Philidor’s Defense- How to Play the e-pawn Openings - The Complete Chess Course From Beginning To Winning Chess! (2016)

The Complete Chess Course From Beginning To Winning Chess! (2016)

Book Seven

How to Play the e-pawn Openings

Philidor’s Defense

Black’s passive second move immediately puts him on the defensive with a cramped and passive game. White has the initiative and much more freedom no batter how Black proceeds.

(a) 3…exd4 Variation

Philidor’s Defense

White - Black

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d6

The characteristic move of this defense. Note that it hems in Black’s dark-square bishop.

3.d4 exd4

Black surrenders the center, giving White the opportunity to develop his queen aggressively.

4.Qxd4! Nc6 5.Bb5! Bd7 6.Bxc6 Bxc6 7.Nc3 Nf6 8.Bg5 Be7 9.0-0-0 (D)


Position after 9.0-0-0

White has a splendid initiative with a marked lead in development and plenty of room for his pieces.

(b) Hanham Variation

Philidor’s Defense

White - Black

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 Nd7 4.Bc4!

By playing 3…Nd7 Black has announced his policy of not giving up the center as in the previous variation. However, his position is badly constricted. (D)


Position after 4.Bc4!

Black is in trouble. If now 4…Be7? 5.dxe5! Nxe5 6.Nxe5 dxe5 7.Qh5 - or 5…dxe5 6.Qd5. In either case White wins material.

4…c6 5.Nc3 Be7 6.0-0 Ngf6 7.a4!

Prevents Black from making some room for his pieces on the queenside with …b5 etc.

White has distinctly the better game because his pieces have far more mobility. A likely continuation is 7…Qc7 8.Qe2 0-0 9.Ba2 followed by Be3 and White maintains a noticeably freer position.