Influence Magick

The Master Works of Chaos Magick: Practical Techniques For Directing Your Reality - Adam Blackthorne 2016

Influence Magick

I have a close friend who believes that all magick is influence magick. You do a ritual for money, and it influences a hundred small decisions that make things go your way, and bring you that money. I don’t agree with him, but I think that influence plays a massive part in magick, and that you can use direct influence to get what you want.


Seduction magick is one of those subjects that’s always made me squirrely. If you sway somebody’s mind with magick, how’s it any better than date rape? But then one lovely night I was seduced, by magick, and I can say with certainty that I was not drugged, doped, tricked, forced or lured into the seduction. It was a relief. An impossible situation was brought to an end, and something exquisite came out of it. I was taken to place I hadn’t thought or dared to go. No complaints here. I think to some degree I knew that I was being seduced, in the same way you do when somebody is staggeringly, obviously beautiful, open, flirtatious — you know, normal seduction.

The magick I’m about to give you only works about six times out of ten, and it only works if you’ve got some degree of courage. Six out of ten might even be generous. But, that’s not too bad.

Only use it when you want it to work — don’t test it out on people just to see if it works and then walk away. It works best when you seriously want it to work. Your genuine desire gives it some muscle.

In a nutshell, this is what you do. You make brief eye contact with your subject, and during that moment you look with real love in your heart. No magick words, no tickling auras, no sexy demons to raise the heat. Pure love, straight to the eyes. If that sounds way too easy, know that if you get it just slightly wrong, you’re going to look like a creepy stalker.

You’re at the party. The subject of your desire is standing nearby, so that eye contact is possible. You make normal eye contact a few times. Then you look away and conjure up a feeling of real love. Who do you love? Think about somebody you love, some great passion, and then look back at the subject and feel as though you are looking at the one you love. It doesn’t have to be romantic love that you feel. Just love.

Keep it really short, without looking like you’re too embarrassed to hold eye contact. Extended eye contact is great for flirting, but this kind of eye contact is magickal and will feel intrusive if it goes on too long.

If conjuring up love feels like too much, you can modify it, and do it like a method actor. What do you look like when you gaze at somebody you love? How do you feel when you look into the eyes of your beloved cat? The next time it happens, when you really adore somebody or something, get the feeling, remember it, store it up. Unless you’re a hermit, it shouldn’t take much time to find a way to practice this gaze. Get to grips with it, and then learn to bring the gaze on by itself. Practice on a flower or a door handle. Practice! This loving gaze doesn’t just feel like you’re looking at somebody you love, but like you’re bestowing love. When you can conjure that up for a door handle, you’re ready for action.

There are so many variations. You can breathe the feeling of love onto your hand, right before you shake hands with the subject. Or stand nearby with the subject off to your left, and feel your body heat extend to wrap up the subject. There are many more, and you can make up your own. They might work. The eye contact one really works.

Don’t expect your magick to be so super-powerful that you can prop up the bar and wait to be seduced. This eye contact magick is good, but it only creates a feeling of attraction. It doesn’t cause direct action unless you’re lucky. Go make conversation and, if you want, do the eye contact magick one more time. Only do it once more though, and only when you’re speaking and the subject is listening. That’s when it sinks in and has an effect.

Object Influence

At one of the darkest times of my life, there was a crazy couple doing everything they could to get me in trouble. It’s a familiar story, almost a cliché. You make friends with a couple. They get really attached, almost clingy, draining. Then, when you try to cool things down because the friendship is a bit too intense, they turn on you with utter spite. You go from being friends to getting threatened and harassed.

I was young, desperate to get away from these people, and I didn’t have magick that could help me. I knew some magick, but not as much as I do now, and I didn’t have any defense against this sort of attack. I sought the help of the local witches. No kidding. Through a friend of a friend, I managed to track down this couple who were known to practice witchcraft, and I begged for their help.

I didn’t mention that I knew anything about magick, and asked them to do the magick for me. But they told me to do the spell myself. It was so basic. Two black candles, no magick words, no gods, nothing. All I did was put two candles on the floor next to each other and light them. As the dark and stormy night raged on, I moved the candles apart ever so slightly. Not so fast that it would create resistance, but a gradual parting. By the time the candles burned out, in the early hours, they were on opposite sides of the room.

