Apple Cider Vinegar for Everyday Common Ailments - Apple Cider Vinegar for Health and Beauty: Recipes for Weight Loss, Clear Skin, Superior Health, and Much More—the Natural Way (2015)

Apple Cider Vinegar for Health and Beauty: Recipes for Weight Loss, Clear Skin, Superior Health, and Much More—the Natural Way (2015)

Apple Cider Vinegar for Everyday Common Ailments

In addition to the general tonic for overall health there are many tried and tested folk remedies that use apple cider vinegar for specific conditions and ailments. Here is a compilation of the most common ones that you might find useful.

ACNE - Combine 2 cups of apple cider vinegar with 1 pound of grated horseradish. Allow the mixture to sit for 2 weeks, then strain it through a fine mesh sieve. Use a cotton ball to apply the liquid to the acne spots daily and you will soon see an improvement.

AGE SPOTS - Mix 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with 1 teaspoon of onion juice. Apply this solution to the darkened areas of skin daily and you will see them begin to fade in about 2 weeks.

AGING - Could apple cider vinegar be the elixir of youth we have all been searching for? Seems so. Simply combine 2 teaspoons of honey and 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Drink this mixture daily to give your metabolism a hearty boost which in turn will restore your youthful radiance. A sluggish metabolism is the death knell for beauty-keep your metabolism revved up and in peak condition to stave off the visible signs of aging.

ALLERGIES - Apple cider vinegar may be one of the best allergy treatments available. It has antibiotic and antihistamine powers that are priceless in our modern world where more and more people are suffering from allergy attacks and allergy-related illnesses. Traditional allergy meds are costly and often make the user feel drowsy, and a whopping 30 percent of people report that they don’t believe their allergy medicines are effective! An allergic person’s body responds to environmental irritants like dust and pollen abnormally by producing histamines to fight off the intruding particles, but all this histamine in their system actually causes all the classic allergy symptoms.

Taking a natural antihistamine such as apple cider vinegar prevents the production and release of the histamines and consequently quells the allergy symptoms too. That’s right, no more swollen, red, itchy, watery eyes, no more uncontrollable sneezing and nasal congestion, no more headaches, asthma, and coughs. And all you have to do is mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and drink this three times a day. You will start noticing a marked difference in a few weeks once your body has built up its natural defenses to fight off all types of allergies. The key to curbing allergies is to drink apple cider vinegar regularly-what could be easier?


ARTHRITIS - While apple cider vinegar cannot cure arthritis, it can certainly help to relieve the pain and many people have attested to its effectiveness. The potassium in apple cider vinegar is thought to help prevent the buildup of calcium in the joints, which causes the stiffness and pain. Furthermore, it has been suggested that the painful joints characteristic of arthritis may actually be caused by an accumulation of toxins in the joints. Specifically the pectin in apple cider vinegar helps to absorb the toxins and remove them from the body. Apple cider vinegar is a natural detoxifier and will help to purify your whole body. It is recommended to take a dessert spoonful of apple cider mixed in water at mealtimes for relief from pain.

ASTHMA - Apple cider vinegar has been found to strengthen the lungs and immune system, both of which are imperative for asthma sufferers. Combining apple cider vinegar with honey helps to restore the acid/alkaline balance in the body which helps to stop the wheezing that generally accompanies an asthma attack. Sipping a tincture of 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of honey in half a cup of warm water over the course of thirty minutes will provide relief when you are in distress. If wheezing persists half an hour after finishing the drink, then try another dose, although you are not likely to need one as breathing difficulties should have subsided by then. If the first dose of apple cider vinegar and honey does not work, another tried and tested remedy is to soak two cotton pads in apple cider vinegar and apply them to the insides of your wrists while you sip the second dose. Breathing should be easier after this.

ATHLETE’S FOOT - Soak your feet in a mixture of half apple cider vinegar and half water twice a day until symptoms subside or alternatively apply some apple cider vinegar directly to the affected areas a few times a day and at bedtime for relief.

BLADDER AND KIDNEY INFECTIONS - To soothe symptoms drink 1 cup of the following mixture three times a day: one quart distilled water, two tablespoons fresh or dried corn silk, one teaspoon buckwheat honey, half a teaspoon apple cider vinegar. You can chill it if you like.

