Claudia’s Death and Releasing - The West: The Space of Death and Releasing

Curanderismo Soul Retrieval: Ancient Shamanic Wisdom to Restore the Sacred Energy of the Soul - Erika Buenaflor M.A. J.D. 2019

Claudia’s Death and Releasing
The West: The Space of Death and Releasing

After coming to a few of my curanderismo classes, Claudia came in for a session and shared her anger with me. She believed that someone had performed black magic against her to break up her relationship with her previous boyfriend, whom she still deeply loved. In our first few sessions, we found her soul piece in the Underworld within a cave. Her soul piece lamented and told me that she felt very disempowered, resentful, and frustrated. She was distraught and in disbelief and could not understand why someone would perform black magic against her. This soul piece was not ready to come back.

Every time we journeyed, her soul piece informed me of a growing list of reasons it was not coming back: devastation and the pain of a broken heart; anxiety and fear of supernatural wrongdoings against her; not feeling as though she deserved to be in a loving and healthy relationship; and so forth. But we also spent time in the South discovering and understanding how she allowed interference in the relationship and supported the belief that someone had the power to interfere with it. In between our sessions, I had her work with the sacred fires of God’s Love and Light, particularly the violet fires, and place herself in them to transmute fears, doubts, and any other belief that would allow or attract any magical interferences. I also had her work with breathwork exercises for her heart chakra and solar plexus and call upon the I Am presence of her ex-boyfriend and offer these sacred fires to his I Am presence as well.

When a person comes and tells me that someone has performed black magic against them or someone they love, I tread very carefully. I never say anything outright to support these beliefs, but at the same time I do not discount them; I have seen too much to believe that such magic does not exist. Rather, I remind the person that they are a child of God, who is naturally untouchable. If something has been done against the person, then they allowed it in some way. If I sense it was a past-life or otherworld allowance, then I do a quantum clearing for the person, wherein I offer clearing for the person’s I Am, everywhere they have existed, exist, and will exist.*16 The clearing typically involves curses, harm cords, karma, nonserving contracts, and rape or molestation. Most importantly, it is necessary to clear any allowances, including any thinking, beliefs, or energy that someone or something can impede our free will or have power over us without our permission.

In approximately our fourth session, Claudia told me how proud she was of herself, particularly that it had been six months since she had been to the brujo (male witch) that told her that her boyfriend’s ex-partner performed black magic to break them apart. She also said she knew she had to stay away from people that could fill her with disempowering thoughts. I felt she was ready to finally journey to the West. She truly understood her role in allowing the interferences and the critical importance of taking and stepping into her power.

We journeyed into the West. I found her soul piece in meditation pose in a canyon in the Middleworld. She turned to me and told me that she was ready to let go of any pain associated with her previous breakup. I asked whether she could gracefully and finally release her ex-boyfriend and their previous relationship. She said she was ready to try. I invoked the violet fire into the scene. We were in front of a violet-colored firepit. I invited her to step into the violet fire and begin to release any allowances and thought that someone could perform black magic against her, as well as her previous relationship with him, and to gracefully release him. She did so, and her body began to shake. I had her take deep breaths to facilitate a clear releasing and transmutation. This soul piece, which we found in the Middleworld, was ready to return to her. I guided her to release a light of love from her sacred heart and connect to the energy that was ready to release the pain. I told her to allow this love-light streaming from her sacred heart to guide this soul piece back into her sacred heart.

After our journey to the West, she shared that she felt substantially lighter and was at peace with their relationship being over. After our session, I had her write a letter to herself stating what she was forgiving herself for in regard to what she had allowed and what she was finally releasing. She then placed this letter into an actual fire.

About a month later, her ex-boyfriend reached out to her. She returned to him and was happy. Six weeks later, he broke it off again. This time she saw that it was not black magic; it was his own insecurities and fear of loving someone. She was hurt, but she persevered and continued to learn how to truly honor and love herself. She continued to move forward with her soul retrieval process, and she got stronger and stronger on all levels. She is now a happy person, and this happiness radiates from her.