Smokejumper: A Memoir by One of America's Most Select Airborne Firefighters - Jason A. Ramos (2015)
1.Fire not scouted and sized up.
2.In country not seen in daylight.
3.Safety zones and escape routes not identified.
4.Unfamiliar with weather and local factors influencing fire behavior.
5.Uninformed on strategy, tactics, and hazards.
6.Instructions and assignments not clear.
7.No communication link with crewmembers/supervisors.
8.Constructing line without safe anchor point.
9.Building fire line downhill with fire below.
10.Attempting frontal assault on fire.
11.Unburned fuel between you and fire.
12.Cannot see main fire; not in contact with anyone who can.
13.On a hillside where rolling material can ignite fuel below.
14.Weather is getting hotter and drier.
15.Wind increases and/or changes direction.
16.Getting frequent spot fires across line.
17.Terrain and fuels make escape to safety zones difficult.
18.Taking a nap near the fire line.
Source: National Wildfire Coordinating Group