Portable Magic by Mickie Mueller - Imbolc

Sabbats Almanac: Samhain to Mabon - Kristoffer Hughes 2018

Portable Magic by Mickie Mueller

I’VE SPENT MANY AN Imbolc thawing my frozen plumbing, which always made sense since it’s a time of the year when we recognize that tenuous moment when spring is teasing us but winter is not quite done with us yet. Everyone else is watching for a weather report from a groundhog, but we witches and Pagans know it’s Imbolc, sacred day of the Celtic Goddess Brigid. I like to light a small candle in each room of my house at dusk on Imbolc to purify and bring blessings to my home, but there’s lots of other Imbolc magic that I like to carry along with me to keep the powers of healing and renewal close at hand. Imbolc is a time of promise and hope, which makes it very personal for many people who like to do inner work at this time. Because Imbolc is a time of reawakening; personal magic that you actually carry within your energy field can be very effective for spiritual growth, healing, and awakening.

Healing Braid

A bit of healing magic can always benefit us, even if we’re not sick. Healing energy can also be beneficial for mind, body, and spiritual maintenance. If it works better for your schedule, you can make this braid in advance of Imbolc and begin wearing it on Imbolc.

If you have never braided, it’s really simple. Just search “how to braid string” online and you’ll find easy tutorials. Gather one piece of white, yellow, and green embroidery floss about twelve inches long and tie a knot about two inches away from the end. Use a safety pin to pin the knot to the top of a throw pillow, which will hold it in place while you work. As you braid, focus on an image of yourself healed and happy in mind, body, and spirit. Imagine a warm light glowing from within, filling your physical body with energy from the universe and strengthening your aura. Braid it as long as you need it to be for an anklet or bracelet as you prefer. Once it’s long enough, knot the end to secure the braid and leave another two inches of unbraided floss past the knot. Tie it to either your wrist or ankle, and every time you notice it as you go about your business on Imbolc, let it remind you of the healing work you’ve created. Wear it always—once it breaks and comes off, the spell is done and you’ve absorbed all the healing energy that you summoned up for Imbolc.

Bird Seed Abundance

I love feeding the birds; it’s a way to directly connect with nature for me, which is an important part of my spiritual practice. During this time of the year I think of them, knowing that many of their natural resources for food is somewhat tapped out here during the harsh Midwestern winter. When you share a bit of abundance, it sends a message to the universe about your generosity of spirit, therefore bringing more generosity back to you. Using this knowledge I’ve created this really simple birdseed spell for witches on the go on Imbolc. Place a handful of birdseed into a bundle—you can use a fancy fabric pouch or a simple paper envelope, just make it easily portable. Bless the bundle with this or your own words:

Seeds of abundance that I share today, blessings of abundance come back my way.

Carry the seeds with you into the world, casting them into a place where you usually see birds. Anywhere from a park to a parking lot, your generosity will feed them and be returned to you.

Melting Ice Spell

Imbolc is a season when we think about what is frozen in our lives and attempt to bring about a thaw. This spell on the go can be done with any ice, anywhere, anytime, so if you’re looking for some quick yet powerful Imbolc magic on the go, this one is for you. All you need is a small piece of ice, a napkin, your hands, and your intention. The ice can be found in nature if you live where it’s cold, or if it’s above freezing where you are, a small piece of ice about half an inch in diameter from your drink or a vending machine will work just fine. It will melt quickly, so you’ll have to have figured out what your intention is ahead of time.

What is frozen in your life? There’s something that’s been at a standstill and you need to break it free. Is it your finances, motivation to exercise, or a creative block? Put that image in your mind and focus hard on that aspect of life being figuratively frozen in ice. Pick up that piece of ice and visualize the ice as holding the one thing that you need to unfreeze right in the middle, stuck. Hold the ice in your hands; you can rub it, squeeze it, breathe on it, use your energy to melt that ice. Hold your hands over the napkin to catch any water as it melts. As the ice gets smaller and finally disappears, feel the image in your mind breaking free of the ice—it’s a joyful feeling of hope. Dry your hands on the napkin and warm them up. You should notice new opportunities to achieve your now freed goals over the next few days, take them!

Wear Colors of the Day

Pick the colors to wear on Imbolc while considering what the colors mean and the energy you want to embrace on the sabbat.

White is the color that people used to dress corn dollies representing Brigid during Imbolc. During this sabbat, white can also represent the milk of the first ewes. White is a magical symbol of purity, new beginnings, healing, and hope.

Light green is the color of the tiny shoots that you have to really look for, but they are there. This is a color of new beginnings, growth, the promise of prosperity, and is also the color of the heart chakra.

Yellow is the warming sun that comes to melt the ice. Wear any shade of yellow on Imbolc to bring energies of the sacred flame, creativity, and communication into your life.

Sabbat on the Go Tips

Weather divination is a long standing tradition of Imbolc. Ages before Groundhog Day there were many folk rhymes about Candlemas Day and the weather, they all suggest that if the weather is bright and fair, watch out for an extended winter.

Bring a travel mug full of blackberry herbal tea with you today. Trace a pentagram or other magical symbol of your choice in the air over the cup then press it down with your palm, and pop the lid on. Now you have enchanted Imbolc tea to go.

For a special scent you can wear on Imbolc, try rosemary, basil, dragons blood oil, or if you don’t have those, a drop or two of real vanilla extract.