Apple Cider Vinegar for Health and Beauty: Recipes for Weight Loss, Clear Skin, Superior Health, and Much More—the Natural Way (2015)
How Does Fat Affect Us?
Fat plays a critical role in keeping our bodies healthy and functioning at their best. Now wait, that is not your golden ticket to run off and scarf down a box of donuts! We need only a certain amount of the right kind of fat in our diets, whether we are watching our weight or not. But granted, getting this right is nothing short of an incredibly delicate balancing act, especially when there is so much contradictory literature on the subject out there. But don’t worry folks, I am here now to lay out the no-holds-barred truth about fat and what it does and doesn’t do for our bodies, with the hopes that it will help all of you develop a healthier relationship with the dreaded leper that we all do our best to avoid!
So welcome fat back into your lives folks, but do so cautiously!