BLEEDING - Vinegar has been used by physicians for many centuries to treat wounds and stop bleeding. In line with this practice, Dr. Jarvis researched the effects that apple cider vinegar might have on bleeding and came to the conclusion that the adrenaline-like effects of apple cider vinegar was what helped to coagulate blood and thus stem the flow of blood.

Apple cider vinegar taken as a general tonic is also believed to help a person heal quicker after surgery and if taken regularly before a major operation, it will build up the person’s immunity so their healing response will be greater. The only exception to this is intestinal surgery.

For Nosebleeds - Simply soak a ball of cotton wool in some apple cider vinegar and place it into the bleeding nostril. Have the person tilt back their head so that the force of gravity will work to reverse the flow of blood. The coagulating effect of the apple cider vinegar will help to stop the nosebleed much quicker than pinching the bridge of your nose or using a plain cotton ball would.

BLOOD PRESSURE - Apple cider vinegar contains potassium. Potassium helps to balance out the body’s sodium levels and thus helps to lower blood pressure. Take the general tonic on a regular basis for long term effective relief from the unpleasantness of high blood pressure. Apple cider vinegar also contains magnesium which helps to relax the walls of the blood vessels, effectively lowering blood pressure.

BODY ODOR - Apple cider vinegar is a natural disinfectant and can be used as a body deodorant because it kills the bacteria and germs that are responsible for the offensive odor. Simply soak a cotton wool ball in undiluted apple cider vinegar and wipe it under your arms once a day to effectively kill any smells. For foot odor, make a mixture of 1 liter water and 1 cup of apple cider vinegar. Soak smelly feet three times a week in this mixture to eliminate the bacteria that are causing the foul odor.

BONE HEALTH - Apple cider vinegar contains important minerals for strong and healthy bones like magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, and silicon. It also contains the trace mineral boron. Boron works to support the metabolism of calcium and magnesium and elevates the levels of estrogen and testosterone in the body, both of which leads to strong bones. Taking the apple cider tonic regularly will be a good dietary source of these minerals, which will sustain bone mass density and will help ward off degenerative bone diseases like osteoporosis.


BRUISES - To reduce the swelling and discoloration that accompanies bruising, simply heat ½ a cup of apple cider vinegar over low heat on the stove and then dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt into it. Apply a compress soaked in the warm liquid to the site of bruising and leave it there for thirty minutes. This stops the bruise from developing and eases the pain from swelling.

BURNS - Apply undiluted apple cider vinegar to the site of the burn. This helps to stop pain and swelling and, in addition, it disinfects the wound at the same time as providing much needed nutrients to the site of trauma to promote healing and cell regeneration. This remedy works on both sunburns as well as minor burns from other sources (like hot appliances or boiling water). Although for sunburns over large areas of skin, a warm bath spiked with apple cider vinegar might be more effective. Contrary to what you would think, pouring vinegar onto the site of a burn does not sting and is not painful—you simply feel a tingling sensation which lets you know that the apple cider vinegar is working its wonderful magic!

CANCER - Apple cider vinegar contains numerous substances that can protect the human body against cancer. Beta carotene is known to be a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants help fight the effect of free radicals in the body. Free radicals are molecules, atoms, or ions that have an open shell due to having unpaired valence electrons. This causes them to attack cells in the body to try and steal electrons from them. This damages the cells and in turn causes them to become free radicals too. This can lead to a cascading effect where a large number of cells can be damaged. Antioxidants have spare electrons in their shells and are thus able to donate electrons to the free radicals, binding to them, stabilizing or deactivating the free radicals before they can attack our cells.


Pectin is found in the skins of apples and in apple cider vinegar, and is a soluble fiber that keeps food from stagnating in the colon. This decreases the amount of toxins released from digested food in the gut by helping the body eliminate it quickly.

Research indicates that having a pH balance in your body that is slightly alkaline is helpful in preventing or slowing down cancers in the body. Some people even state that having an alkaline pH balance has cured them! Apple cider vinegar, although highly acidic, leaves an alkaline ash or residue after being processed by our bodies. This promotes a long-term alkaline pH in our bodies.

