Sonia’s Soul Theft - The South: The Space of Discovery and Understanding

Curanderismo Soul Retrieval: Ancient Shamanic Wisdom to Restore the Sacred Energy of the Soul - Erika Buenaflor M.A. J.D. 2019

Sonia’s Soul Theft
The South: The Space of Discovery and Understanding

When Sonia first came to me for a platica (energetic heart-straightening talk) and a limpia (shamanic energy cleanse), she admitted that there were huge chunks of her childhood that she was unable to remember. She suspected that she had been molested by her stepfather. For the first few sessions, we worked on what she had come to first see me about—the direction of her career. Once she obtained the new position that she had been wanting for some time (a position she did not believe she would get or deserved), we moved on to do soul retrieval work.

First I had her do the Cobra Pranayama breathwork and centering exercise. I gave her a limpia by blowing Florida water on her head, heart, stomach, sacral and root chakras, and knees. I ran a rattle across her body, shaking dense energies and blowing them away with a feather fan. Then I got my Tibetan bowl and began placing her under a trance. (I can place myself in trance quite readily.) We entered the journey through the sacred heart.

Once in the journey, we went through a tunnel. At the end of it, we found ourselves in the Middleworld with scenery similar to that here on earth—a complex of townhomes. I sensed that Sonia’s lost piece was inside one of the homes. I called on my crow to take me to the home where it was. The crow flew up over me and led me to the home. The front door was open. I heard screaming. A man was screaming and cursing at a little girl. I later found out that the little girl was Sonia’s sister. I came in and stood back until the man spotted me. In my mind, I called upon Sonia’s animal spirit guide, a bear, to get her out of the house. I asked the man where Sonia was, and he denied knowing. The bear was upstairs looking for Sonia. I could see through the bear’s eyes. The bear ripped open the door to a closet where Sonia was being locked up. He placed Sonia on his back and stormed out of the house, dashing out in front of us with Sonia. I ran out following the bear.

Thereafter I went to speak to Sonia as a young girl. I asked her if she would like to return to Sonia’s sacred heart. The little girl refused and told me that Sonia does not respect her body in many ways. She was not ready to return to her. During the journey, I was describing what I was seeing to Sonia and had Sonia create a love-light from her sacred heart to herself as a young girl. We went back out of the sacred heart, first through the sacred white fires and then through the violet fires. I had Sonia take six grounding inhales and exhales, inhaling through the nose, exhaling out the mouth.

I had Sonia gently open her eyes. I explained to her what her little girl told me. This is when she began crying and admitted to me that she normally had sex with men that she did not really care about, nor did they care about her. I recommended that she engage in more breathwork with a focus on the sacral and heart chakras and reflect on how she could value and love herself more as a person and a woman.

We continued to journey to the South for the next few sessions. Sonia told me she was no longer going to be involved in relationships with men who did not value her. She also told me that the number of men trying to get her to have sexual flings with them increased during this time, but she was refusing. She decided that she was no longer going to allow herself to be treated in this manner. In approximately our third session, we found ourselves in the Middleworld again. This time the soul piece that came forward was an adult version of her. I told her all the work that Sonia was doing and asked her, “How can Sonia love you, heal you, honor you?” The adult version of her turned to me and said, “Sonia is ready to begin to truly love me. I’m ready to return.” I guided Sonia to release a love-light and connect to this soul piece and welcome her home back in her heart.

Although there was still work to be done, as we still needed to retrieve Sonia as a young child, the soul piece that was ready to come back was an integral part of her. This piece provided her with the energy and inspiration to begin honoring her spiritual nature on a regular basis and engage in more self-care and self-love. Approximately five months after we had begun to work together, she attracted a wonderful man who loves and adores her, and she loves and adores him; they are in a healthy, loving, and supportive relationship. When she was ready to work with the East, she had blossomed, and so had many of her other relationships—romantic, friendship, and familial. She was finally putting her guard down, while at the same time using balanced discernment, and she was playful, giddy, and truly joyous. When we journeyed to the East, the previously stolen soul piece of her as a child was ready to come back into her sacred heart and was excited at the prospect of living a life full of love, playfulness, and joy.