The Upperworld - Locating Lost Soul Pieces: Navigating the Upperworld, Middleworld, and Underworld

Curanderismo Soul Retrieval: Ancient Shamanic Wisdom to Restore the Sacred Energy of the Soul - Erika Buenaflor M.A. J.D. 2019

The Upperworld
Locating Lost Soul Pieces: Navigating the Upperworld, Middleworld, and Underworld

Soul pieces that are in the Upperworld tend to involve traumas related to a “fallen” hero, heroine, situation, place, or time, and/or being stuck in an ideal metaphorical time or place. It is distinguished from the Middleworld’s ideal times and places in that the Upperworld tends to be more surreal and ethereal. The Upperworld tends to feel weightless and soft. I have seen castles and temples made of minerals and singing flowers and have been able to touch the sun and sky.

The Upperworld can be entered through dreams, mountain caves, tree trunks, waterfalls, and visualizations of clouds or rainbows. The ascended masters, archangels, Elohim, crystal keepers, etheric retreats, and other powerful light beings reside in the Upperworld. The crystal keepers of the Upperworld can also teach us how to attract and draw fragmented soul pieces into a crystal.

Navigating into the Upperworld with Breathwork

The three energy centers that are associated with the Underworld are the throat chakra (which can also be stimulated to access the Middleworld), third eye, and crown chakra. To navigate into the Upperworld, you can use the Cobra Pranayama or centering breaths described above or one of the following exercises.

Image Stimulating the Throat Chakra with the Prithvi Mudra

1. Join the tip of the thumb and tip of the ring finger, while the other fingers are straight.

2. Use your fingertips on both sides of your chest to firmly press in the indentation between the first rib and the lower border of the collarbone; this acupressure point stimulates the throat chakra.

3. Inhale, and exhale with an “EYE.”

4. Repeat 3 times.


Fig. 3.4. Prithvi Mudra.

Illustration by Carolina Gutierrez.

Image Stimulating the Third Eye with the Vayu Mudra

1. Press the index finger on the base of the thumb, and keep the thumb on the index finger. Let the other fingers be straight.

2. Now place your straight middle finger directly between the eyebrows, in the indentation where the bridge of the nose meets the forehead, and place pressure at this point; this stimulates the third eye.

3. Inhale, and exhale with an “AYE.”

4. Repeat 3 times.


Fig. 3.5. Vayu Mudra.

Illustration by Carolina Gutierrez.

Image Stimulating the Crown Chakra with the Active Guyan Mudra

1. The first joint of the index finger is bent under the first joint of the thumb, while the rest of the fingers are straight.

2. Place your straight fingers behind your earlobes at the indentation, and place pressure on this point; this stimulates the crown chakra.

3. Inhale, and exhale with an “EE.”

4. Repeat 3 times.


Fig. 3.6. Active Guyan Mudra.

Illustration by Carolina Gutierrez.

Journey into the Upperworld, and be ready to ask the questions corresponding to the cardinal space you are working with.