Vinegar has also been shown to be very effective in detecting cervical cancer, even better and more cost-effective than pap smears in rural locations. In a study published in The Lancet by researchers from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and the University of Zimbabwe, nurse-midwives screened almost eleven thousand women by using the VIA method. VIA (direct visualization with acetic acid) is where the nurse or doctor uses a cotton swab to apply acetic acid to the cervix. After thirty to sixty seconds a bright light is shone and the cervix is inspected. Pre-cancerous lesions, which have a higher ratio of intracellular proteins, turn white when combined with acetic acid. Researchers on the study expressed the view that “the vinegar test was more likely to pick up precancerous or cancerous cells than the pap smear.”

CANKER SORES - You can relieve the pain of canker sores and speed up the healing process by applying apple cider vinegar directly to the sore with a Q-tip. Do this at least twice a day after eating. This will initially cause some discomfort, but after a few minutes the pain and discomfort will subside. For a less painful method try rinsing your mouth with diluted apple cider vinegar, it will be less painful, but the healing process take longer.

CANDIDA - Candida is a condition where there has been an overgrowth in the normally friendly and necessary Candida Albicans yeast. It occurs naturally in all our mucus membranes and one of its most important functions is to recognize and destroy harmful bacteria. Candida Albicans is, however, not supposed to overgrow and get out of control while we are still living. One of its secondary purposes is to help break down the human body when it dies. Candida Albicans and apple cider vinegar do not get along. Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and drink it before every meal. The apple cider vinegar actually kills the yeast and therefore helps fight the intestinal overgrowth. For external relief you can add a cup of apple cider vinegar to your bath or use it as a douche by mixing two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to one quart of warm water. Do this twice a day until symptoms are gone.

CATARACTS - Cataracts are generally the result of damage to the lens of the eye and are a common problem of aging. Studies have indicated that if you have a diet rich in beta carotene and vitamins C and E, all of which are present in apple cider vinegar, you will be less likely to get cataracts. Diets high in salt and fats have been shown to increase the risk of getting cataracts. Taking two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar mixed with water or juice twice a day is the general tonic for optimum protection.

CHICKEN POX - Apple cider vinegar can relieve the discomfort of chicken pox. You can apply full strength apple cider vinegar to the affected areas as well as adding one cup to a warm bath.

CHOLESTEROL - Research indicates that apple cider vinegar can lower cholesterol. In a study published in a foreign medical journal, scientists found that an apple cider vinegar-enhanced diet may increase HDL, the good cholesterol, and reduce levels of triglycerides. Other research conducted on mice has yielded the same results. Pectin, especially apple pectin, has been found to absorb fats and cholesterol and remove them from the body. Pectin is a soluble fiber and is found in apple cider vinegar. Amino acids are also found in apple cider vinegar, they neutralize harmful oxidized LDL, the bad cholesterol.

COLD SORES - Cold sores are extremely painful fluid-filled blisters that can appear on the face, lips, cheeks, nostrils, and even inside the mouth. They are caused by the herpes virus. Apple cider vinegar is one of the oldest and best household remedies, because viruses like the cold sore cannot survive in acidic environments. You can either take a cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar and apply it daily for a less painful but slower remedy, or apply it directly with a Q-tip daily for quicker results.

COLDS AND FLU - Apple cider vinegar can be helpful in preventing and treating colds and flu. While it is highly acidic, apple cider vinegar actually helps the body maintain a healthy pH level. This helps prevent and treat colds and flu by stopping germs from getting cozy in your chest and nose. This is because a body which is kept at a healthy, slightly alkalized state is unappealing to germs. Unfortunately, the western diet most of us eat predisposes us to having an acidic pH balance, so it’s no wonder we spend the winter months battling germs with sniffles, aches, and pains. Drinking the usual tonic of one to two tablespoons every morning and night, or when cold and flu season starts, will help prevent or diminish the severity of the sickness. If you already have a full blown cold or bout of flu, take the apple cider vinegar anyway. It will help your immune system fight off the germs and give you some extra energy, as well as improving your digestion. If the cold or flu is affecting your nose and sinuses, add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to your humidifier and leave it on overnight. Then there is the age-old remedy for chest congestion. Cut a piece of brown paper bag to the shape of your chest and soak it in apple cider vinegar. Sprinkle the side that is going against your chest with ground black pepper and lay it across your chest. Cover it with a towel and keep the cold sufferer warm. Remove after half an hour, repeat daily.


