Linda’s Soul Release and New Beginning - The East: The Space of New Beginnings

Curanderismo Soul Retrieval: Ancient Shamanic Wisdom to Restore the Sacred Energy of the Soul - Erika Buenaflor M.A. J.D. 2019

Linda’s Soul Release and New Beginning
The East: The Space of New Beginnings

When Linda first came to me, she told me she was doubting whether she was smart enough to finish nursing school and become a competent nurse. A year and a half before she came to see me, she had been through a traumatic divorce and what we discovered was an even more traumatic fifteen-year marriage. She had initiated the divorce after she found out that her husband had been cheating on her with the same woman for well over a year. They separated, and she initiated divorce proceedings a couple of months thereafter. During the proceedings, he attempted to diminish her self-esteem, telling her that a stay-at-home mom did not deserve half of “his” pension or half of what was “his” hard-earned money. According to her, the divorce proceedings were a complete nightmare; he stalled, hid assets, and did everything he could to keep what he claimed was his money. She felt that the divorce was ultimately fair, because they had a good judge who did not tolerate her ex-husband’s deceptive tactics. She also gained physical custody of their children.

At the time Linda and her ex-husband first met, she wanted to become a nurse. But after getting married, they decided it would be best if she stayed at home and raised the children. Initially she also helped him with the administrative aspect of his business. During the marriage, Linda became a super mom of three children, who were now fourteen, twelve, and seven. She was involved in all of their activities—piano, softball, swimming, PTA, gymnastics, school activities. Her husband traveled a lot for business, so these activities kept her busy. Somewhere along the way, she felt that she had lost herself. Now she was doing what she could to find out who she was. She went to nursing school shortly after the divorce and was on her second and final year of school. But she was having difficulty with some of the classes and was unsure if she could persevere.

On our first journey together, I found her soul piece in the Upperworld, in a perpetual dream state of being the best mom she could be. When I first came across this piece, I informed it of all the wonderful things that Linda was currently doing, particularly going to nursing school. This soul piece told me that this was not possible: Linda was not capable of doing these things. I then went to the crystal keepers in the Upperworld to find out what could be done to help inspire Linda and raise her confidence. I was told to place a citrine on her solar plexus during our sessions to attract the many fragments of her soul pieces that left when she had given her power away and allowed her self-esteem to be drained throughout the years. After our session, I advised her to purchase a citrine and do the breathwork for the solar plexus with the citrine resting on the solar plexus. This helped to maintain a stronger connection with her soul pieces if they were not yet ready to return.

In later sessions I found out that her husband had a habit of constantly belittling her, and she allowed herself to believe that being a mom was the only thing she was capable of doing. We spent a lot of time in the West releasing these self-limiting beliefs about herself and what she was capable of. She also had to release the guilt of what she believed was going to be her inability to be available to her children when they needed her. With this, we spent a lot of the time in the North with the visionary energy of the divine mother, who honored herself first so she could be more loving, compassionate, tender, and patient with others. During the soul retrieval process, she began to have more energy and motivation to move forward and finish school. Her grades went up along the way, which greatly raised her self-esteem.

Linda had just taken the nursing exam when we began working with the East. This time when we journeyed together, I found her soul piece in the Middleworld, in what looked like a dining room. In this reality, she had her scrubs on, so it looked as if she was already working as a nurse and her children were helping her make dinner. But this soul piece had some reservations about returning. We talked about this after the journeying, and she admitted to me that she was having a difficult time with her children. Their grades were dropping, and they were refusing to help her with any chores, as they were used to having her do everything for them. She found this odd, because they had been very supportive of her during the divorce. She had described them as being quite mature, and they did not take sides.

We did a short journey to the North for the courage and wisdom to cultivate a different relationship with her children. In the North Mother Mary stepped forward and advised me that Linda was ready to release sacred essence energies that did not belong to her. My owl flew over us. I began to see numerous instances where she was crying in bed and her children were consoling her, while at the same time offering their sacred essence energies to her. I saw these sacred essence energies as golden streams going into Linda’s solar plexus.

I told her what was happening and asked Linda if she was ready to give back these soul pieces to her children. She agreed. Taking her children’s sacred essence energies may have initially helped her to get through the divorce and begin nursing school. But she no longer needed their sacred essence energies and needed to return them. We called the I Am presence of her children into her sacred heart, and we returned their pieces back to them. After the journey, I told her that her homework was to have many ongoing and continuing heart-to-heart conversations with her children and to tell them repeatedly and lovingly how she now needed their support by helping around the house and improving their grades.

The next time I saw Linda, she had passed the exam and was ecstatic. She was now looking for jobs and was thinking of starting off with an internship to get her feet wet and to open up more job opportunities. She also said her children were being more helpful around the house, washing dishes and throwing out the trash, and they were doing their homework without her asking them repeatedly to do so. They were not helping her make dinner yet, but she was very happy with their current help.

We went back to the East. This time I found the soul piece working as a nurse. I approached it and asked if it was ready to return to Linda’s sacred heart. It indicated it was. I guided this soul piece back into Linda’s sacred heart by asking her to shine a love-light from this space, so that this piece could find its way back. After this journey, Linda appeared grounded and strong and was incredibly confident that she would be able to achieve anything she set her heart on.

Currently Linda is working for a well-known hospital and goes regularly to the gym and to yoga classes. Her children are doing well in school, and she is beginning to go out on dates, which she is absolutely giddy about. Linda expresses what she needs and wants with confidence, consideration, and authenticity. She embodies the gifts, medicine, and wisdom of the cardinal spaces into her everyday life. It makes my heart sing to see her as a truly happy person.