Scissors as a Magical Tool by Mickie Mueller - Fire Magic

Magical Almanac: Practical Magic for Everyday Living - Lauryn Heineman 2018

Scissors as a Magical Tool by Mickie Mueller
Fire Magic

The humble pair of scissors is something that we use for many everyday tasks, such as opening packages, crafting, and cutting hair, but have you ever considered those scissors to be a magical tool? Scissors can be a tool of transformation. They are used to transform cloth into clothing, poppets, or magical sachets. They transform paper into petitions for magic. They are also used as a tool to sever, cutting ties both physical and spiritual, breaking curses, bringing endings—scissors can free us. In another respect this simple tool is often seen as a symbol of opening the way. We see giant scissors used to symbolically cut a ribbon for a store opening; scissors can also be a magical tool for opening access to what you want in life. The simple pair of scissors is also a tool of harvest used to gather sacred herbs and food from the garden, which makes them a tool for abundance, hearth, and home.

You may think of scissors as a modern invention. How can they be considered a traditional magical tool? Most of us experience scissors from an early age as a plastic-handled implement that comes packed in cardboard and plastic that seems more mundane than magical, and certainly not steeped in history and tradition. If we delve a little deeper, we’ll discover that scissors have their roots in ancient times. I first learned this interesting fact as a teen while browsing through a book of ornaments that belonged to my dad’s art book collection. There they were among the ink drawings of shields, ancient jewelry, and mosaic details—scissors from ancient Egypt. It’s believed that scissors were first invented in Egypt around 1500 BCE. Civilization has had scissors longer than we’ve been eating with forks!

The first scissors didn’t have handles with pivots like modern scissors, but the blades were held together with a thin flat band of flexible curved bronze that allowed them to be squeezed to cut and would flex back open when released, much like simple buffet tongs. The forerunner of modern pivoted scissors with two blades connected by a screw was first made of bronze and iron in Rome around 100 CE, and the design was eventually used all over the world.

Deities Who Run with Scissors

Did you know there are actually deities associated with scissors? Atropos is a Greek deity, the oldest of the three Fates. The Fates are three sisters charged with watching over destiny and the threads of human life. Her sister Clotho is the spinner of the thread; another sister, Lachesis, measures the threa; and Atropos cuts the thread with her scissors, thus determining the length of each life. Many people made offerings to the Fates petitioning their favor for a bountiful harvest, safe childbirth, or other pivotal events.


Culsu is the Etruscan goddess who stands at the gateway of the underworld with her consort Culsans. She is described as a bare-chested winged woman who carries a torch and scissors. She is also a snake goddess, representing transformation. Culsu lights the way through the dark with her torch and accompanies the dead to the other side. Some suggest that her scissors may be a symbol of the cutting of earthly ties to the soul, thus allowing the soul to journey untethered by earthly bonds into the afterlife.

Blue Tara is revered by both the Hindu and Buddhist faiths. She is a primal goddess who transmutes anger and destroys obstacles. She is one of twenty-one Taras, who all have different aspects. Blue Tara is actually blue, has a third eye, and often appears as a fearsome presence surrounded by clouds and flames and wearing nothing but a tiger skin. Among her attributes are a sword, an axe, and scissors, all used to cut away obstacles, unwanted habits, and negative karma. She also has the power to remove the fear your enemies have over you. When a fierce blue goddess has your back, what’s to fear?

Scissors of Folklore and Magic

It’s considered unlucky to drop a pair of scissors. If you happen to drop yours, though, you can have someone else pick them up for you. If that’s not convenient, just stomp on them once, and then you can pick them up yourself without bringing bad luck. Other beliefs suggest that dropping scissors can also predict events. If scissors fall with one blade stuck in the ground, this suggests you will attend a funeral; if both blades stick, this points to a wedding instead.

If you receive scissors as a gift, be sure to pay the gift giver for them, even if you just pay a penny. If you don’t pay something for the scissors, they will sever your friendship.

If your scissors accidentally break in two while using them, it’s also an omen of bad luck, so if you have any old rickety scissors that seem to be in danger of breaking, better toss them just to be safe. Some traditions attribute scissors left open in the home as a cause of strife among the people in the household, but open scissors under your doormat protect against malevolent magic. Additionally, there is another tradition that suggests open scissors under your pillow will cure insomnia, although I would probably stab myself while turning the pillow over to the cold side!

One of the most popular ways that Witches use scissors for magic is to symbolically sever something that no longer serves you, cut ties, break curses, and bring about endings. Methods include ritually cutting cords, photographs, or sigils that are charged to represent whatever you wish to cut out of your life. Two items or candles representing people who need to break a bond from each other can be tied together and then ritually cut apart with scissors. Scissors have long been used to break hexes and curses, so they can be used to cut away negative astral connections by cutting through the air around the affected person.

Another use for scissors in spells is opening access to what you want in life; scissors can magically open the way. Some ideas on how to use scissors in this way include cutting up a representation of your obstacle or wrapping up a poppet in twine or ribbon and then cutting it free with scissors. Do some image magic by printing two photos of the same size, one representing the future you want and the other of closed double doors. Place the door image on top of your goal image and use a glue stick to glue the left and right edges of the paper together. Charge the paper with your intentions and, using your magical scissors, cut the double doors open to open the way to what you want!