CONSTIPATION - Constipation is usually caused by eating a poor diet too low in fiber. It is also a normal sign of aging as the volume of digestive acids reduces as we age. Constipation can lead to serious health problems because of the increased amount of time digested food remains in the colon. This leads to a greater number of toxins being reabsorbed into the body, leading to free radical damage and a host of secondary illnesses. Eating a diet with a high fiber content is the most effective and natural way of combating and alleviating constipation. Apple cider vinegar is a good source of pectin a water soluble fiber. You can supplement your diet with a daily tonic of apple cider vinegar or you can try a well-known recipe from Patricia Bragg. You need to boil two cups of distilled water and a quarter cup of flaxseed for ten minutes. Then remove it from heat. The mixture will become gelatinous as it cools. You then take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and mix it with two tablespoons of the flaxseed gel. Take this mixture every morning and again one hour after dinner.

CORNS - To treat corns, soak your feet in a basin with warm water and a half to a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar, depending on the size of the basin. Remove your feet and dry them. Once dry, rub the corns with a pumice stone. Apply full-strength apple cider vinegar directly to the corn and then cover them with a bandage and leave overnight. Apply more apple cider vinegar in the morning and bandage again. Repeat this process until the corn has disappeared.

COUGHS - Honey is a staple for most coughs and throat ailments; one of the oldest and most common remedies for a cough is a mixture of honey and lemon juice. Apple cider vinegar can be substituted in for the lemon juice. The ideal ratio of the mix is two parts honey for one part apple cider vinegar. You can take anywhere from one teaspoon to one tablespoon of this mixture at a time up to five or six times a day. This mixture is especially good for children who may get an upset tummy from over-the-counter cough medicines. A slightly stronger mixture, more suited to adults but safe for children who can stomach it, is a mixture consisting of: 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar, 2 tablespoons honey, 2 tablespoons water, a ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper, and a ¼ teaspoon ground ginger. Place all the ingredients in a jar and shake vigorously to combine. Place the mixture in the refrigerator to store. Shake the jar before usage as the spices will not dissolve.

CRAMPS - Muscle cramps are usually a sign of an electrolyte imbalance such as a deficiency in magnesium and calcium, or a deficiency in vitamin E. Taking a regular daily tonic of apple cider vinegar will supply your body with some of the minerals and vitamins it lacks.


CUTS AND ABRASIONS - Apple cider vinegar has been used for centuries by the armies to treat wounds. Hippocrates espoused its usefulness in healing wounds too. You can apply full strength apple cider vinegar to reduce the chance of infection and also speed up the rate of healing.

DANDRUFF - Recycle an old shampoo bottle and fill it with apple cider vinegar. Apply full-strength apple cider vinegar to your hair and scalp and rub it in. Leave it to soak for half an hour before washing your hair. This will destroy the bacteria or fungus that could be causing your dandruff.

DEPRESSION - Depression can range from serious metabolic disorders to occasional mood problems. The severity and causes can vary widely from individual to individual. Serotonin levels have been found to greatly influence moods. Apple cider vinegar is also believed to help with serotonin levels in the brain. Some Eastern medicine practices subscribe to the belief that depression is caused by having a stagnant liver. Taking a daily dose of apple cider vinegar works as a liver-cleansing tonic. This is promoted by the amino acids that it contains.

DIABETES - Medical research into apple cider vinegar and its health benefits is still very much in its infancy. The area concerning apple cider vinegar’s effect on diabetes is one of the most advanced. In many studies it has been shown that apple cider vinegar reduces blood glucose levels. In one study that was published in Diabetes Care, the journal for the American Diabetes Association, it was clearly shown that people with Type 2 diabetes who ingested two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar per day had lower levels of blood glucose when tested the following morning. The average level of reduction was measured at four to six percent.

DIAPER RASH - Apple cider vinegar is an effective cure for many forms of rashes due its fungicidal and antibacterial properties. It can be used in a half water, half apple cider vinegar mixture which you dab on with a soaked cotton ball at each diaper change. Another remedy is to mix it half and half with freshly brewed and cooled rooibos/red bush tea, which in itself is an effective diaper rash remedy. This mixture is also applied with a soaked cotton ball at each diaper change.

DIARRHEA - Diarrhea is normally caused by harmful bacteria in the colon or an imbalance in the naturally occurring bacteria there. Apple cider vinegar will not only help the body restore the balance of bacteria in the colon, but the water-soluble fiber pectin will absorb water in the intestine and bulk up the stool. To minimize the stress on the gut, divide up the usual daily dosage of two to four tablespoons into six dosages spread out through the day. If the diarrhea persists for more than two days or the symptoms worsen you must contact your physician as soon as possible.


