The Core of Desire

The Master Works of Chaos Magick: Practical Techniques For Directing Your Reality - Adam Blackthorne 2016

The Core of Desire

Before you create a sigil, job number one is to find a target — a result you want, something that could actually change without it being a crazy unbelievable miracle. It should be something that’s not likely to happen without magick, but it shouldn’t be something outrageously difficult. Not at first.

When you apply magick to an area of your life that could change, magick will make that little push for you. Let’s say you want to buy that piano. Be creative and look at all the ways you could get the piano, and work out which ones feel good. What you probably don’t want is for magick to give you some extra overtime at work in an effort to give you the extra money. That would feel bad. You probably also don’t want a loan or an increase in your credit limit. That would feel fake. You want to pay for that piano and take it home feeling like it’s truly yours. Ok, so that’s the emotion you need to focus on. You don’t worry one bit about where the money’s going to come from, or how you’re going to get it. But you think about how you want to feel when you get it. You concern yourself with the satisfaction of getting the piano in a way that feels good to you. Think about how that would feel.

Don’t become a problem solver. You’re not directing the magick or telling it where to get the money. You’re working out what result would feel good. Getting some overtime would not feel good. Paying with an increased credit limit would not feel good. But, handing over a wad of cash and feeling like you really own the piano — that feels good. Seeing it delivered to your door, fully paid off… that feels good.

You are categorically not trying to solve the problem of where the money comes from. You’re just feeling your way around the result to make sure you find one that feels right. Doesn’t matter how the heck it’s going to happen. Just get a result that feels right. This is so, so easy. It takes about five seconds.

Let’s imagine you want to find a great new house to live in, even though the rental market’s really tight in this part of town. You don’t want to spend weeks searching, so forget that. You don’t want to pay more than is fair, so forget that too. What would feel great is finding the perfect house easily, cheaply and out of the blue. By looking at the solutions that feel a bit tense and disappointing, you find the feeling you actually want to achieve. Note that feeling, and you’ve got the perfect direction for your magick.

Then come up with your question. You phrase this as though your wish was granted sometime in the past. It would be absolutely fine to use that example I gave earlier. ’How did I come to own this beautiful piano?’ That feels good, when you ask it. For the rental property, it might be, ’How did we find such a beautiful, low cost house so easily?’ Or even simpler, ’How could it be so easy to find the perfect house?’

It’s really easy to stuff this part up by problem solving, and trying to define exactly how the magick should work. Don’t tell the magick how to work. Don’t insist that the only way to get your piano is by winning the lottery. It isn’t the only way, and it’s probably the least likely.

I’ll try not to repeat this too often, or you’re going to find me boring, but, you know, just to make sure… Magick can find really, really inventive ways to get things to appear in your life. You do a ritual for a piano, and out of the blue, your neighbor decides to move to Montana and leaves her piano for you. Thank god you didn’t waste your time telling magick that you needed money for the piano. You only needed the piano.

Pianos are not the smallest of objects, and you probably don’t want one. I did, and I got one. But, when you’re starting out, you might want to aim for something that’s a bit closer to your current reality. When you first get into magick it’s tempting to go straight for those massive goals that have been obsessing you forever. Aim a bit lower. Don’t aim so low that it feels pointless; no point in doing magick for a good lunch when you can just go out and buy a good lunch. But you could do magick to get somebody to be kinder to you, or to pay what they owe you, or to stop their dog from barking at night. Think of a small thing you really want to change; something that’s possible, but that you have no direct control over.

You’re not going to levitate or become famous by next week. Look for something you want that’s out of reach, but within the realms of possibility if the magick were to give reality a twist. It has to be a real desire or there’ll be no emotion.

You might want to avoid money magick when you’re setting out unless it’s for a really small amount. Most people have pretty big hang-ups about money, and huge doubts about money magick ever working…and then they just cannot stop watching and waiting for the result. When you watch and wait, you get more watching and waiting. Avoid money for now. Don’t worry. Money magick works, but find your feet with something else first.