Outline of This Book - Introduction

Curanderismo Soul Retrieval: Ancient Shamanic Wisdom to Restore the Sacred Energy of the Soul - Erika Buenaflor M.A. J.D. 2019

Outline of This Book

The first chapter discusses the ancient Mexica and Maya concepts of the soul with respect to the various manifestations of the soul—in the body, other animate beings, and inanimate objects; the degrees of soul strength; how to take care of the soul; the causes and symptoms of soul loss; and how they retrieved the soul. Then I will explore contemporary symptoms of soul loss, areas of the body that contain concentrated sacred essence energies, and how we use ancient Mesoamerican wisdom in this practice.

The second chapter delves into ancient understandings of the Center, or axis mundi. This Center was both a fixed physical central space and an unfixed metaphorical space that served as a portal to other worlds; it could also be the heart of a place, sacred object, or person. Understandings of the Center were not mutually exclusive but could and often did converge. Then I will examine different types of shamanic methods to induce trance states for journeying. I will also describe how to journey into the sacred heart, our energetic portal or assemblage point, for soul retrieval. From our sacred heart every dimension, time, space, and reality can be safely accessed.

The third chapter examines the ancient understanding of the nonordinary realms: the Upperworld, Middleworld, and Underworld. I will also delve into the terrain of these realms and discuss common reasons soul pieces are found within each one. Finally, I explore how to navigate into nonordinary realms by stimulating the body’s correlating energy center with sound, acupressure points, mudras (hand postures), and shamanic breathwork.

The fourth chapter will discuss Mexica and Maya understandings of animal coessences, rites and beliefs concerning them, and their relation to soul loss and retrieval. I will then examine ways to connect with our animal guardians and coessences. I will also talk about how and why they are particularly helpful for soul retrieval and how to develop stronger connections with them.

The last four chapters will delve into ancient Mexica and Maya symbolism of the cardinal spaces, including deities, Year Bearer signs, day signs,*6 and other associations concerning the cardinal spaces. I will discuss how to work the wisdom and medicine of these spaces. In brief, the South serves as the space of discovery and understanding. We journey here to understand why a soul piece left and what needs to be done to create a safe and loving space for it to return. The West is the space of death and releasing. Here we engage in rituals to release destructive habits, self-limiting concepts, and anything else that prevents the return of soul pieces. The North is the space of ancestral guidance, where we ground ourselves in cosmic wisdom and open our connection to the divine within and around us. The East is the space of rebirth and renewal, where we engage in renewal rites to welcome lost soul pieces back into our sacred heart.

Journeying into these cardinal spaces and engaging in self-reflection exercises and limpia rites for further release and integration can inspire us to remember that life is a sacred ritual, as well as our infinite connection to personal and collective consciousness. We can become more aware of the things that honor us and the things that do not, and we can be inspired to steer our reality consciously and take back our power, attracting more favorable synchronicities in our lives.