But the interesting bit is this. One candle was me. The other candle was the couple. I wasn’t moving candles. I was moving us apart, breaking the bond.

I did not say ’one candle represented me’. It was me. That’s what those lovely witches told me. You don’t pretend the candle is you, you accept that it is. Use your imagination, and as the ritual plays itself out, your feelings change. When you light those candles, you feel the cloying togetherness. As they move apart, you feel a steely calm. When they’re on either side of the room you feel relief and freedom.

You accept that one thing is actually another thing, or person, and then you do something to that thing. You let this change how you feel. This is a way to influence people. You can change minds and feelings, and get decisions to go your way. You can do this for just about anything, so long as you are able to accept that one thing is another thing for the duration of the ritual.

You don’t use your imagination intensely. There’s no need to visualize that the candle is you, you just suspend disbelief. Accept that it is. Do the magick. It might take practice to get this right, but any time you want to change a mind, this will work.

Doesn’t have to be candles. To separate a couple, you could write their names on a piece of paper, and slowly tear the paper down the middle, to separate the names, then move those pieces apart.

You could take a delicate object, such as a glass, and accept that it is a relationship between two people. Shatter the glass, and the relationship shatters. Are you sure you want it to shatter? Might be better to craft a ball of clay, know that it is the relationship, and leave it out in the rain so it wastes away over a few weeks. Depends on how much spectacle you want.

It might take a bit of experimentation to find your style. You can do an elaborate ritual that goes all night to give a bit of substance to the occasion, make it feel like an event. Or keep it short, with one flash of focus and action. Something will work for you.

Gesture Magick

I never liked meditation until I heard about walking meditation. You walk around, and just look at stuff without thinking about it or judging it or drifting off into fantasy. I liked this idea because that was how I went for a walk anyway. No thought, no labels or names — just looking at stuff as I walked around. I can meditate!

But then I used my walks as self-influence magick, with something that I rather embarrassingly called The Success Walk. I decided that one thing meant another. Each time I went on a specific walk, that was an increase in my business success. The walk didn’t represent success. It was success.

You make one action be something else. It can even be as abstract as success. This is slow burning magick that works on you better than it works on other people.

It worked for me, and it might work for you. If it doesn’t, be glad of the exercise.

It also doesn’t have to be a walk. You can use a hand gesture, a dance. If that gesture becomes a quality or experience you desire, then enacting that gesture increases that quality or experience.

I know this sounds crazy. ’Do a Happy Dance and you’ll get happy!’ No, I doubt it. But there is some substance here. I leave it to you to work out what’s worth doing.

Document Magick

Say you want to change somebody’s mind. You draw a simple sigil that represents the change. As you scribble it down, you think about how you feel now, and how you will feel when you have changed the other person’s mind.

Your boss doesn’t seem convinced by your request for a promotion. You draw a squiggly sigil while your emotions go from annoyance and frustration, to relief and happiness that your boss has changed her mind.

Get that sigil in front of your boss. Methods include:

1. Leaving the sigil on a scrap of paper on the boss’s desk. Your boss will look at it and then throw it away. But it’s been looked at.

2. Using Photoshop or other image editing software, you add the sigil to a logo, photo or other image. You make the sigil so tiny or faint that it can’t be seen — but it’s there. This has to be an image that you can send to your boss without raising suspicion.

3. Drawing the sigil with a light pencil on a paper document, then erasing it. A trace of the sigil will remain, and that is enough.

The bit you have to get right is the feeling — the feeling you have when you draw the sigil. Get that right, and it works. There’s another method that requires a good imagination. You imagine that you are the other person. Take your time. Take on the expressions and body language of your boss. Feel the negative feelings your boss has about your request. Start drawing your sigil. Then change your mind. Imagine being your boss and feeling good about hiring you. Now get that sigil in front of your boss.

I used the example of your boss, but you might not have a boss. You can use this on anybody, but it’s best if you know the person. You can try this with strangers, but it’s not quite as effective.

This chapter needs to mention thoughtforms, because thoughtforms have influence on people. They do more than influence, though, so they get half a chapter all to themselves. Coming right up.