her inquisitiveness has led her to investigate the roots of her beliefs and to integrate her spiritual path with everyday life. Her work has been featured in various Llewellyn publications, Utne Reader, Sage Woman, The Portal, and Circle magazines. She enjoys connecting with the natural world through gardening, hiking, bird-watching, and ocean kayaking. Visit her website at www.kynes.net.

TIFFANY LAZIC is a registered psychotherapist and spiritual director with a private practice in individual, couples, and group therapy. As the owner of the Hive and Grove Centre for Holistic Wellness, she created two self-development programs focused on teaching inner alchemy and intuitive tools from around the world. She is an international presenter and retreat facilitator, is the founder of Kitchener’s Red Tent Temple, and serves on the Council of the Sisterhood of Avalon. Tiffany is the author of The Great Work: Self-Knowledge and Healing Through the Wheel of the Year. Visit Tiffany at www.hiveandgrove.ca.

NAJAH LIGHTFOOT is a freelance writer and a happy, contributing author for Llewellyn Publications. She is a priestess of the Divine Feminine, a martial artist, and an active member of the Denver Pagan community. She keeps her magick strong through the practice of Hoodoo, Pagan rituals, and her belief in the Mysteries of the Universe. She finds inspiration in movies, music, and the blue skies of Colorado. Find her online at www.twitter.com/NajahLightfoot, www.facebook.com/NajahLightfoot, and www.craftandconjure.com.

LUPA is a Pagan author, hide and bone artist, naturalist and ecopsychologist in the Pacific Northwest. She is the author of several books, including Nature Spirituality From the Ground Up (Llewellyn, 2016) and she is the creator of the Tarot of Bones. You can find out more about her work at http://www.thegreenwolf.com.

JASON MANKEY is a Wiccan Witch, writer, and wannabe rock and roller. He has been a part of the greater Pagan community for over twenty years and has spent nearly half that time teaching and speaking at Pagan conventions across the United States and Canada. He has written two books for Llewellyn Publications, The Witch’s Athame (2016) and The Witch’s Book of Shadows (2017), and is also the channel manager of Patheos Pagan online. He lives in Sunnyvale, California, where he and his wife, Ari, help lead two local covens. Because they don’t want to be outnumbered, Ari and Jason only have two cats.

MELANIE MARQUIS is the creator of the Modern Spellcaster’s Tarot (illustrated by Scott Murphy) and the author of A Witch’s World of Magick, The Witch’s Bag of Tricks, Beltane, Lughnasadh, and Witchy Mama (coauthored with Emily Francis). She is a local coordinator for the Denver Pagan Pride Project and is a frequent presenter at magickal gatherings around the country.

ESTHA K. V. MCNEVIN (Missoula, Montana) is a priestess and ceremonial oracle of Opus Aima Obscuræ, a nonprofit Pagan Temple Haus. She has served the Pagan community since 2003 as an Eastern Hellenistic officiate, lecturer, freelance author, artist, and poet. She offers classes on multicultural metaphysical theory, ritual technique, international cuisine, organic gardening, herbal craft, alchemy, and occult symbolism. In addition to hosting public rituals for the sabbats, Estha organizes annual philanthropic fundraisers, Full Moon spell-crafting ceremonies, and women’s divination rituals for each Dark Moon. To learn more, please explore www.opusaimaobscurae.org and www.facebook.com/opusaimaobscurae.

SUSAN PESZNECKER is a writer, English teacher, nurse, practicing herbalist, and hearth Pagan living in Oregon. Sue holds an MS in professional writing and loves to read, watch the stars, camp, and garden. Sue has authored Yule: Rituals, Recipes, & Lore for the Winter Solstice (Llewellyn, 2015), The Magickal Retreat (Llewellyn, 2012), and Crafting Magick with Pen and Ink (Llewellyn, 2009) and contributes to the Llewellyn annuals. Visit her on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/SusanMoonwriterPesznecker).

STACY M. PORTER has studied politics in Africa, survived a Russian winter, touched a Michelangelo sculpture in Italy, and saved sea turtles in Nicaragua. She holds a degree in international studies with a minor in English from Juniata College, is a second-degree priestess in the Ravenmyst Circle Tradition, and is a certified yoga instructor through Bodhi Yoga Academy. Stacy is currently making magic in Orlando, Florida. You can follow her adventures on Instagram at www.instagram.com/stacymporteryoga and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/StacyMPorterAuthor.

SUZANNE RESS runs a small farm in the alpine foothills of Italy, where she lives with her husband. She has been a practicing Pagan for as long as she can remember and was recently featured in the exhibit “Worldwide Witches” at the Hexenmuseum of Switzerland. She is the author of The Trial of Goody Gilbert.

REV. J. VARIABLE X/0 lives in Portland, Oregon, and holds degrees in English, digital media production, and arts and letters. As a professional psychic advisor, Variable often has to encourage clients to let go of centuries-old superstitions, assumptions, and faulty logic before they can understand how mysticism and magical practices can actually help them in the real world. Please visit http://www.reverend-variable.com for more information.

CHARLYNN WALLS resides with her family in Central Missouri. She holds a BA in anthropology with an emphasis in archaeology. She is acting CEO of Correllian Education Ministry, which oversees Witch School. She is an active member of the St. Louis Pagan Community and is a part of a local area coven. Charlynn teaches by presenting at various local festivals on a variety of topics. She continues to pursue her writing through articles for Witches & Pagans Magazine; Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac, Witches’ Companion, and Witches’ Spell-A-Day Almanac; and on her blog, Sage Offerings (www.sageofferings.net).

TESS WHITEHURST is the author of The Magic of Flowers Oracle and a number of books about magical living, including Magical Housekeeping and Holistic Energy Magic. She’s also the founder and facilitator of the Good Vibe Tribe, an online magical community and learning hub. Visit her at www.tesswhitehurst.com.

CHARLIE RAINBOW WOLF is happiest when she is creating something, especially if it can be made from items that others have cast aside. Pottery, writing, knitting, astrology, and tarot are her deepest interests, but she happily confesses that she’s easily distracted, because life offers so many wonderful things to explore. A recorded singer-songwriter and published author, she is an advocate of organic gardening and cooking, and lives in the Midwest with her husband and special-needs Great Danes. Visit www.charlierainbow.com.

NATALIE ZAMAN is a regular contributor to various Llewellyn annuals. She is the author of Color and Conjure: Rituals and Magic Spells to Color (Llewellyn, 2017) and Magical Destinations of the Northeast (Llewellyn, 2016), and she writes the recurring feature Wandering Witch for Witches & Pagans Magazine. Her work has also appeared in FATE, SageWoman, and newWitch magazines. When she’s not on the road, she’s chasing free-range hens in her self-sufficient and Pagan-friendly back garden. Find Natalie online at http://nataliezaman.blogspot.com.