DIGESTION AND BURPING - One of the biggest and most important contributions apple cider vinegar can make to our health and wellbeing is as an aid to our digestive system. It starts as soon as you drink the apple cider vinegar tonic. The acid receptors in your tongue begin stimulating the saliva glands as soon as they come into contact with the apple cider vinegar. Saliva mixes with the food we eat and starts the digestive process, which begins with the breakdown of carbohydrates. Apple cider vinegar also improves the effectiveness of the digestive enzymes and enhances the action of our stomach’s hydrochloric acid. Any person who needs to make significant alterations to their diet will most likely be helped by sipping a third of a cup of water mixed with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar before every meal. Apple cider vinegar’s antibacterial properties can also help the digestive acids reduce the opportunity for bacterial infections in the stomach. World travelers might be well-served by taking along a small bottle or buying a small bottle of it in tablet form to take in their suitcases when traveling. Apple cider vinegar can also be effective in lessening the effect of overeating or eating an overly rich meal, or a meal eaten too close to bed time, by speeding up the breakdown of food in the digestive.

DIZZINESS - Dizziness can result from having an overly alkaline condition in the body. There are also a number of conditions that affect the central nervous system by causing conflicting messages from the eyes, ears, etc., to be sent to the brain. This causes dizziness because we rely on these senses for balance. Many people find that they get relief from dizziness by taking regular doses of apple cider vinegar tonic.

EARACHES - Earaches are normally the result of ear infections and always require the attention of a physician as soon as possible. Often there is a wait before you can get the patient to see the physician or for the effects of the medicine to take hold. Relief from discomfort and healing benefits can be obtained by holding the affected ear over a steam bath with 1 part apple cider to two parts water. Be careful not to hold the ear too close to the steam. This is especially suited to young children who get frequent ear infections.


ECZEMA - Apple cider vinegar can be effective by relieving the dryness and itching of eczema. The ideal mixture is to mix it with equal parts water and apply with a dipped cotton ball.

EXHAUSTION - Exhaustion in and of itself is not considered a serious medical condition. In the short-term before recovery, it can cause a temporary but debilitating effect on your ability to perform simple tasks, and also your wellbeing. To lessen the effects and promote a speedy recovery, try a refreshing apple cider vinegar sponge bath. Run a warm bath and add as much apple cider vinegar as you can, sponge yourself regularly with the warm water, staying in the bath for at least half an hour.

FATIGUE - Apple cider vinegar is a good source of amino acids. Amino acids can help neutralize the lactic acid that builds up in our muscles and blood stream after exercise or periods of high stress. The amino acids and enzymes we get from taking regular doses of apple cider vinegar is thought to be effective in combating fatigue.

FEVER - Vinegar compresses applied to the lower legs have been recommended by physicians for many years as a means of reducing fevers. The patient is kept warm, while their lower legs are wrapped in tea towels soaked in a mixture of one part apple cider vinegar to three parts water. When the compresses dry out, they must be re-soaked and applied again. A similar folk remedy for fevers involves soaking cotton socks in the same solution and then placing them on the feet. You then wrap the patients’ feet in towels to keep them warm.


FLATULENCE - Flatulence occurs naturally in our bodies and is usually caused by swallowing air and gases produced from food that has not been digested properly. We swallow small amounts of air when we swallow our food and when we swallow our saliva. We either burp this air out through our mouths or it follows our digestive tract and is expelled from our back passage. Some foods like beans and cabbage are more likely to cause gas than others, but our individual food tolerances also play a role in what food gives us the most gas. Sipping a glass with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with water before meals is known to aid digestion and reduce the volume and frequency of flatulence.

FOOD POISONING - Apple cider vinegar has known antibacterial properties that makes it an effective remedy for fighting off the harmful bacteria that cause food poisoning. The best method of doing this is to mix two glasses of apple cider vinegar tonic (one tablespoon apple cider vinegar per glass of water) and take small sips to finish them over an eight-hour period. In addition to this you should only drink clear fluids like tea, club soda, or water-nothing with any sugar in it like fruit juices, etc. Apple cider vinegar tonic can also be used as a preventative when visiting foreign countries, or even when going to a picnic where you are unsure of the cooking and hygiene.

