Cosmic Sway by Charlie Rainbow Wolf - Lammas

Sabbats Almanac: Samhain to Mabon - Kristoffer Hughes 2018

Cosmic Sway by Charlie Rainbow Wolf

THE FIRST HARVEST SKIES keep going with the karmic theme that has been present for most of the rest of this year. Saturn is still retrograde, still opposite the Moon’s north nodes, still making a wide conjunction to Pluto—which is also making a wide opposition to the Moon’s north nodes. Jupiter is also still retrograde, and making that hard angle to the nodes in Cancer. Neptune also continues the backward dance, making a positive aspect to the Nodes. All of this is old news, just the continuing theme.

What is interesting for Lammas is the stellium in Leo that includes Venus, the Moon, the Sun, and Mars. Venus, the Moon, and the Sun are conjunct, and that’s going to create quite the mix of energies. It’s moody, creative, independent, and perhaps a bit self-indulgent, too. There’s a quest for recognition, on a personal and a global scale. There’s the potential to get a lot accomplished, but it’s not an influence that will be long-lasting. All of these are fast moving planets (although the Sun and the Moon aren’t technically planets), so it will be here and gone in a day or two.

The main player here is the Sun, which is the ruler of Leo. It’s at this time of year people tend to draw attention to themselves. Many are starting new classes at school or new terms at college. A Leo Sun brings spirit, warmth, and amicability. Of course, it is possible to have too much of a good thing, and when that happens, show offs and narcissists have a field day!

Coming into Litha, the Sun made a square to unpredictable Uranus. Unexpected issues may have cropped up, bringing with them surprise and change. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing. The Sun brings the tenacity to stand fast and see what happens, both personally and on a much larger scale. Expect disruptions in the present state of affairs, and be diligent when it comes to what you’re able to change and what you can’t. Some things are going to be out of your control, no matter how determined you are that they need to be different. Avoid unnecessary friction, and remember that you may not be able to change the world, but you can certainly change your world.

Leo’s vibe is generally honest and respectful, but it does like its own way. There could be too many people wanting to take the lead this month. Expect grand gestures and leadership opportunities. During this stellium in particular, the bossy ones will easily upset those who are more timid or reserved. Compromise is the key, and that may be hard to find.

The Moon in Leo brings a sense of pride and backs up the Sun wanting all the attention. Throw Venus in the mix, and there’s a need for affection, recognition, and adoration—and hurt feelings when it doesn’t happen. Insecurity leads to swagger and unnecessary attempts to show off. This influence will soon pass, but not before it’s had the chance to bruise some egos!

In other news, Mars in Leo is making a hard angle to Neptune in Pisces. Mars in Leo has the capacity to bring a bit of a daredevil attitude. This is usually a good thing, risks that are calculated have the potential to create a favorable impression. However, when this energy gets backed into a corner, or when someone points out that errors have been made, ego and bravado are likely to come out fighting rather than simply admitting the wrong and trying to figure out what to do to fix things. In a group situation, this can cause a lot of hard feelings.

The harsh aspect to Neptune—which is still retrograde—asks for honesty and transparency when it comes to motives and intentions. It’s a caution to diplomacy. Another side of this transit gives rise to feelings that come out of nowhere, and they’re sometimes overwhelming. The important desires of life may become elusive, creating frustration when it comes to moving ahead.

Then there’s Saturn again. Mars recently hit a challenging aspect with the Lord of Karma, and the repercussions are still influencing things. Inconjuncts are such pesky aspects, because there’s simply nothing in common. Once again, authority issues arise. The emphasis is on the little things and the more immediate headaches, rather than where it needs to be—on the long-term situation. More haste really does mean less speed at the moment, and will do so for the next few days.

Mars is also in a disharmonious tangle with Pluto this month. These are some pretty intense energies, and could have an impact on what’s going on globally as well as personally. There’s a power play, here, some blind determination to get what’s desired no matter who gets stepped on in the process. People are more inclined to fight back than make peace, and compromises are few and far between. On a personal level, try channeling some of this volatile energy in a sport or other physical activity. On a global level, hold your breath, for it’s a fairly fleeting aspect and will be out of orb within 5 days or so. This transit can teach a lot about what’s really wanted and what’s not that important if people just pay attention.

Finally, let’s take another look at Chiron, now retrograde again—and will be for the rest of the year. Like the outer planets, this retrograde isn’t particularly influential unless it happens to hit one of your natal planets or power points. Chiron still means karma; yes, it may open up some pain from the past, but it also brings a chance to heal it, once and for all.

Lammas Celebration: A Feast of Grain

With Lammas being the festival of the first grain. Flour and cereals are taken for granted today, but it wasn’t long ago that if the grain crop failed or wasn’t gathered in time, it made for a long and hungry winter. Lammas actually means loaf mass, and it’s traditionally the first harvest celebration. What better way to mark this occasion than by using the grain to make a loaf?

There really isn’t any right or wrong way to do this. In our Lammas festivals of the past, we’ve had three different bread doughs featuring different grains braided together in one loaf, we’ve had everything from hand-me-down sourdough starters to bread machine loaves, and more! As with all rituals, it’s the intent, rather than the outcome, that is the most important. Over the last few years, our Lammas loaf has been a beer bread. My husband makes traditional beers and ales, and of course, they involve the grain, too. It seems fitting that the cook and the brewer marry their skills for this harvest festival!

The ritual below is for a group, but it’s easily adaptable for solitary practitioners. I suggest that you bake your own bread for the Lammas loaf. You can make this lighthearted by baking the bread in the shape of a gingerbread man, to represent the god Lugh (who gave his name to Lughnasadh, an alternative word for Lammas). If you’ve not got time, any loaf will do, even gingerbread itself! You’ll also need the following items:

Ale, or another beverage of your choice


Cotton string

Beads, colored thread, markers, scraps of cotton fabric, and other means of decoration

A Lammas fire. This can be anything from a bonfire to a candle; it’s whatever works best for you.

Cast a circle or open the festivities in whatever way your tradition uses. Give each participant enough straw to tie into a small human shape, using the cotton string to tie the bundles into arms, legs, body, and head sections. Everyone should make their own doll, and decorate it to resemble themselves.

When all the dolls have been made, circle the fire in a counterclockwise motion, gaining speed to raise the energy. Once you’ve reached the level of energy you desire, all the dolls should be thrown onto the fire, along with the statement of what that person promises to get rid of in the coming year. All residual energy should be directed toward the burning doll, too. This is a banishing fire, to get rid of what is holding you back from being everything you can be.

When all the dolls are burned, it’s time to sacrifice the grains by ripping apart the loaf, and drinking the ale or other beverage. Don’t forget to feed some to the flames, and remember that—while fun—this celebration is a sacred promise. As the grain is sacrificed and cut so that the harvest may be gathered, you are going to have to sacrifice aspects of yourself in order to keep your pledge you made to the Lammas fire.