Portable Magic by Mickie Mueller - Litha

Sabbats Almanac: Samhain to Mabon - Kristoffer Hughes 2018

Portable Magic by Mickie Mueller

LITHA IS THE LONGEST day of the year—a time of abundance, light, and plenty—also known as Midsummer. Our family has had some great summer solstice days at the lake when it fell on a weekend; we played in the water and the sand soaking up rays and each other’s company. Many of us will be celebrating Litha on the weekend, but since the summer sun will be at its zenith on a Friday during the workday, perhaps some fun ways to recognize the day and take advantage of the magical energy are in order. When the sun is at its pinnacle, it’s the perfect time to work magic for success, prosperity, and good fortune. I have some creative ways that you can harness that powerful sun energy no matter what you’re doing today or where you are. Here are some bits of Midsummer magic that you can take with you on the go.

Summer Solstice Compact Mirror Success Spell

Here’s a mirror technique I developed that you can apply to all kinds of situations. I feel like it’s just perfect for the summer solstice. A compact mirror can hold magic energy and intentions inside it when it’s closed. Energy can be stored inside because the two mirrors face and reflect each other. You can charge the mirror like a battery ahead of time and release it at a predetermined time so that your spell work can culminate exactly when you want it to and wherever you happen to be by simply opening the compact. It’s a game changer, right?

Determine your goal. This is a success spell, so what do you want to channel that success energy toward? Your career, overcoming personal adversity, a new project, whatever your goal is break it down into a couple simple words so that you can focus on it. At some point before the summer solstice, maybe the weekend before, set up your altar space with an open compact mirror, a yellow or gold candle anointed with clove, cinnamon, or bergamot oil (olive oil works great too). Carve a sun shape into your candle. Surround your candle with symbols of success like cinnamon, tiger eye, citrine, acorns; you can also include symbols of your specific goal. As you light the candle, let it fill the space with its energy of success as you visualize your goal. Hold the compact mirror horizontally behind the candle flame so that you can see the flame reflected in both mirrors at the same time with the actual flame in front creating a triangle. Stare at the base of the flame of the candle and simply repeat your goal stated in as few words as possible over and over. When you feel the energy rise to the pinnacle, visualize the energy going into the compact and snap it closed. Don’t open it, but leave it next to the candle until it burns out. You’ll take it with you on the day of the summer solstice.

Decide if you prefer your spell to culminate with noon in your time zone or with the time of the astronomical summer solstice, which you can look up on the internet for your time zone. I like to set an alarm on my phone so I don’t get busy and forget. When the time comes and the sun is at its zenith, simply open the compact, even if you’re on a bus, in a classroom, at work, it won’t seem odd to anyone, just open it and the energy will release to manifest into the universe. To anyone else it will look like you’re just checking your hair. Now that’s power!

Sexy Tea to Go

It’s Litha, it’s hot out, and you could use a magical way to cool off as you go about your business. I have three words for you: raspberry sun tea! It’s so easy to make, you can find tea bags in most grocery stores or your local health food store. Just put a couple bags in a big jar of water along with some sugar, stevia, or honey to sweeten if you like. If you’re busy on Litha, you can make it the day before, put your jar out in the morning the day before Litha in a place where the sun will hit it most of the day, take it in when you get home and stick it in the fridge. The next morning fill your travel mug with tea and some ice, what a great way to drink in the summer solstice and make the day special.

Raspberries are a very sexy fruit, and they’re also very tough with all those brambles, so they’re just like you, sexy and tough. As a bonus keep in mind that they’re in season right now so if you want to get really fancy you can freeze some fresh raspberries in ice cubes the night before to add to your drink.

Midsummer Lunch With the Fairies

Stop by your favorite park on midsummer if you have time during your travels, maybe on your lunch break. Spend a bit of time under a tree that calls to you. If you don’t have much time, you’d be amazed how much just ten minutes in nature can do. Talk a bit to the fairies and spirits of the land. Listen with your heart, you may hear the wind rustling the leaves, feel the sun on your face, share your heart with the spirits. At the end of your visit make a wish if you feel moved to do so. Leave a bit of bread or a cookie as an offering before you depart and return to the hustle and bustle of the world.

Wear Colors of the Day

Think about the colors that you wear within your energy field on Litha, there’s great power in the air, and choosing the right colors is a smart way to harness that power.

Wearing gold or yellow on Litha can help you connect with the solar energy of the day. It can also boost a positive outlook, remove negative thinking, and get you into a creative mindset.

Deep green is the color of the Green Man, the personification of growth and the earth. Wear green on midsummer for prosperity, good luck, connecting with the natural world and the spirits that protect it.

Red can also represent the power of the sun as well as strength and courage. Adding red to your wardrobe on Litha boosts your motivation, highlights your leadership qualities, and bolsters self esteem.

Sabbat on the Go Tips

Carry a tiger eye or citrine with you today for the energy of the sun and success.

Enjoy a snack of sunflower seeds, you can charge them with the suns energy ahead of time if you wish. Ask the spirit of the sunflower to help you follow the sun the way they do, let it cast it’s light of success on your face, and to always face that light even when clouds are overhead.

Hang a sprig of fresh rosemary from your rearview mirror, the heat of the day will release the oils and fill your car with its blessings.

Carry the Sun tarot card with you in a 3 × 5 inch rigid plastic sleeve. Meditate on the blessings in your life and focus the energy from past successes onto future events.