FOOT CARE - We all have those hard days where we have been on our feet longer than usual and they end up swollen and sore. One of the best things to do is have a refreshing foot bath. You will need to add several cups of apple cider vinegar to a basin with warm water in it. Soak your feet for fifteen to twenty minutes. Remove your feet and let them dry in the air to maximize the cooling effect. For any other foot problems, see also Athlete’s foot or Corns.

FUNGUS INFECTIONS (see also diaper rash) - You should use a solution of half apple cider vinegar to half water and apply several times a day until the infection is gone. A solution of half apple cider vinegar to half cooled rooibos/red bush tea is also very effective.

GALLBLADDER/GALLSTONES - Apple cider vinegar is sometimes used as part of a well-known alternative treatment, the gallbladder flush. There are a wide variety of methods and recipes for doing this but there are general similarities to all of them. Basically whole apples, apple juice, apple sauce, and apple cider vinegar tonic are the only foods or drinks ingested over a two to three day period. Once the three days is completed you then drink pure olive oil, or especially in the case of a routine flush of small stones, a mixture of olive oil and freshly squeezed and pulped grapefruit. Sometimes an enema is prescribed for the morning after the ingestion of the olive oil if the patient has not had a satisfactory bowel movement that has flushed the small gallstones. Painful gallstones should always be treated by a physician; an annual gallbladder flush generally helps avoid the formation of larger stones. The efficacy of this method of treatment is substantiated by the relative low incidence of gallbladder problems in people who consume regular amounts of apple cider vinegar tonic.

GUMS - Apple cider vinegar can be used effectively as a mouth rinse for the treatment of bleeding gums. The acidic nature of apple cider vinegar dissolves the plaque that can aggravate gums and helps fight oral infections in much the same way that it helps with cuts and scrapes.

HEADACHES - Research into headaches, especially migraines, suggests that they are caused by food we ingest or environmental stress. The food causality is triggered by eating meals made up of pizza, burgers, French fries, soft drinks, fried chicken, donuts, potato chips, pretzels, candy, etc., as these foods leave an acidic ash when digested and cause the body’s pH to become acidic. Environmental stress causes stress hormones to be released into our bodies; this can lead to a condition known as acidosis. These conditions are basically when our body’s pH reaches a dangerous toxic level of acidity. Supplementing your diet with apple cider vinegar tonic is known to reduce the body’s acidity because when it is digested it leaves an alkaline ash, which in turn neutralizes the excess acid in our systems.

HEAD LICE - If over-the-counter lice preparations are not available or are too toxic for your skin, try rinsing your hair with full strength apple cider, then allow it to dry naturally. This will kill the adult lice and dissolve the glue that binds the eggs to the hair shaft. Now wash your hair with shampoo and then apply olive oil to your hair. The olive oil will allow you to see any remaining lice or eggs; you must then pick them out with a comb and re-wash your hair. Repeat this daily until all the lice are gone.

HEARTBURN - See Indigestion

HEMORRHOIDS - Apple cider vinegar can be applied in its full-strength form to hemorrhoids to reduce stinging and promote shrinking. The daily use of apple cider vinegar tonic can help to soften stools and reduce the strain during bowel movements. This will eliminate the main cause of hemorrhoids occurring.


HERPES - See Cold Sores

HICCUPS - There are countless remedies for the treatment of hiccups, so it is of little surprise that proponents of apple cider vinegar have a few of their own. One remedy is to sip a glass of warm apple cider vinegar tonic from the far side of the glass. Another is to take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and mix it with a tablespoon of refined sugar and then consume. Probably one of the only instances where refined sugar is used as a remedy!

HIVES AND RASHES - You can mix apple cider vinegar with corn starch to make a paste that can be applied to rashes and hives. You can add cooled rooibos/red bush tea if available. This mixture will alleviate some of the itching and swelling.

HOARSENESS - See sore throat.

IMPETIGO (staph/strep infections) - Impetigo is an especially troublesome and contagious infection of the skin. It results from either a staphylococcus or streptococcus bacterial infection and is especially prevalent in young children, as they want to touch everything. To treat it with apple cider vinegar, apply it full strength to the affected skin every three hours. You should see results in a few days. If the infection persists or worsens, or there is a risk of widespread contagion, you should consult a physician as soon as possible.

