Play the Part: Master Body Signals to Connect and Communicate for Business Success - Gina Barnett (2015)
APPENDIX C. Selected Reading: Books on the Voice
Berry, Cicely, Voice and the Actor, New York: Wiley, 1973.
Boston, Jane, and Rena Cook, Breath in Action: The Art of Breath in Vocal and Holistic Practice, London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2009.
DeVore, Kate, and Starr Cookman, The Voice Book: Caring for, Protecting, and Improving Your Voice, Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2009.
Lessac, Arthur, The Use and Training of the Human Voice: A Bio-Dynamic Approach to Vocal Life, 3rd ed., Mayfield Publishing Company, 1997.
Linklater, Kristin, Freeing the Natural Voice, Drama Book Publishers, 1976.
McClosky, David Blair, Your Voice at Its Best: Enhancement of the Healthy Voice, Help for the Troubled Voice, Waveland Press, 2011.