Cosmic Sway by Charlie Rainbow Wolf - Imbolc

Sabbats Almanac: Samhain to Mabon - Kristoffer Hughes 2018

Cosmic Sway by Charlie Rainbow Wolf

THE HEAVENS LOOK PRETTY interesting for Imbolc celebrations. Traditionally this is a time of newness and fertility, and this is reflected in the skies. It’s a good year to try something a bit different, because the Sun conjunct Mercury in Aquarius blends uniqueness with purpose. It may be hard to plan things; this is kind of a cranky combination, because Aquarius does like things done its own way. Watch that differences of opinions and headstrong personalities don’t lead to a clash of words and arguments.

There’s some karma around this Sabbat, too. Venus is making a hard aspect to the Moon’s north nodes in Cancer. Finding harmony may be hard to achieve, especially as the Moon is so close to Venus in Sagittarius. Emotions have the potential to be strong, but also changeable—even downright unpredictable. Fortunately lunar aspects are fleeting things. Any friction here is likely to be a fleeting thing.

All this plausible petulance is offset by jovial Jupiter making a positive aspect to the seasonal Sun. This helps to put people in a positive frame of mind and brings a sense of optimism to ideas and activities. If you’re going to employ the law of attraction, the 8th is the perfect day of the month to do it, according to the skies. This kind of happiness is infectious, and nothing sets the stage for the LoA to work in your favor more than a content countenance.

Uranus in Aries brings some unpredictability, and once again there may be a bit of karma around this because of the aspect to the north nodes. Mars will be catching up with Uranus in time for Valentine’s Day! This adds a bit of a wild card to the month, because you’ll feel more inclined to take a dare, or step out of your comfort zone, or do something uncharacteristic.

Speaking of Valentine’s Day, it’s a bit more unsettled this year due to an aspect between Venus and Uranus. This means that relationships have the capacity to be intense while Cupid is around, but they might not be very long-lasting. If you’re looking for a fling or something unconventional, you may just find it. Even those in an established relationship may feel like trying something a bit deviant or different. This is an exciting aspect, but how it unfolds will depend on your own mindset and personality, because it easily breeds irresponsibility and undependability.

Uranus turned retrograde this month, too—on the 11th. This is one of the slower moving outer planets, and it spends nearly half the year retrograde, but if it’s making an aspect to one of your natal planets or power points, it’s worth noting. Overall, the underlying vibe has the potential to be slightly less chaotic than when Uranus is direct.

This month also sees Saturn gaining ground on Pluto, both in Capricorn. Saturn is the natural ruler of Cappy, and feels quite at home here, but Pluto is more of a problem. Both Capricorn and Pluto are strong-willed, but they apply that tenacity in very different ways. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, and it’s going to stay here until 2023. You’d think we were used to it by now, and you’d be right—apart from Saturn sneaking into the picture. The actual conjunction won’t take place until 2020, but you’ll start to feel the pull of the two very different yet both very stubborn energies even now. This is also the aspect of fear, and propaganda is likely to increase throughout the year.

There’s a chance to get things back into balance, though. Chiron—the little planetoid that orbits between Saturn and Uranus—is at a critical degree this month. Chiron is referred to as “the Wounded Healer,” and it will help to offset some of the harshness of Saturn creeping up on Pluto. Chiron reminds us that anything can be turned into something healing and positive if we’re prepared to look it squarely in the eye. The anaretic degree of Chiron is sometimes known as “the degree of fate.” It’s the end of a cycle, a chance to release ourselves from self-imposed limitations and inhibitions, but it also brings the potential for dwelling on apparent bad luck and lack of opportunities. Old cycles dissolve, but what new cycles will be commenced?

For the astrologers among you, Beltane brings two interesting, and very similar, T-Squares. One involves the north node, Pluto and Mars; the second involves the north node, Pluto, and Uranus. This is yet another aspect that brings with it karma, unpredictability, and perhaps more than a bit of aggravation or animosity. The Uranus T-Square is the strongest. Fortunately, Pluto is far enough out of orbit that it’s influence isn’t as strong—and maybe not as destructive—as it could have been.

The Mars aspect to Pluto does tend to bring some force with it. Channeled in a positive way, this force is determination and single-mindedness, but it might mean that people overlook the needs or feelings of others while they’re aiming to reach their own goals. It’s probably not intentional, so don’t take it too much to heart, but don’t be a doormat, either. When someone shows you who they truly are, believe them, especially during this planetary weather.

Overall, Imbolc is a great time for thinking outside the box. Planning something different keeps you on your toes, but watch your patience and your temper. Your reactions are prone to be more “act first, think later,” and that’s not always a good thing. However, for cultivating determination, for setting your sights on what you want to accomplish the rest of this year, the heavens are lined up to be an ally.

Imbolc Celebration: Invoking Positive Energy

Imbolc is the time of year to bring new projects and new ideas into the light. To do that, you have to create a space where they can bloom and grow. This ritual is a very simple way of doing just that. It celebrates the return of the light, and it also clears the way for newness.

You will need:

Partly burned candles

Wooden matches

A candle snuffer (optional)

Some small bells (think little “jingle” bells, available at craft stores)

A small cotton or muslin bag

A broom

At sunrise on Imbolc (or when you get up, if you’re not an early riser), use the wooden matches to light all your partly burned candles. Place them on windowsills or near windows and doors, taking all the usual safety precautions, of course. Use their flame to invite the energies of the goddess Brigid to come and bless your home. She is the lady of the fire and the keeper of the hearth.

Once your candles are burning, put the bells in your muslin bag and tie it onto your broom. Sweep all the corners of your house clean. If you have a carpet, still sweep the floor anyway, using your broom. Gather up all the dirt and the energies from the room in your broom, and sweep them out of the door. If it’s not too cold, open your windows as you do this to really get the energies moving and grooving! This is a wonderful way to gather up any old lingering energies, and get them moving so that new, fresh energies can take their place.