INDIGESTION/HEARTBURN - Indigestion and heartburn result just as often from having too little hydrochloric acid in the stomach as having too much. It is also the movement of acid into the esophagus. Regular use of apple cider vinegar tonic will help break down proteins and fats in the stomach. It is especially useful if taken prior to a large, rich meal. This is because it stimulates saliva production which aids in the digestion of food. You should try using this remedy in place of antacid medicines, as over time these medicines will reduce the production of the necessary acids. This in turn could potentially exacerbate digestion problems and symptoms.

INSECT BITES AND STINGS - Be sure to get appropriate treatment for spider bites and other bites and stings if you are allergic. Full-strength apple cider vinegar can be used to lessen the pain and swelling of bee stings, fire ant bites, mosquito bites, wasp stings, and spider bites. You can also use it on jellyfish stings if hot water is not available or the sting is not too severe. Apple cider vinegar would definitely be a prudent addition to your luggage when visiting the beach or nature parks.

INSOMNIA - Apple cider vinegar can be used as a natural treatment for insomnia. Try making a mixture of apple cider vinegar and honey mixed with a glass of water. Keep a second glass ready for if you wake during the night. Both apple cider vinegar and honey are known to activate serotonin production in the brain which promotes relaxation and induces sleepiness.


JOCK ITCH - Jock itch can be treated similarly to other rashes by applying a mixture of half water to half apple cider vinegar directly to the affected area. Do this twice daily after bathing.

KIDNEY STONES - There are a few apple cider vinegar-based regimens for treating kidney stones. The common point for all of them is that you can use it in conjunction with lemon juice, but it is not essential. At the first onset of pain or discomfort, take a mixture of 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice in a glass of water. Then mix the same amount of apple cider vinegar and lemon into a 2-liter bottle of water. Drink a glass of this mixture every hour until the stone has passed. Refill the bottle with the mixture as often as necessary and keep drinking. If you feel the stone is stuck, you can add two tablespoons of olive oil to the glass.

LAMENESS - Dr. Jarvis had a favorite remedy for sore, tired legs. One tablespoon apple cider vinegar combined with the yolk of one egg and one tablespoon of turpentine. To be applied daily to the legs as needed.

LARYNGITIS - See Sore Throat

LEG CRAMPS - Leg cramps are usually a sign of an electrolyte imbalance such as a deficiency in magnesium and calcium, or a deficiency in vitamin E. Taking a regular daily tonic of apple cider vinegar will supply your body with some of the minerals and vitamins it lacks.

LIVER FUNCTION - The liver is one of the most important organs in the body as it filters out toxins and waste products from the blood. To improve liver function you can cleanse the liver with an apple cider vinegar detox. This is in addition to taking the daily apple cider tonic. The night before you begin your detox day, have a light, easy-to-digest dinner of steamed vegetables and fish. The following morning you only ingest liquids such as vegetable juices, broths, apple juice, green tea, and other healthy liquids. Up the daily tonic to morning and evening, or if you already take it that way, double the dosage. The week following your detox day, eat only fresh foods with no preservatives added.

LONGEVITY - Visible signs of aging are just as likely to be caused by a poor metabolism and acidic body pH as it is from chronological age. Studies in aging are beginning to link an acidic body pH to cell degeneration and the bodies’ poor response to free radicals. Taking a daily tonic can help restore your pH to healthier levels and improve your metabolism.


MEMORY - Apple cider vinegar is known to help the body metabolize iron and provides trace amounts of amino acids. Iron helps carry oxygen to the cells and amino acids are essential in the synthesis of brain chemicals. Both of these factors are known to aid memory function. The feeling among experts is that people who take a regular dose of apple cider vinegar tonic have consistently good mental powers even as they age.

MENSTRUAL PROBLEMS - The regular daily tonic of apple cider vinegar can help lessen the flow of a heavy period. It can in some cases make your period late, so it is advised to stop taking it up to three or four days prior to when it is expected.

MORNING SICKNESS - Like indigestion is at times a problem of too little stomach acid, morning sickness is sometimes the result of too little stomach acid. This is caused by there being no stimulus to produce digestive acids after a night of inactivity. Sipping a glass of apple cider vinegar tonic in the morning can help bring about a comfortable balance of stomach acids.

