The Magick of Pure Invention

The Master Works of Chaos Magick: Practical Techniques For Directing Your Reality - Adam Blackthorne 2016

The Magick of Pure Invention

Duh, yeah, obviously.’

That’s nothing new.’

What the…? It will never work unless you do the magick at the right hour, facing the right direction.

Why would I want to make up magick when there’s already magick made up for me?

All those thoughts are OK by me, but if you get Olympic Chaos Magick to work, then you show yourself that magick can be simplified so long as it is not simplified beyond recognition.

Hordes of folks would disagree and say that you can make up magick completely and get it to work; I can’t argue with that, because it’s true. Some people would also call me a second-rate Chaos Magician for relying on all that traditional ceremonial stuff.

The alternative is pure invention — make up magick and keep doing it until it works. There’s a trick to this; you do the magick for something that is absolutely inevitable. You create a ritual for money magick, and then you do that ritual to get paid your weekly wage. The magick has to work! That makes the magick real, and after doing rituals for things that are bound to happen, you do it for things that are quite likely, and then eventually you find that your completely and utterly invented spirits are actually able to bring results. It’s a lot of effort, but I have to put it out there. Chaos Magick is partly about invention, so if you want to invent, that’s one way.

Another is to create thoughtforms, as described earlier, but then treat them as though they are ancient spirits rather than your own thoughtforms. Draw up a sigil, and tell your thoughtform that it can only work when you call it with a set of magick words and a ritual, and by chanting its name over the sigil. If you do that, you’ve sort of created a servitor, but one that thinks it’s a spirit and that can be summoned by anybody who knows the system, sigil and method you’ve created.

Why bother with pure invention? Because sometimes, no matter how many books you consult, there just isn’t quite the entity you’re looking for. You might have some area of your life that’s so specific, narrow and unusual that nobody else has come up with a magickal solution. That’s when you make time for the magick of pure invention.