Scissors can be quite a handy tool for Witches when it comes to the harvesting of magical herbs. Most kitchen witches would get great use from a pair of kitchen shears both for preparing magical formulas and for magical cookery. Some kitchen shears are meant to come apart in order to properly wash them when used for food. I have a pair of these, and they’re my go-to scissors for kitchen witchery. These uses show that scissors are not only a tool for cutting away what you don’t want, but they are also a tool for bringing things into your life that you do want, a tool of harvest, abundance, and even healing. When used to gather sacred herbs or food from the garden or even cutting food free from packaging twine, rubber bands, or bags, scissors become a tool that brings good things to us and helps nourish our lives with abundance and magic.


Most of the Witches I know not only create their own destinies through magic, but they also craft many of the things in their lives. Generally speaking, Witches are often creative people. Scissors in the hands of a crafty Witch become a tool of transformation. Fabric is cut out to create magical sachets, poppets, or even ritual robes if you are handy with a sewing machine. Paper is cut to create an ornate scrapbook style book of shadows, strips of paper for petitions, or even a sigil to decorate a jar candle with. Scissors have the power to turn an item into something else.

Slice Away That Hex Spell

If you suspect that you’re under a crossed condition, hexed, or otherwise put upon by malevolent energy, here’s a curse breaker that’s as close as your pair of witchy scissors.

You will need:

About 2 feet of black embroidery thread

Photo of yourself


Hold the thread in your hands, one end in each hand and state aloud powerfully like you mean it,

I summon all energies that align against me, affecting my life and working against my greater good. You are drawn into this thread. It is you, and you are it.

You should feel it filling up the black thread. Tie thirteen knots all along the length of the thread and then state,

Now you’re stuck.

Begin to wrap it around your photo and say aloud,

You tried to hide. I see you now; I know you’re there. I know what you’ve tried to do. You bound me, but no more, because I see you.

Once the thread is completely wrapped around your photo, tie it. Then take your scissors and cut yourself loose, cutting through all the thread and shearing it to pieces. As you cut, you should declare,

I’m free from you. You have no power here—you are nothing!

Once you cut the threads off, you should dispose of them by burning them, tossing them into running water like a river, or leaving them at a crossroads.

New Endeavor Grand Opening Spell

Do you have a new project, business venture, or creative undertaking that needs a kick start in order to happen? Try this spell and create your own grand opening.

You will need:

Piece of paper


Red ribbon

3 small orange candles


Write a detailed description of your new endeavor as you envision it. Write down only positive statements. As an example, instead of “My project won’t fail,” try instead “My project will be a success.” Carefully craft your words to describe all the positive aspects of your new endeavor. Roll the paper up and tie it with the red ribbon using three knots. Now place it on your altar or someplace where it can remain undisturbed for three days. Light one of the candles next to the scroll each day for three consecutive days. As it burns, it adds power to your vision, filling the scroll with life.

After the third candle burns down, you are ready for your grand opening. The scroll is fully charged and ready to release your intention to manifest your new project into reality. Taking your scissors in your right hand and the scroll in your left, repeat this intention:

Now the power is full. All my dreams shall unfold

At this grand opening of my future so bold!

As you cut the ribbon with the scissors, state,

I now declare this new endeavor open!

Feel free to state the name of the endeavor in your ribbon-

cutting statement if you wish. You have now released the opening energy into the world. You may keep the paper as a talisman or return it to the realm of spirit by burning it.


Desperately Seeking Scissors

By now I bet you’re interested in finding a special pair of scissors to add to your magical cabinet. When choosing scissors for your magic, you can choose any pair you like—whatever feels right to you. If you love a small pair of kid’s scissors with glitter handles, by all means, set them aside for magic. If you prefer something more elegant, consider browsing the sewing scissors at the fabric or craft store. There are many metal scissors available and some are decorative and ornate, making them seem more like Old World tools from a bygone era. Small decorative sewing or embroidery scissors are usually great for most magical uses like cutting cords or petitions. Very popular are the vintage-style scissors shaped like a stork or crane; the bird’s feet hold the handles and the blades are its beak. These designs were inspired by the scissors and clamps found in the kits of midwives and folk healers. One of the uses of such scissors would have been to cut the umbilical cords of babies after delivery. My magical scissors are a pair of dark-bronze-colored embroidery scissors in a vintage style with filigree handles; I’ve used them in my magic for years. Once you’ve found your perfect Witches’ scissors, you might want to bless and consecrate them for your magical tasks.

You will need:


Incense of your choice or a smudge bundle

Oil for blessing, such as olive oil, angelica oil, frankincense oil, or any other oil that you like to use for blessing

First, hold your scissors over incense or smudge smoke, as you do visualize any energy from other people who handled them before you and see those energies dissolving and releasing from the scissors in the smoke. Once the energy feels neutral, you may anoint your magical scissors lightly with oil and really feel the scissors in your hand. Hold the scissors in both hands and gaze at this tool of magic, making a statement of blessing and consecration. Here is an example, but you can also speak from the heart using your own words:

I hereby bless and consecrate these scissors as a magical tool of severing, harvest, opening, and transformation. I proclaim that I dedicate this tool of the Witch for my use in the name of the God and Goddess and in the presence of the spirits that guide my magical path. As I will it, so mote it be!

You may now wipe most of the oil off with a tissue or soft cloth. Since scissors are metal, a small amount of oil left on the surface will protect them, but don’t leave them greasy. You may wish to store them in a pouch if they came with one, or wrap them in cloth and reserve them for magical use.

Whether using scissors for magic to sever that which doesn’t serve you, harvest abundance, open the way before you, or magically transform things in your life into what you need, scissors can be a treasured tool in your own magical practice.