MUSCLE SORENESS AND STIFF JOINTS - You can apply apple cider vinegar directly to stiff muscles and sore joints to alleviate pain. It is also effective when added to your bath if you soak in it for thirty minutes. You can also soak compresses with it. Taking the daily tonic will also help with any electrolyte imbalance that may be contributing to the discomfort.



NAUSEA - See Morning Sickness

NETTLES - See Poison Ivy

NERVOUS TIC - Regular doses of apple cider vinegar can help provide the minerals that regulate our nervous systems.

NEURALGIA - Regular doses of apple cider vinegar can help balance the body’s pH and therefore help the immune system’s response to this condition.

NIGHT SWEATS - For night sweats that are a result of a waning cold or the flu, try having an apple cider sponge bath before going to bed. This can also be helpful to menopausal women whose night sweats are caused by the normal rebalancing of hormones at this time of their lives. Drinking the usual glass of apple cider vinegar tonic in the morning can help to regulate the toxins that are being eliminated from your body.

NOSEBLEEDS - See Bleeding.

POISON IVY AND POISON OAK (see also nettles) - As with most other rashes, itches, and insect bites, apple cider vinegar is known to be an effective treatment. It can be used in a half water, half apple cider vinegar mixture which you dab on directly with a soaked cotton ball. Another remedy is to mix it half and half with freshly brewed and cooled rooibos/red bush tea, which in itself is an effective rash remedy. This mixture is also applied directly with a soaked cotton ball. Patricia Bragg recommended keeping a spray bottle of apple cider vinegar mix in the refrigerator as the cool temperature of the spray will add extra relief.

PYELITIS (inflammation of the kidneys) - A kidney infection is a serious medical condition and should be treated by a physician. The apple cider vinegar tonic is good to take as a preventative for kidney problems and also as a supplement to what your physician prescribes for you. Dr. Jarvis claimed to have good results treating pyelitis using the daily apple cider vinegar tonic.

RASHES- See Hives, Poison Ivy, and Diaper Rashes.


SHINGLES - Shingles is a painful condition that affects the nerves of the skin. Dr. Jarvis advised applying full-strength apple cider vinegar directly onto the affected areas six to eight times over a twenty-four hour period, even through the night. This treatment will probably cause a little itching and burning, which will pass quickly while promoting healing.

SINUSITIS - See Colds and Flu

SORE THROAT (also laryngitis) - Apple cider vinegar remedies for sore throats range from mixing the usual one tablespoon with a glass of water to using equal parts water to vinegar. In both cases the mixture is to be gargled and not swallowed. This is to prevent you from swallowing the germs that are causing the infection. Use these gargles or rinses hourly until symptoms subside. This is good for treating and preventing sore throats, if you know that you are going to be putting a lot of stress on your throat. It can also reduce the flow of mucus and minimize swelling.


SWIMMER’S EAR - You can combine the drying effect of alcohol with the disinfectant qualities of apple cider vinegar. Using three to four drops in each ear after swimming or showering will reduce the itching and pain of swimmers ear.

THRUSH - See Fungus

TINNITUS - Tinnitus is a condition that results in a constant ringing in the ears; the cause of the condition is not fully understood. A daily dose of the apple cider vinegar tonic is thought to help by improving circulation and the mineral balance in our bodies.

TOOTH DECAY (see also gums and bleeding) - Rinsing daily with a glass of apple cider vinegar tonic can help maintain good oral hygiene and fight the bacteria that lead to tooth decay and gum disease.

ULCERS - Preliminary studies have indicated that ingesting a weak concentration of apple cider vinegar can help stimulate the digestive system to combat ulcers.

URINARY PROBLEMS (see also bladder) - Drinking the apple cider vinegar tonic before every meal can help regulate urine production and protect the kidneys from infection.

VARICOSE VEINS - Many apple cider vinegar experts espouse the use of compresses soaked in apple cider vinegar to treat varicose veins. You wrap the legs twice a day and keep them elevated for half an hour. This is in conjunction with the tonic with every meal.

WARTS - Make a mixture of one part salt to four parts apple cider and apply it several times a day to the warts until they disappear.

YEAST INFECTIONS - Use a douche of 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar to 1 quart warm water, twice daily until the symptoms have stopped. Adding a cup of apple cider vinegar to your bath will provide external relief.
