Portable Magic by Mickie Mueller - Yule

Sabbats Almanac: Samhain to Mabon - Kristoffer Hughes 2018

Portable Magic by Mickie Mueller

YULE IS A MAGICAL time, and since the winter solstice falls on a Friday this year, many people will be excited to celebrate this winter sabbat on the weekend. The days have grown so short now that I personally feel rushed when it starts getting dark so early. To me I feel like the day is done long before it really is. I love bringing magic on the go with me at Yule for many reasons. My kids are grown, some with little ones of their own, but years ago we started having them all spend the night with us for Yule. Since the rest of the extended family celebrates Christmas, Yule became very special for us. My husband and I work from home, but it’s still our busiest time of the year, so simple celebrations and magic that can come along with me while I get orders packed and to the post office and prepare for our family celebration is a must. I started coming up with ways to keep this sabbat in focus back when I worked commercial retail and food service jobs and seldom had the option to ask for the day off that time of year, so I brought my magic with me.

Rebirth of the Sun Crystal Talisman

If you have a small citrine, sunstone, or a clear or rutilated quartz crystal, you can fill it with the energy of the sun on the solstice morning and carry that energy of rebirth with you all day. First rinse it in cool water before sundown on the eve of the solstice; as you do, visualize it becoming clear and pure, vibrating with its own energy. Pay attention to where the sun is visible when it sets, a window or porch at your home and set the stone there so that it will capture the last of the light as the sun sets. Once the sun has gone down, move your stone to sit in a location where it will receive the sun’s rays as it rises in the morning, triumphant from the longest night of the year. Leave it there overnight. Grab the stone from its sunny spot as you leave the house in the morning and carry it in your pocket as a reminder of the power of light to overcome darkness. If you have to leave the house before the sun comes up, still bring it along, pop outside at your first opportunity once the sun is up to let it capture the fresh new light. As you go throughout your day, touch the stone whenever you think of it and think about the days growing longer again from this point on.

Holly, Ivy, and Mistletoe

Holly, ivy, and mistletoe are three plants of the season that each hold special powers and can easily be incorporated into your magic on the go this Yule. Holly’s used in magic for courage, wisdom, and overcoming challenges. Holly represents the Holly King, and since it’s green all year, it’s a symbol of immortality. Ivy is the feminine half of the duo from the old English Yuletide folk song “The Holly and the Ivy.” If Ivy was brought into the household before the holly on the Solstice, the woman of the house would rule the year. Ivy brings luck, protection, healing, and grants powers of tenacity. Mistletoe goes way back as a winter solstice plant, used on the Roman celebration of Saturnalia and harvested by the Druids with golden sickles. It’s a plant of fertility, luck, protection, and, of course, passion.

Working magic on the go with these plants is easy. You can carry a sprig of one or all of them in a simple charm bag made from fabric tied with ribbon to impart their energies throughout the day. You can also wear jewelry with representations of the plant. They can be high end, handmade, or inexpensive fun costume pieces. Hold them in your hand and call in the spirit of the plant to bless the jewelry piece with its energy, and let that magic fill your day with their blessings.

Chai Tea Holiday Blessings Spell

Chai is not only one of my favorite hot beverages, it’s also full of traditional Yuletide spices and herbs. Ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, fennel, and clove—what’s not to love?! It promotes a feeling of peace and has many health benefits too; I personally love using chai for magic. Place a chai teabag in a plastic ziplock bag and carry it with you on Yule as you work, shop, or run errands. Every time you experience something happy that puts joy in your heart, you hear a kind word, see a good deed or anything special, let that feeling fill your lungs, open the plastic bag, and blow that feeling into it, filling your chai teabag with good vibes. Brew that tea and enjoy it when you’re home, or wait until the next morning after the sun rises from the longest night, and let it fill you with happiness and good will.

Wear Colors of the Day

Wearing something festive can really help you to hold the winter solstice in the forefront of your mind, whether a simple t-shirt or a classic ugly sweater. Think about the colors and what kind of magical energies they hold as you choose your wardrobe for Yule.

Green boughs were brought into homes on the winter solstice during ancient times as a symbol of immortality. Wear green on Yule to represent life and surviving and thriving through the winter. It can also be a color for healing, finances, and luck.

Red can give you strength and is a color of fire relating back to the sun on this solar celebration. Red is a color to wear for passion, joy, and renewal on Yule.

White is a nice color to wear for Yule, representing snow and ice as we recognize and embrace the spirits of nature. White is also a color of new beginnings and rebirth as we think about the return and newly growing power of the sun.

Gold is an obvious solar reference and perfect to celebrate the energy of the sun conquering darkness. Wearing gold in your wardrobe even if it’s just gold threads woven through another color can boost energies of abundance and wealth. As the sun grows in power, may also your prosperity.

Sabbat on the Go Tips

Make a safe travel charm bag for your car to combine with your safe driving habits while on the road this winter. Include any or all of these: mint, rosemary, juniper, holly berries, ivy leaf, moonstone, black tourmaline, a small sun charm. Wrap it up in a piece of gold colored fabric, tie it closed with red twine or ribbon, and tuck it inside your glove compartment.

Peppermint brings wealth, so carry peppermint candy along with you and eat a little piece every time you spend or donate money on the solstice as you visualize the universe replenishing your finances.

Wear frankincense oil alone or combined with myrrh for Yule blessings and to keep you feeling peaceful and de-stressed in the face of holiday shopping.