
Magical States of Consciousness: Pathworking on the Tree of Life - Melita Denning 1985


The perception and control of changes in states of consciousness, whether for purposes of magical development or of life generally, is supremely important. It is now widely recognized that our state of consciousness, and in consequence the accessibility and direction of our entire mental and emotional potential—thus to a great extent our physical potential also—is affected by seemingly minor circumstances, and can by their aggregate be affected profoundly: imaginative stimuli, the inner impact of dreams, the colors, odors, and lines of association with which we surround ourselves. To many people who are interested either in maximizing or in controlling human potential, research into these matters has become an absorbing new study. To the student of Qabalah, who is interested in maximizing his or her own potential and in controlling his or her own spiritual destiny, the study and practice of these matters is likewise fascinating and of supreme importance, but is by no means novel. In truth, modern approaches and modes of interpretation can be applied with good effect to timeless knowledge, as they are in the pages of this book: but the deep psychology which underlay astrology of Chaldaea, the philosophic and mystical teachings of many lands and systems, can be traced here too. All have in their measure flowed into, or out from, the traditions of Qabalah.

In the glyph of the Tree of Life, each Sephirah represents one of the archetypal spiritual states, existent not only cosmically but in the depths of each person’s own being: each Path with its attributed influence represents the changes of consciousness by which a specific one of those states can be attained from one or other of the Sephiroth which are placed lower on the Tree of Life. Knowledge and practice in achieving these controlled changes is thus a most potent means of spiritual progess, of inner initiation, and of establishing an effective relationship with the deeper levels of one’s own psyche. It would be possible to experience the Paths in many ways, some taking perhaps a considerable span of time for each Path: but in matters of the psyche, duration of time is hardly ever needful for impact and effectiveness, whereas repetition of an experience is often of great value. Thus, in the traditions of the modern and magical Qabalah, the guided meditations known as Pathworkings have taken a vital place among techniques for training in spiritual growth and development.

The Pathworking texts and methods given in this book are based upon Aurum Solis teachings and techniques. At the same time, they are recommended to the individual student as well as to the group, to aspirants of whatever mystical leaning or commitment as well as to entirely independent seekers. In accord with the general practice of this Order, the texts are not heavily burdened with its own distinctive symbols and concepts: where these are inevitably introduced, however, explanations of them are given and suggestions are made as to alternatives.

The Order Aurum Solis is a representative of the Ogdoadic school of the Western Mystery Tradition. The systems of symbolism and methods of attainment of the Ogdoadic school have profoundly influenced Western thought at many points in its development: its great symbol, the eightpointed Star of Regeneration, and its use of the fivefold pattern of the House of Sacrifice, that is, the Qabalistic pattern of the psyche, as a schema of concepts in areas mystically relating to the human condition, are widespread in medieval, Renaissance, and modern art and literature. This Gnostic-Qabalistic system of initiation can be traced back historically for a thousand years, setting aside the question of its earlier roots. It thus clearly predates the Rosicrucian school, and is one of the oldest surviving branches of the Western Mystery Tradition.1

Besides the Pathworkings up to Tiphareth, with the elucidations needed for the initial entry into that Sephirah and the World of Briah, this book contains the complete material required for effective working and understanding of these Paths. The particular formulation of the Tree of Life is explained, whereby Pathworking can lead not only from mode to mode of consciousness but also from level to higher level. The inner operations of the psyche are described, whereby the general words of a guided meditation which contains certain key concepts and images will become the true personal experience of each member of a group: no two experiences are exactly alike. You are shown how to discover the unending inner drama of the Paths at even greater depths in your own psyche by means of your dreams. An effective formula for opening a Pathworking is given, and, besides the texts themselves, there are reflections upon the inner meaning of each Path. The chief correspondences of each Path—the key concepts and images themselves—are listed out for meditation, and, additionally to the Pathworkings proper, an effective technique with the use of a specially designed Mandala is given to assure the meditator of easy entrance upon each one of the Paths. In addition, a chapter is devoted to the special uses of isolated (or “selective”) Pathworkings, whether for purposes of “soul sculpture”—the enhancement or overcoming of particular qualities in one’s own character—or in conjunction with magical procedures for other objectives. For use in connection with such isolated Pathworkings (even the working performed by a group as part of a magical festival, or by an individual for the sheer pleasure of it) simple rites are given, invoking the appropriate Sephirothic archetypal powers so as to resolve or balance those workings, as required. For the purpose of visualization in these rites, portrayals of the relevant Sephirothic powers are also given.

The “soul sculpture” uses of isolated Pathworkings, as well as the self-balancing upward progress of the workings taken in series, opens up new and exciting prospects in therapeutic directions. Here is a technique which involves not only the conscious personality, but the physical neural circuitry itself (as the “adventure” situations of the Path narratives are designed to do), and which reaches down to the deep and unconscious levels of the psyche. In this way unaccustomed or unpracticed areas of the psyche and of the neural circuitry are activated, not in any haphazard manner but according to the system of a venerable and tried tradition. In Pathworkings properly performed, the patterns of inner activity here encountered will re-link whatever may need adjustment, through the conscious and unconscious functions of the psyche itself, to the veritable archetypes whose powers directly and indirectly set the norms of action and aspiration for the psyche. There is no conflict here between the potential of low-level and of high-level adjustment, since we are dealing with an initiatory system based on the primal structure of the psyche itself and designed for the coordination and integration of the entire psycho-physical person with all functions in their right hierarchy and balance.

As is shown in Chapter 3, the dream life of the individual can easily be brought into the procedure, so that any supposed danger of “stereotyping” is manifestly avoided, and the entire personality is introduced into the drama, the pilgrimage, the inner processional dance of Pathworking. As to the physical body, there can be no doubt of the benefits to it, too, from the psychic equilibrium, and from the harmonious neural impulses engendered by eventful narrrative, by the meditative state, and by ritual archetypally directed. Perhaps the great potential of Pathworking and its associated techniques for group therapy, and for clinical work, will be taken up by others who see, as we do, the powerful instrument for exploration and adjustment which here lies ready to hand.

Magical States of Consciousness is a complete guide to Pathworking, both as an art in itself and as a means of entering the Sephiroth, up to Tiphareth. The subject has many aspects and wide interest. It is the hope of the authors that it will be a fruitful means to inner adventure and understanding, and to true spiritual advancement, for all readers.

Bright Blessings,

D & P

Twin Cities, August 1984

1. The teachings and history of the Order Aurum Solis itself are given in the four volumes of The Magical Philosophy series, also published by Llewellyn.